Thursday, February 28, 2019

Talk to Me Thursday! Do YOU Ever Feel Weird?

Joseph Brann

      In today's “Talk to Me Thursday!” post, I’m wondering, do YOU ever feel weird? I don’t just mean weird as in different from everyone else, but do you have days that everything just seems REALLY weird? Well, today’s one of those days I feel everything seems weird and a little different than they usually are. Lately my brain’s been doing what I consider to be all kinds of crazy things. I know I’ve talked about some of the “weird” things I’ve been dealing with lately but still things seem to keep getting weirder and weirder. At times I wonder if I’m even equipped to handle the changes that are occurring, and I’m not sure how many of these things are actually just in my head and are a product of my perception of what’s going on. But I hope YOU never feel weird in any way and ALWAYS know I care for and will do what I can to help YOU, even when I’m feeling weird like I am now! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Overcoming Disappointment!

Joseph Brann

      Overcoming disappointment can be a real struggle for in life. Have YOU dealt with a lot of disappointment in your life? I know I have. It’s crazy because so many times things seem like they’re about to finally work out but then right before they do, they don’t. At times, all of the disappointment I’ve faced has left me wanting to give up, wondering why I keep going, and questioning if it’s even worth it? If we, and that most definitely means YOU, allow the disappointment, or fear of future disappointments to stop us from pursuing what we want, then we’ve been overcome by disappointment and/or the fear of such.             
             But if we, and that most definitely means YOU, will keep pushing forward and work to stay positive no matter what, then we’ll overcome disappointment and/or the fear of such. So, in order to overcome disappointment, don’t let it stop you, don’t let it make you quit, and NEVER stop working to accomplish your goals and even if disappointments occur along the way, in the big picture, YOU will overcome all of your disappointments!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Life Changes!

Joseph Brann

             One thing I figure most people can agree on is that life changes! Some changes are negative and some are positive. No matter how life changes though, YOU always have the choice as to how you’ll view the changes in your life. It’s possible, NOTHING’s impossible, but it’s definitely possible to find the good and positive in every situation. Yesterday I went to a new pain doctor and I think it went VERY well. He’s addressing the issues I have, most specifically the pain issues I have, and we’re making changes in the medication I take for my pain. As of yet things are looking very good and I'm feeling much better. 
              Pertaining to most changes in my life, things usually change in negative ways, pains increase, plans get cancelled, and things haven’t come together as I desire them to…YET! I feel like things are progressing and my life is finally changing in the ways I want it to. Whatever happens in life, YOU have a choice as to how you’ll view it and how you’ll allow it to impact you. No matter what, I sincerely hope you’ll choose to view any changes in the most positive way you can, will YOU? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Monday, February 25, 2019

The World Says Give Up!

Joseph Brann

      “The world” says you should give up! “The world” says you CAN’T do it! “The world” says you’re not good enough! “The world” doesn’t believe in you! In all of these instances, “the world” IS WRONG! When “the world” says any of these things to you, you can listen to it, believe it’s lies, and not accomplish all that I know you can, or you, THE REAL YOU, can ignore it and prove it wrong by continuing to push forward and work to accomplish your goals! I’ve said it before but I truly believe if you believe in yourself, work hard, and NEVER give up, even if your time to leave the earth comes before you’re able to accomplish all that you desire, YOU are still a success! 

      “The world” and a lot of people in it will try to fill your mind with all kinds of negativity, doubt, lies, other stupidity, and’ll work to prove you’re not worth what I know you are. “The world” CAN ONLY succeed at it’s horrible desire if YOU allow it to. Don’t allow “the world” to defeat you, keep working to accomplish all that you desire, NEVER give up, and one day YOU and I will stand victoriously together knowing, in all the ways “the world” tried to defeat us, it failed and we succeeded!!! I know YOU can be victorious, will you? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Sunday, February 24, 2019

A Little JOEtivation for YOU!

Joseph Brann

      When I’m having trouble thinking, like right now, I like to make my blog one of my JOEtivational quotes from my memoir and that’s exactly what I’m doing today. Todays quote is quote number 38. It reads, “It can be hard to keep believing in yourself when it seems all you know is failure and the like, BUT keep pushing forward, don't doubt yourself, and know each new day brings a new chance to accomplish your goals and YOU are INCREDIBLE!!!” I know my quotes can help YOU if you think about them and apply them to your life. How can YOU apply this quote to your life and how can you use it to be positive, love your life, and truly be happy? To read my memoir and all of my quotes, you can get it off with this link, I hope my memoir and all of my blog posts help YOU! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Saturday, February 23, 2019

YOU Are Amazing!!!

Joseph Brann

      YOU are amazing!!! Whether or not you believe me, YOU are! YOU’re different from EVERYONE else in a spectacular way. There may be things you’d like to improve about yourself, there’re things I’d like to improve about myself, like getting rid of the extra fat I don’t like, ha, but even though there’s pretty much always room for improvement, YOU are still amazing! I know for myself what it’s like to not feel I’m amazing. I know what it’s like to hate who I am, or better said who I WAS, and I know what it’s like to feel you’ve got NO value and can’t get anything done right. 
               But when we think like this, we, and especially YOU, have to “snap out of it!” We need to push ourselves to know how spectacular we really are! You may feel you’ve been robbed by life and that life’s not fair. Truth is, life’s NOT fair! But no matter what your life throws at you, no matter how many times life knocks you down, and no matter how many times you want to quit, you’ve got to realize and NEVER forget, YOU are amazing and should NEVER give up! So please, live a life you love and NEVER forget YOU are amazing!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Friday, February 22, 2019

What Can YOU Do?

