Monday, December 31, 2018

Last Day of 2018!

Joseph Brann
      Obviously, today's the last day of 2018. It’s hard to believe how fast time goes by, but I’m really looking forward to 2019. I don’t think I’ve ever made any New Years resolutions before, or if I have they didn’t last very long, but I am looking forward to 2019 bringing new experiences and the like in my life. Hopefully all the experiences will be good experiences, but I know that rarely, if ever, happens. It’s definitely NOT impossible, though. Regardless, I intend to keep going and keep moving forward to accomplish the things I desire to in 2019. Hopefully I can help A LOT of people this next year and the years to come! 

      If YOU make any New Years resolutions in your life, I’ve got to assume it’s because you want something different and/or better and that’s an awesome thing to desire! I guess I’m deciding to stay positive and work even harder on my goals! I’m not exactly sure if that counts as a “New Year resolution" or not, but regardless, it’s what I plan to do. If YOU make New Years resolutions, I know you can accomplish them but that’s up to who???  Oh yeah, YOU! Ha! I hope 2018 has been magnificent for YOU and you’ll make 2019 even better, will YOU? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Sunday, December 30, 2018

YOU've Got What it Takes!

Joseph Brann
      YOU've got what it takes to accomplish whatever YOU want to in life! Multiple people’ve told me they were impressed I’ve written and published books and it was something they couldn’t do. When I’ve been losing weight, exercising, and eating really healthy and all, multiple people have told me they didn’t have the discipline I had and they couldn’t do what I was doing. To these kind people I gave thanks but know they absolutely could do what I was doing and had the discipline to do, the question was whether or not they would use their discipline and abilities and do what it takes. I believe they usually admitted they weren’t going to use the discipline I told them they have because it was too tough, or something along those lines and believe me I completely understand.      

              But the fact is, there’s NOTHING YOU can’t do! But, as always, whether or not YOU do it is your choice to make! I’ve decided tomorrow I’m going to step up my dieting and all and hopefully get in much better shape physically. I know I have the ability and the discipline, but the deciding factor is whether or not I’ll follow through with using the abilities I’ve been blessed with. I guess we will see. But, regardless of what it is YOU want out of life, YOU’VE got what it takes, YOU just have to decide if YOU’re willing to do what I know YOU can to succeed! Are YOU willing to do what it takes because I know YOU’ve got what it takes!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Busy Day Today!

Joseph Brann

      As you can probably tell from the title of this post, it’s a busy day today! Consequently this blog will not be long. My sister, her husband, and their daughter just came in from out of town so it’s good to see them. But, since I need to spend time with them, they won’t be here very long today, but I won’t be able to blog the blog I was going to blog because of the restraints on my time. I love when family comes to visit though. 
              I love my family and friends and seeing them more over the holidays is just another reason to love the holidays! I hope your holidays, and everyday, have been and will be fantastic! No matter how difficult a day is, and even when it’s a busy day, it can ALWAYS be a fantastic day if YOU decide you’re going to have such a day! So, will YOU have a fantastic day today and everyday??? I hope YOU will! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Friday, December 28, 2018

JOEtivational Quote #2!

Joseph Brann
      Today I’ll be talking about JOEtivational quote #2 in my memoir. If you don’t know already, my memoir is titled, “The Challenging Side of Miracles! My living nightmare from having been reported braindead! It can be purchased off Amazon either in paperback or ebook version with this link,  Before I get to quote #2, I want to talk just a little about why my JOEtivational quotes will help YOU! We ALL have challenges in our lives but it’s how we deal with them that decides where we get in life. If you read my memoir, I talk A LOT about how my life is a living hell I don’t want to live, but be prepared because the end might surprise you, it REALLY surprised me. Whenever you’re having a bad day, are frustrated with anything in life, or just feel the need or desire for motivation, if you have my memoir, you can turn to pages 225-233 and read any of my 50 JOEtivational quotes and I feel BEYOND positively my quotes will help you!
      After I overcame the hellish nightmare I hated and decided to love, I realized I should include my quotes I'd written in my memoir because I know of the power they’ve been to me. I feel a little selfish since I wrote my memoir for YOU but in my writing it, YOU helped ME more than you’ll probably ever know! My quotes aren’t just words, they’ve helped me overcome a nightmare I don’t even know how to put into words. I know, if you allow them to, they can help YOU be happy and be the you YOU really want to be! JOEtivational quote #2 is on page 225 and reads as follows, “If you want to see an unbelievably incredible and wonderful person, look in the mirror!!!” 
      I REALLY believe this quote and know it’s true! But YOU’ve got to view yourself for who you really are and see the remarkably amazing person I know YOU are! But as always, the decision to see yourself as I see you is yours to make! PLEASE see yourself as I see you and PLEASE know of your incredibly amazing value and worth! Thank YOU so, so much for helping deliver me from my nightmare! If you’re able to, please get my memoir and read it? If you do so, I believe you’ll see that if I, with my damaged brain and all of the “impossibilities” I’ve faced and “shouldn’t be able” to accomplish can still do what my creator’s blessed me to be able to do, there’s NOTHING YOU can’t do!!! Thank you SO MUCH for all of your help, I love YOU and am BEYOND grateful for all of your assistance! Stay JOEtivated!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Talk to Me Thursday! Fast Cars and Driving!