Joseph Brann
      What can YOU do to make your life better? What can YOU do to succeed in the ways YOU desire? What can YOU do to keep pushing through, LOVE your life, and be happy??? To make your life better, to succeed in the ways YOU desire, to keep pushing through, LOVE your life, and be happy, you first have to make the decision YOU want these things. It might seem like the same story on a different day because I’m always telling YOU how if you want to be happy and so forth YOU need to first make the decision to be such, and it's true! Once this decision has been made, just remember and constantly remind yourself if necessary that happy, loving your life, and successful is what you want to be! For me, life seems to keep getting more and more difficult and overwhelming and I’ve NO IDEA how long it’ll be until I’ll have all the things I’m working for in my life. But I’ve made the decision to make my life better, succeed in the ways I desire, keep pushing through, LOVE my life, and be happy, and guess what? 
               Each and everyday I remind myself these are my goals and I’ve just got to keep going and stay positive and I do, though maybe not perfectly, I still do the best I can and work as hard as I can! I’m extremely positive I’ll get where I’m working to get to, but it takes SO MUCH time to get there. Life has kind of forced me to be patient, and even though I’d rather not be, I know it’s what I need to be and allowing myself to be such makes loving my life A WHOLE LOT easier. I've said this before but I blog because I want to help YOU to be happy and love your life but absolutely NOTHING I write is going to matter unless YOU make the decision to allow it to matter to YOU and help get you where you want to go. So, first make the decisions about what you want out of life, work as hard as YOU can to bring the things you want about, and allow things to come together in their own due time. YOU can have anything and everything YOU want out of life, but YOU’ve got to decide what you want and then go after it, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Talk to Me Thursday! Not Checking Messages and is This Joe or Joe Brann?

Joseph Brann
      For today’s Thursday post, I’ll be covering two subjects I find interesting. Thinking of the first actually sparked my memory of my experience with the second. First, I have friends and family who don’t listen to their voicemails and I REALLY don’t get it. Why would anyone even give the option to leave a voicemail if they’re not going to listen to it? It makes it more difficult when I first get someone’s phone number because I need to remember to ask them if they listen to their voicemail and if not, do they check their texts and if so and they don’t answer, should I send them a text? I’ve had a lot of people not call me back or respond to my texts and if I don’t know if they check their messages, I can’t be sure they even got the notification they missed a call from me or had a text.
      It doesn’t REALLY matter I suppose, if they want to be in contact with me, they will, but I think it’d be A LOT easier if everyone listened to voicemails and responded to texts. Of course there’s the chance they don’t want to interact with me, which's fine, but I believe they should’ve never given me their number in the first place but, oh well. It took me a while to figure out if someone doesn’t respond or initiate with me, I should just let them go, and now I do, with a few exceptions. Now subject number two, it’s kind of an interestingly funny situation I’ve had. After my accident, a lot of people knew who Joe Brann was, actually a lot of people already knew who I was because of the the ability I’d been blessed with on the football field as a quarterback. Then, after my wreck, a lot more people knew who I was because of my “coming back from the dead” and my story.
      When I’d introduce myself to someone, I’d usually introduce myself as Joe Brann and they often recognized me. If I made a call, when I was asked who was calling, I’d usually respond Joe Brann. One time soon after my wreck, I called a girl who was a grade below me after 9pm and her dad answered. After I asked if his daughter was available, he asked who was calling and for some reason I just said I was Joe. He then rather rudely told me he didn’t let his daughter talk on the phone after 9pm and hung up on me. Later his daughter told me she told him it was Joe Brann calling and he felt really bad because he knew who I was and what I’d been through with my wreck. I know I’m "no big deal" but it’s just funny to me how Joe was treated MUCH differently than Joe Brann would’ve been, ha! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Positive Happiness is NEVER a Scam!!!

Joseph Brann
      I’ve blogged before about someone on social media trying to scam me, but lately I’ve gotten more people trying to get me to partake in a scam. I’m not sure how these scammers haven’t figured out that all I have to do is look into the “business” or whatever they’re trying to get me to believe I’ve won online to figure out it’s a scam? Yesterday, via social media, I got messages from one of these ridiculous scammers and I played along until I got bored. Then I told them I knew whatever it was they were trying to get me involved in was a scam. They responded and were adamant it wasn’t a scam, I was told, "they are for real and it legit" Apparently my new found "friend" was just looking out for me? Aaahh, that's SO KIND and what a great friend I'd obviously just made! Ha!!! This scammer took longer to respond to my messages than others in the past have taken. I then told them something like it was rather apparent scammers weren’t getting proper scamming lessons in scam school because of their delayed responses to my response emails. 
               I said I was about to block them but also that they should “…stop trying to scam people & do some good in this world?” That’s an actual quote I copied and pasted from our conversation. They said, "ok" and then I blocked them! I'm not brain damaged enough to believe they actually meant their "ok" but it's be fantastic if they did. I think it’s REALLY too bad that there are so many scammers in this world, actually I think it’s horrible that there’s even one scammer in this world. Scamming anyone is bad and extremely negative. I feel part of the problem is that these scammers, and anyone doing bad stuff like this in the world, is not positively happy, they’ve not made the decision to be such! One thing I know FOR SURE is that positive happiness is NEVER a scam!!! If YOU’ve decided to be positively happy, you’ll scam no one, love EVERYONE, and be beyond happy FOREVER!!! So, what’s your decision??? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

What Are YOU Worth?

Joseph Brann
      Today’s blog will be short but I’m asking, what are YOU worth? Do you believe you know the answer to this question? Well, your answer is correct IF it is, “I’m worth infinity times my weight in the finest gold ever produced, if the impossible was possible, it would be impossible to calculate my worth because I’m worth SO much!” I can tell you all day long how you're worth SO much and how valuable and amazing YOU are and were created to be, but if YOU don’t believe it, it doesn’t matter, so believe it! Now, even though you’re worth so incredibly much, you have to know you’re no better than anyone else, so treat everyone with kindness because we are ALL worth so very, very much! Believe it because IT’S TRUE and YOU are SO valuable!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Monday, February 18, 2019

...But I Keep Going!

Joseph Brann
      Sometimes I want to quit...but I keep going! Sometimes I KNOW I can go NO further...but I keep going! Sometimes the pains, disappointments, rejections, and frustrations are TOO MUCH for me to deal with...but I keep going! EVERY second of everyday and night I’m suffering things I NEVER thought I’d EVER have to suffer through, suffering through challenges I didn’t even know existed and I honestly DON’T want to deal with...but I keep going! A race WILL NOT be won unless it’s finished, but sometimes I don’t want to win the race I’m running...but I keep going! I don’t know how things will end up and some possible outcomes are TERRIFYING to me…BUT I KEEP GOING!!! What about YOU? Obviously you’ve made it to today because with EVERYTHING YOU face and deal with, you keep going! 
      In the last week some REALLY awful stuff has happened, personal stuff I'm not going to discuss in this blog and things keep getting harder and harder to deal with...but I keep going! I don’t know how or even if I’m going to make it through the new challenges...but I keep going! Life seems like it's TOO MUCH for me to overcome...but I keep going! What about YOU? I figure YOU face a lot of things you’d rather not. I’m sure life isn’t always perfectly magical for you. I figure you don’t ALWAYS want to keep going, but I know YOU can! So PLEASE, no matter what you’re facing and how difficult things are, KEEP GOING! Then, even though we might not know how we did it and NO MATTER how difficult things got, we can stand triumphantly together and say, “The challenges have been and are difficult, the rewards aren’t always apparent, and the tasks EXTREMELY daunting…BUT I KEEP GOING!” Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Don't Know What's Going on With Me but Here's JOEtivational Quote #48...

Joseph Brann
      I’ve decided to stop posting how to follow my blog at the end of each blog because I know that can be annoying and I don’t want YOU to be annoyed. I’ll probably be looking soon to find a different blogging platform, not blogspot, but I’ll keep YOU posted. The downside to that is my followers would have to follow my new blog but I’ll have to figure that out. Now to today’s blog, once again I’m not feeling well. I don’t know what’s going on with my brain and body lately but I feel REALLY strange. So, since I’m not doing too well with my thinking and all, AGAIN, sorry, I’m just going to make today’s blog JOEtivational quote number 48 from my memoir. It reads, “Just because another's obstacles may seem incomprehensible to you doesn't make your challenges any less relevant, YOU and the diversity you face matter and you can overcome anything if YOU decide to! Stay JOEtivated!!! Much love!” I believe all of my JOEtivational quotes are true and I REALLY hope this one helps YOU today!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Saturday, February 16, 2019

I Hope YOU're Doing Wonderfully!!!

Joseph Brann
      Today I’m just writing a real quick post to say, I hope YOU're doing wonderfully!!! I hope your weekend has been peaceful and awesome so far and will only get better! If you read my blogs, you probably know by now that if YOU want to be doing wonderfully, you can by making the choice to do so! Think about it, EVERYTHING that’s been done by any person throughout history, has been a result of the decisions they’ve made. So if YOU want to be doing wonderfully, and I hope you do, make the decision that that’s what you’re going to do, and then, YOU’ll be doing wonderfully! YOU’re AWESOME and I hope you know it!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

WANT TO FOLLOW MY BLOG? Here’s how to do so…
        if using a computer or Tablet, once you’re on my blog homepage where my list of blog posts is, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two places to click “Follow.” Click the “Follow” on the top of your screen. You’ll need to enter your email address. Once you’ve done so, you’ll be following my blog. If you’re using a handheld device, once at my blog homepage, click on one of my blog post titles and go to it. 

        Then, after scrolling to the bottom of that post, it says “Home” and below that it says “View web version” and you need to CLICK VIEW WEB VERSION. After going to the web version, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two “boxes.” The first and top “box” says “Followers” and has the list of the followers of my blog. At the bottom of those followers still in that same “box” there’s the word “Follow.” If you click that “Follow” you can follow my blog but you’ll need to enter an email address.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Another Day to Progress!