Joseph Brann
      For this “Talk to Me Thursday!” post I’ll be talking about fast cars and driving! I LOVE fast cars and driving! I’ve not driven in many years because of my being partially blind and other issues dealing with my vision and such. Actually, a little while back, my younger brother Jon wanted to move his car a short distance from where it was parked I believe at my home and, after I asked, he happily gave me the keys and told me to go ahead. I hadn’t driven in SO long I wasn’t even able to move his car the short distance needed because I was having brain trouble and it was pretty sad. Not sad as in “cry me a river” sad, but sad as in pathetic sad, ha! But I have driven some since my wreck, and I even drove my older brother Jacob’s Camaro Super Sport and it was AWESOME! That was several years ago, though. I wish I could drive but it’s definitely safer if I don’t.
      When I got in my life destroying and life altering car accident in 1998 I was driving my new, black, 1998 Camaro Z28 Super Sport, I don’t think I’ve said in my blog yet what I drove as a senior in high school but, whether I’ve said before or not, now you know what I drove. I wasn’t speeding when I got in my accident, but I was unknowingly driving too fast for the conditions. Before my accident I often drove fast and weaved in and out of traffic and, honestly, took way too many risks I shouldn’t have. I don’t know how to reiterate this enough, but that one second YOU aren’t thinking about safety and making the best choice for your situation, might be the last second YOU get to live with a fully functional brain! 

        If YOU drive and don’t have brain damage, PLEASE realize what a gift it is to be able to do both of these things, ESPECIALLY not having a brain damaged situation? Unless God works another miracle, as long as I’m alive and disabled, I’ll NEVER get to remember what it’s like to not have brain damage and/or the many obstacles that come with it. I’ll NEVER again drive home from ANYWHERE! But I do choose to see all my obstacles as opportunities and to love them! PLEASE don’t have to learn the hard way like I have, but PLEASE ALWAYS come back to happy and love the life YOU are blessed with? But, once again, I LOVE fast cars and driving! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Can't Wait for 2019!

Joseph Brann
      I hope everyone had a fabulous and very merry Christmas but I can’t wait for 2019 to begin! I’m still enjoying and will enjoy the rest of 2018, but I’m really looking forward to the new year starting and my moving forward with the stuff I’m going to be moving forward with, my speaking and all. Tomorrow I’m supposed to meet up with my two friends Kayla and Ayden, they’re married and live out of state, so I only get to see them once a year right now and tomorrow is when we’re supposed to meet up, so I’m excited! But, once 2019 is here, I’ve got multiple people to contact and multiple ways I’ll be moving forward with my future! 

      I believe it’s important to look forward to the future and to even be excited about it! I also believe we need to love where we are RIGHT NOW! The future is determined by our decisions and choices today and everyday. I’ll keep working to make better choices for better chances! Hey, wait a sec., isn’t “Better Choices Better Chances!” the catch phrase to my speech? Well I do believe it is, ha! For me at least, the future rarely works out as planned but hopefully things finally will go as planned, or at lease somewhat as planned, in 2019. Either way though, I’ll keep “FAILING TO FAIL!” I’ll keep pushing forward and will remain excited for the future, will YOU? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas!!!

Joseph Brann

       Today’s post will be extremely short! I just want to wish everyone, and especially YOU, a wonderful, blessed, and a very Merry Christmas!!! I hope YOU’ve gotten everything you want for Christmas and no matter what I hope today is an extraordinary day filled with happiness and love. I love YOU and once again, Merry Christmas!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Monday, December 24, 2018

Merry Christmas Eve!