Joseph Brann
      Today’s another day to progress! It’s another chance for YOU to make the choices that’ll help YOU get closer to where you’re trying to go. Of course you don’t have to work on progressing, but if I know YOU, you’re the type of person who wants to improve each and every chance you get. That’s probably a big part of why you read my blog, or at least I hope it is. But each day we live is an opportunity for us to make the choices that’ll give us better chances at finding what we want in life. To me, that kind of sounds like a catch phrase I’ve heard before, hmmm…I think it goes, “Better Choices, Better Chances!” MAN where have I heard that before??? 
      Oh yeah, it’s the catch phrase to my speech! But think about it, it’s absolutely true! If YOU try and make better choices each day, you’ve got much better chances of accomplishing what YOU want to. Me personally, I try to use each day to move forward with what I’m trying to accomplish. Somedays I’m not very successful at making the best choices. YOU probably already know this if you’ve read my blog when I was having tough days and not feeling JOEtivated. But sometimes we need to allow ourselves the ability to feel what we feel, but we ALWAYS need to work on feeling and staying positive. That’s why when I’m not doing so great and not being happy, I still know I’ll come back to happy. So, yes, today’s another day to progress if YOU make the choice to work to progress, will YOU?!?!?! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

WANT TO FOLLOW MY BLOG? Here’s how to do so…
        if using a computer or Tablet, once you’re on my blog homepage where my list of blog posts is, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two places to click “Follow.” Click the “Follow” on the top of your screen. You’ll need to enter your email address. Once you’ve done so, you’ll be following my blog. If you’re using a handheld device, once at my blog homepage, click on one of my blog post titles and go to it. 

        Then, after scrolling to the bottom of that post, it says “Home” and below that it says “View web version” and you need to CLICK VIEW WEB VERSION. After going to the web version, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two “boxes.” The first and top “box” says “Followers” and has the list of the followers of my blog. At the bottom of those followers still in that same “box” there’s the word “Follow.” If you click that “Follow” you can follow my blog but you’ll need to enter an email address.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Talk to Me Thursday! Happy Valentines Day, is it Them & Not Me?

Joseph Brann
      In today’s Thursday post I’m wishing YOU a very Happy Valentines Day, and I’m also wondering, is it really them and not me? Things've never worked out with any woman I’ve been interested in and I’ve never had a girlfriend for longer than three months, yet. I believe I’ve said this before via my blog but I’ve not had a girlfriend since the year 2002 and above everything I face from my brain injuries. pains, and stroke, the loneliness and not having the relationship I want SO BADLY with the most beautiful woman I’ll EVER meet, has been the hardest thing for me to deal with. I know I come with A LOT of baggage but I don’t believe anyone would work harder to love their companion and to keep their companion happy, than I would. I’ve had friends tell me that the reason the relationships I’ve had or wanted to have haven't worked out is because the women weren’t good enough for me.
      I’ve been told that the problem REALLY isn’t me, it’s the women who reject me not being good or smart enough to really even give me a chance. I’ve also been told my standards are too high and, “The brain damaged guy doesn’t get the hot girl.” I don’t think my standards are too high and the truth is I’m not shallow, I just need to be at least somewhat physically attracted to a woman if I’m going to be in a relationship with her. I feel if I did enter into a relationship with a woman I wasn’t at least somewhat attracted to, that relationship would be doomed from the start and that wouldn’t be fare to the woman or myself. But after SO MUCH rejection and NO WOMAN I’m attracted to wanting a romantic relationship with me, it’s made me think maybe I’m not good enough for any woman I’m attracted to.
      Maybe “the brain damaged guy” doesn’t get the hot girl??? Either way, it doesn’t matter because I’m NOT “the brain damaged guy!” Brain damage is a part of who I am but it IS NOT who I am! I know I’m good enough to get what I want and feel I need. I know I can find the most beautiful woman to me, inside and out, I’ll ever meet and live happily ever after! NO ONE but ME will decide what I can or can’t have. So, if someone wants to doubt me, that’s fine, that just adds to my drive to accomplish what I want. Maybe it REALLY is them and not me, or maybe it is me not being the man any woman I’ve been attracted to yet wants. Either way, it still doesn’t matter! When the time’s right, I’ll meet her, love her more than I know how to express, and will get my happily ever after, will YOU? Happy Valentines Day! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

WANT TO FOLLOW MY BLOG? Here’s how to do so…
        if using a computer or Tablet, once you’re on my blog homepage where my list of blog posts is, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two places to click “Follow.” Click the “Follow” on the top of your screen. You’ll need to enter your email address. Once you’ve done so, you’ll be following my blog. If you’re using a handheld device, once at my blog homepage, click on one of my blog post titles and go to it. 

        Then, after scrolling to the bottom of that post, it says “Home” and below that it says “View web version” and you need to CLICK VIEW WEB VERSION. After going to the web version, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two “boxes.” The first and top “box” says “Followers” and has the list of the followers of my blog. At the bottom of those followers still in that same “box” there’s the word “Follow.” If you click that “Follow” you can follow my blog but you’ll need to enter an email address.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

My Strength Conceals My Weakness!

Joseph Brann
      I’ve been told I’m so strong and some people are in awe of me and what I go through. Even though I really appreciate these very kind words, the truth is, I don’t feel so strong and, actually, I feel SO weak! YOU see, as I’ve said before, I’m BEYOND exhausted but, even though I choose to love my life, it still scares me, but not like it used to where I didn’t want to wake up and didn’t want to live it anymore. Though I choose to love it and see the hell I feel I’m living in as heavenly, even when mentally in heaven while in hell, you’re still in hell! Deep thought right? Ha! I wonder if people would still think I’m so strong and tough if they knew how many tears I’ve cried over the life I’ve lost and now have to live. if they knew the number of times I’ve wanted to give up, planned to give up, and begun trying to give up, would they still think I’m so strong? I’m not trying to hide behind a mask of strength or trying to get anyone to believe I’m something I’m not. 
               If I was trying to "fool people," I wouldn’t be telling YOU now how weak I feel I really am. I don’t really want the strength I have, but I have it so I’ll use it. In my opinion, being strong is NOT never being afraid, never feeling the pain, and never wanting to quit. Being strong is continuing to push forward in spite of feeling any or all of these things and not feeling sorry for yourself. I guess, by my own definition of what being strong is, I’d have to consider myself as strong. Even though I’ve just admitted I have to conclude I’m strong, I REALLY don’t want this much strength. Someone asked me once if I didn’t really notice the physical pain I’m in anymore because I feel it ALL the time so I'm used to it and my answer was no, I absolutely notice it, it hurts, ha! 
                I’ve had at least one woman I was interested in dating who didn’t want to date me and who I’d told I didn’t want to be lonely anymore say something like, “Well, you’ve dealt with the loneliness this long so you can deal with it longer." That’s kind of like going to the doctor to get a knife that’s been stuck in your back removed and having the doctor say, “Well, this knife hasn’t killed you yet so let’s just leave it there and not treat the pain you’re in.” The pains are real! I feel SO lonely and weak! I don’t want to be as strong as I am, but I am. So I’ll continue to live as my strength conceals my weakness! That’s how I’ll succeed, what about YOU? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

WANT TO FOLLOW MY BLOG? Here’s how to do so…
        if using a computer or Tablet, once you’re on my blog homepage where my list of blog posts is, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two places to click “Follow.” Click the “Follow” on the top of your screen. You’ll need to enter your email address. Once you’ve done so, you’ll be following my blog. If you’re using a handheld device, once at my blog homepage, click on one of my blog post titles and go to it. 

        Then, after scrolling to the bottom of that post, it says “Home” and below that it says “View web version” and you need to CLICK VIEW WEB VERSION. After going to the web version, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two “boxes.” The first and top “box” says “Followers” and has the list of the followers of my blog. At the bottom of those followers still in that same “box” there’s the word “Follow.” If you click that “Follow” you can follow my blog but you’ll need to enter an email address.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Today's Been Very Difficult, but...

Joseph Brann
      Today’s already been kind of a very difficult pain, but I’m choosing to keep pushing forward and to stay positive. I’ve been sick, like I was not very long ago, and there’re some other things going on that are REALLY difficult for me to deal with right now. I, honestly, don’t feel like facing all the stuff, especially the additional stuff, but I’ll keep facing it and not let it defeat me! For over 20 years EVERYDAY has been a battle for me! Even when I’m JOEtivated as much as I feel I can be and really loving life, the battles I’m facing NEVER stop and there are so many other things going on in life that it seems unbearable to me. Yet, I’m still here and working to be positive and hopefully help YOU! I’m certain others are facing more difficult things, I just wish I knew how to help them.
      I still feel as though I’m happy right now, but the fight to be such has gotten harder in the last few days. The details about the increased difficulty are personal and aren’t too important to today’s post. What is important is that I’m NOT giving up and am still fighting to be positive and happy! YOU ALWAYS have that same choice you can make whatever you’re facing! DON’T GIVE UP, believe in yourself, and ALWAYS know there is better and YOU can have it! Choose to love life, I still love life though right now it’s beyond difficult for me, but I’m choosing not to give up and trying to help YOU see no matter what we face, we can face it and overcome it. KEEP GOING, I love YOU and YOU are AWESOME!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

WANT TO FOLLOW MY BLOG? Here’s how to do so…
        if using a computer or Tablet, once you’re on my blog homepage where my list of blog posts is, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two places to click “Follow.” Click the “Follow” on the top of your screen. You’ll need to enter your email address. Once you’ve done so, you’ll be following my blog. If you’re using a handheld device, once at my blog homepage, click on one of my blog post titles and go to it. 

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Monday, February 11, 2019

Life's a Battle YOU Can Win!

Joseph Brann
      Life's a battle YOU can win! Constantly, we all fight different battles in life, but we can all win those battles! It’s rarely easy, but as long as YOU keep facing your challenges with the right attitude and the will to NEVER give up, YOU will win the battle this life can be. Each and everyday we wake up is another day for us to push through anything and everything we face and to succeed. Your success today might not be the great success you desire for yourself, but you’ll only get to that great success by facing today’s battle and being victorious. We have to do this each and everyday and, honestly, it’s exhausting! But just because you may be exhausted doesn’t mean you’ve lost, actually, it more than likely means YOU’re winning or have won your battle! So, whatever YOU’re facing, KEEP GOING, STAY POSITIVE, and YOU will succeed but NEVER forget, life’s a battle YOU can win!!! Now, go win your battle!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

WANT TO FOLLOW MY BLOG? Here’s how to do so…
        if using a computer or Tablet, once you’re on my blog homepage where my list of blog posts is, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two places to click “Follow.” Click the “Follow” on the top of your screen. You’ll need to enter your email address. Once you’ve done so, you’ll be following my blog. If you’re using a handheld device, once at my blog homepage, click on one of my blog post titles and go to it. 

        Then, after scrolling to the bottom of that post, it says “Home” and below that it says “View web version” and you need to CLICK VIEW WEB VERSION. After going to the web version, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two “boxes.” The first and top “box” says “Followers” and has the list of the followers of my blog. At the bottom of those followers still in that same “box” there’s the word “Follow.” If you click that “Follow” you can follow my blog but you’ll need to enter an email address.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Is Your Life Too Difficult?

Joseph Brann
      Is your life too difficult? Do YOU sometimes feel like you’re not strong enough to face what you have to? If so, I can relate! I don’t believe life’s completely easy for anyone really and I figure, at some point, everyone’s probably felt like they’re not strong enough to live the life they’re living. I’ve often felt I wasn’t strong enough to live my life, and there’ve been A LOT of times I didn’t want to be strong enough to live it. I know what it’s like to spend a VERY long time not wanting to wake up to see another tomorrow, but I also know what it’s like to overcome not wanting to live my life and to even decide to love my life and find REAL and lasting happiness. It’s VERY empowering and feels INCREDIBLE!!! I hope YOU’ve never not wanted to see another day but figure there are A LOT of people who’ve experienced not wanting to have to live their life at least once.          
      But I’m here to tell YOU that, whether you want to be or not, YOU are strong enough to live the life you’re living and can even love your life NO MATTER WHAT! The first step to living a life YOU love is deciding you want to love it. Once making this decision, all you have to do is stay positive and LOVE YOUR LIFE! There will still, more than likely, be times you don’t love your life and want things to be different and better. If/when you want things to be different and better, what are YOU going to do to make the necessary changes? Whatever it is you need to change to make things different and better, I’m telling you, YOU CAN DO IT! It’s got to start with a desire though. Even if your life is difficult, and even if you feel it’s too difficult for you, it will be SO MUCH better and easier if YOU decide you want it to be better. Your life IS NOT too difficult for YOU and you can live it and even love it! So, instead of believing your life’s too difficult for you, why don’t you realize YOU are strong enough to live your life and even strong enough to LOVE your life and be happy, will YOU? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

WANT TO FOLLOW MY BLOG? Here’s how to do so…
        if using a computer or Tablet, once you’re on my blog homepage where my list of blog posts is, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two places to click “Follow.” Click the “Follow” on the top of your screen. You’ll need to enter your email address. Once you’ve done so, you’ll be following my blog. If you’re using a handheld device, once at my blog homepage, click on one of my blog post titles and go to it. 

        Then, after scrolling to the bottom of that post, it says “Home” and below that it says “View web version” and you need to CLICK VIEW WEB VERSION. After going to the web version, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two “boxes.” The first and top “box” says “Followers” and has the list of the followers of my blog. At the bottom of those followers still in that same “box” there’s the word “Follow.” If you click that “Follow” you can follow my blog but you’ll need to enter an email address.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

You are YOU for a Reason!

Joseph Brann
      You are YOU for a reason! NOBODY else would be the AMAZINGLY spectacular you that YOU are! A LOT of people and things in life will tell you you’re not good enough, you can’t accomplish what you want, and you don’t matter. ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that tells you this, IS WRONG! Nobody else would be you the way YOU are because you’re the ONLY one that would pull it off like YOU do, and that’s a fantastic feat YOU accomplish everyday! But if you’re not being positive, if you’re not choosing to be happy, and if you’re not choosing to love your life and yourself, then you’re missing out on being the BEST YOU you can be! 
      Don’t listen to the garbage that says you’re not as amazing as I know you are because all that is, is garbage! Just work everyday to be happy with the person YOU are, to improve yourself while being pleased with who you already are, and ALWAYS know you can improve and do better everyday if YOU choose to!!! So, will YOU do as I’m suggesting, or will you sell yourself short and never realize how spectacular YOU are because nobody else would be the you YOU are, you are YOU for a reason!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

WANT TO FOLLOW MY BLOG? Here’s how to do so…
        if using a computer or Tablet, once you’re on my blog homepage where my list of blog posts is, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two places to click “Follow.” Click the “Follow” on the top of your screen. You’ll need to enter your email address. Once you’ve done so, you’ll be following my blog. If you’re using a handheld device, once at my blog homepage, click on one of my blog post titles and go to it. 
        Then, after scrolling to the bottom of that post, it says “Home” and below that it says “View web version” and you need to CLICK VIEW WEB VERSION. After going to the web version, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two “boxes.” The first and top “box” says “Followers” and has the list of the followers of my blog. At the bottom of those followers still in that same “box” there’s the word “Follow.” If you click that “Follow” you can follow my blog but you’ll need to enter an email address.

Friday, February 8, 2019

When a Two Year Old Puts Uncle Joe in a Timeout!

Joseph Brann
      I know I’m having a rough day when a two year old puts me, Uncle Joe, in a timeout! And that’s exactly what happened today! Luckily, after I folded my arms and pretended to be sad, she came over, hugged me, kissed me, and told me I was no longer in timeout! MAN, that timeout was brutal, ha! But today, my brother Jon came over to help move a safe, which proved to be more trouble than it was worth, and he brought his two year old daughter. I’m not even sure what I did wrong but when my niece said, “Joe, you’re in timeout!” I knew I was in trouble. Kids are great, especially when they can be sent home after they tire you out, ha! But I have a bunch of nephews and nieces and I love them all! I’m the only one of my brothers and sisters who’s never been married and doesn’t have any kids.
      Growing up, I always expected by this time in my life I would’ve already been married for a while and I probably figured I would’ve had kids. I’ve learned the extremely hard way that probably NO little girl has EVER said, “When I grow up, I want to marry a brain damaged man!” But that’s okay and I still believe the amazing woman I’m already so madly in love with it’s crazy, does exist, we’ll meet soon enough, and she'll love me too! If it sounds creepy I feel I'm in love with a woman I've NEVER met, it's okay because I have brain damage, SO STOP JUDGING ME!!! I'm just joking, I'd NEVER yell at YOU, ha!!! YOU, like me, have probably already learned that life rarely goes as planned. Still, I’m working to make the most of it, staying happy, and, like I often say, after not being happy, I ALWAYS coming back to happy! I refuse to let all the “opportunities” I face keep me from loving my life! Remember “opportunities” is just what obstacles REALLY are!
      I try to show YOU through my blogs, memoir, and the way I live my life, that by just making the decision to strive to have the right attitude and see our lives in the best possible light, we can all be happy and that especially means YOU! Will YOU PLEASE choose to be happy, love your life, and, even if a two year old puts you in a timeout, ha, remain positive and make your life spectacular? I’m trying to show YOU life can be as great as YOU make it, will YOU believe me and make your life spectacular? YOU can and I hope YOU will!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

WANT TO FOLLOW MY BLOG? Here’s how to do so…
        if using a computer or Tablet, once you’re on my blog homepage where my list of blog posts is, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two places to click “Follow.” Click the “Follow” on the top of your screen. You’ll need to enter your email address. Once you’ve done so, you’ll be following my blog. If you’re using a handheld device, once at my blog homepage, click on one of my blog post titles and go to it. 

        Then, after scrolling to the bottom of that post, it says “Home” and below that it says “View web version” and you need to CLICK VIEW WEB VERSION. After going to the web version, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two “boxes.” The first and top “box” says “Followers” and has the list of the followers of my blog. At the bottom of those followers still in that same “box” there’s the word “Follow.” If you click that “Follow” you can follow my blog but you’ll need to enter an email address.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Talk to Me Thursday! We're All the Same...but We're Not!

Joseph Brann
      For this “Talk to Me Thursday!” post, I’ll be talking about how we're all the same...but we're not! We’re all the same in that we’re human, have feelings, and live on the earth, but in SO MANY ways, we’re NOT the same, we’re all individually wonderfully and uniquely different. In my opinion, we don’t REALLY know how ANYONE else feels, hears, interprets, or even how they see things. For instance, when YOU look at the color blue, you see it as blue and your brain interprets it as what your brain recognizes as blue. But, someone else who’s colorblind will not see it like YOU do. I’m not colorblind but, since my brain was damaged, I have a lot of trouble distinguishing colors. I don’t know if ANYONE else sees the exact same colors in the exact same way I do. Now because of my prosopagnosia, even when I see a face I’ve seen 100 times before, my brain usually won’t recognize that face as the one I’ve seen multiple times before and I’ve NO IDEA how you see and/or interpret the exact same face I’m seeing. 
      When YOU feel pain, you recognize it as pain and know it hurts, but YOU, and I, don’t know how anyone else feels the same pain you’re feeling. If YOU’re the exact height as let’s say Kathy, and you hit your head on a wall while walking two miles per hour, and Kathy hits her head on the exact same wall walking the exact same speed, you both may feel the exact same pain on two TOTALLY different levels of pain. As an example of this, the right side of my body is a good bit numb from the stroke I had. Years ago I, VERY intelligently, ha, punched a steel safe and broke my right hand. It took a good while, I think about an hour, before I even recognized my hand was hurting and I went to the hospital and found out my hand was indeed broken. 
      Now, if I get poked with a needle to my left pointer finger, it feels like I’ve been poked with a needle and it hurts. However, if I get poked with a needle to my right pointer finger, which’s where I’ve the least amount of feeling in my body, the pain is, surprisingly, GREATLY intensified and hurts significantly more than the “normal” pain from being poked with a needle. Multiple times, people will see me go somewhere or do something and’ll tell me they know I saw something that was on the right side of my body, the side where I’m the most blind, that I absolutely DID NOT see. So we never REALLY know what others see, feel, hear, and so forth. This is why, we're all the same...but we're not! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

WANT TO FOLLOW MY BLOG? Here’s how to do so…
        if using a computer or Tablet, once you’re on my blog homepage where my list of blog posts is, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two places to click “Follow.” Click the “Follow” on the top of your screen. You’ll need to enter your email address. Once you’ve done so, you’ll be following my blog. If you’re using a handheld device, once at my blog homepage, click on one of my blog post titles and go to it. 
        Then, after scrolling to the bottom of that post, it says “Home” and below that it says “View web version” and you need to CLICK VIEW WEB VERSION. After going to the web version, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two “boxes.” The first and top “box” says “Followers” and has the list of the followers of my blog. At the bottom of those followers still in that same “box” there’s the word “Follow.” If you click that “Follow” you can follow my blog but you’ll need to enter an email address.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Medical issues Slowing Me Down but I'm Still Working!

Joseph Brann
      I’m still working on the things I want to accomplish. The other day I had a meeting with a life coach who lives nearby and he gave me some great advice and I’m working on getting the things done he suggested I do and has offered to help me with. However, I’m having significant issues with my medical situation, mostly the pain I’m in, which makes it harder for me to get a lot done, BUT I’m determined not to let that stop me! In a little less than three weeks I’ve got an appointment with a doctor who hopefully will be able to help me with the pain I’m in. 
                Even though I want to rush rush rush and get everything done as quick as possible, I think it’s important I don’t do a whole lot before I meet with this doctor. Of course I’m unsure what he’ll do and how he’ll be able to help me, but I’m staying positive and hoping I’m able to get the medical attention I need and be in less pain and better able to move forward with my business plans. Just know, I’m not giving up, I’m still working on things, and will keep YOU posted as things develop! Stay positive, choose to be happy, and NEVER give up! YOU'VE JUST BEEN JOEtivated!!! Ha!  I’ll talk to YOU again tomorrow!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

WANT TO FOLLOW MY BLOG? Here’s how to do so…

        if using a computer or Tablet, once you’re on my blog homepage where my list of blog posts is, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two places to click “Follow.” Click the “Follow” on the top of your screen. You’ll need to enter your email address. Once you’ve done so, you’ll be following my blog. If you’re using a handheld device, once at my blog homepage, click on one of my blog post titles and go to it. 

        Then, after scrolling to the bottom of that post, it says “Home” and below that it says “View web version” and you need to CLICK VIEW WEB VERSION. After going to the web version, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two “boxes.” The first and top “box” says “Followers” and has the list of the followers of my blog. At the bottom of those followers still in that same “box” there’s the word “Follow.” If you click that “Follow” you can follow my blog but you’ll need to enter an email address.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

PLEASE DON'T Pity or Feel Sorry for Me?!?!?!

Joseph Brann
       PLEASE DON’T pity or feel sorry for me!?! Yes, I’ve brain damaged limitations in many ways I suppose most don’t and some people pity and feel sorry for me, however, I DON’T want this! I appreciate the care and concern but’ve NO need or desire for pity! I’ve no ill feelings but some people’ve actually offered and committed to do things to help me I’d not asked for. They’ve said they knew someone in the speaking industry they’d like to get me in contact with, then ignored the call to them they’d asked me to make. Women’ve given me their phone numbers then ignored my call or text. Some’ve stood me up for dates. Even though I’d told them if they didn’t want to give me their number or go out it’s fine and that ignoring my call or standing me up was worse than straight up rejecting me and they said they agreed, they still ignored my call or stood me up.
        I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this before via blog, maybe I have, but regardless, in the year 2,000 just by happenstance I met someone working for MGM Studios. After they found out about my life, they offered that MGM Studios would give me somewhere in the ballpark of $750,000 to buy the rights to make a movie about my life and I’d get more depending on what they did with it. I was acting “braindead” and said I didn’t want to do it then, I was dealing with a lot, and they said it was no problem and to let them know if/when I wanted to do it later on. I called later and we talked and were supposed to meet up. Months ago a television show asked me if I’d do an interview with them and I did it. 
        Also months ago, I had someone ask me to speak to their company and told me they’d pay me. With all of these offers, no one followed through and/or they ignored me even though they had the ideas and made the offers. My guess is the phone numbers given and commitments offered and made had something to do with the offerer feeling sorry for me? If someone feels pity or sorry for me and makes empty offers and commitments, that’s MUCH WORSE than not offering help i didn’t ask for and/or just rejecting me straight up. I DON’T get it! I’ve NO understanding of why someone, ANYONE, would do these things. I don’t understand A LOT of people, but I love and care for them all and'll remain positive. So PLEASE, DON'T pity or feel sorry for me, I’m doing fantastic and loving my life, are YOU? I sure hope so!!! To learn more about these experiences and more, get my memoir off Amazon with this link, Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

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        if using a computer or Tablet, once you’re on my blog homepage where my list of blog posts is, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two places to click “Follow.” Click the “Follow” on the top of your screen. You’ll need to enter your email address. Once you’ve done so, you’ll be following my blog. If you’re using a handheld device, once at my blog homepage, click on one of my blog post titles and go to it. 
        Then, after scrolling to the bottom of that post, it says “Home” and below that it says “View web version” and you need to CLICK VIEW WEB VERSION. After going to the web version, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two “boxes.” The first and top “box” says “Followers” and has the list of the followers of my blog. At the bottom of those followers still in that same “box” there’s the word “Follow.” If you click that “Follow” you can follow my blog but you’ll need to enter an email address.