Joseph Brann

      I don’t like to take up too much of your time on holidays so since it’s Christmas Eve, today’s blog, and tomorrow’s, will be rather short. I just want to wish YOU a VERY Merry Christmas Eve and I hope it’s a remarkable day for YOU and that tomorrow will be even better! May you enjoy the time you’re blessed with and may your family, friends, and most definitely YOU be safe and really enjoy the holidays! I hope this time of year is spectacular and each day to come will be increasingly remarkable. Much love and Merry Christmas Eve! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Love Who YOU Are!

Joseph Brann

      Do you love who YOU are? If not, why not? I’ve found, in order for me to be happy, I need to love who I am. I’m still trying to improve myself and move forward in my life and become the me I REALLY want to be, but, even with the many, many tears I've cried over not being the more mentally and physically capable me I want to be, I still love who I am today. I don’t currently know how any of us can be happy without loving who we are. But even loving who I am, I still know I can be better, do better, and have better. In regards to obtaining better, I guess it really comes down to what "better" is to YOU and whether or not you really want it. YOU can obtain it, but first, you've got to want it! 
              No matter how successful anyone is in the different aspects of life, I don’t currently know how any success we have will matter very much if we aren’t happy. One of the great things about happiness is we can’t buy it or get it from anyone else. We can all be happy but I believe we must first love who we are. So, do YOU want to be happy? Do YOU want to love your life and everything in it? If so, I suggest YOU start by loving who YOU are, I know you can, will YOU? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Your Past Does NOT Determine Your Future!

Joseph Brann
      We’ve all got a past, but, your past is NOT your future nor does it determine what your future will be. Your past has gotten you wherever you are today but today YOU can make the choices that will brighten your future, or darken it. Do you want a brighter future with everything you desire, or are you content to just get by with whatever comes your way? Me personally, I’m working to have the future of my dreams. I’m not content to just let life decide what I can be or what I will be. When I was a kid I was SO determined to get to the NFL and I was extremely disciplined and even though others may have said it was impossible to accomplish, I wouldn’t let that stop me. I wasn’t planning on getting in a horrible car accident, but life happens! However, I’ve still got the same drive to work to accomplish what I want and to not let my past determine my future. If I did that I have to conclude I’d be content to just get by being disabled and not expecting more of myself. But that is NOT me! I try to use my experiences from my past to push me to create the future I desire, while helping as many people as I can. 

      I’ve heard SO MUCH negativity and SO MUCH about what I can’t do and what I’ve not been able to do yet, that it seems at least some people think because so many things I’ve attempted to accomplish haven’t worked out, that nothing I REALLY want ever will work out for me. Well, even though I “shouldn’t be able to read,” I’ve already published two books. Both books are over 200 pages and I’ve another I’ve been working on for over three years that’s also over 200 pages, and 22 children’s books I’ve also written and not published yet. But, of the two books I’ve already published, neither is a best seller yet. Does that mean neither will ever be a best seller? The answer is NO! But I’ve got to do everything I can so that I sell as many copies of my books I desire to and get where I want to go! I ABSOLUTELY know my past DOES NOT determine my future, and neither does YOURS! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Friday, December 21, 2018

Yesterday Was a Difficult Day!

Joseph Brann
      As you can probably tell from the title of today’s post, yesterday was a difficult day! The two or three nights before were horrible in terms of sleeping and when you mix sleep deprivation with brain damage, chances are there’re going to be some problems. As per usual when I have difficult nights sleeping, my pain was also increased so that was no fun AT ALL for me to deal with. While I was having a BEYOND horrible day mentally yesterday, at one point I started to think about something and how I hated it, yes I actually thought, “I hate…” whatever it was. I don’t even remember what "it" was. However, I know I thought I hated it. But I did correct my thinking and changed the thought to seriously dislike or something else not as strong and negative as the word hate. I was not too happy with myself for not stopping the word hate from coming into my mind before it did. But after recognizing I’d thought it, I seriously thought about YOU and realized I needed to use a less negative description word of how I was feeling and so I did. 

      Even when I’m feeling horrible and not wanting my situation, I still love my situation and push myself to be positive. But don’t worry, I’m not “that guy” who’s ALWAYS happy and ALWAYS acting as though life is perfect. I am, however, that guy who allows himself, myself, to feel what I feel but pushes myself to find the good in whatever situation I’m in, even when the good is less than apparent, and, as you probably know by now, I ALWAYS come back to happy! Life is tough, I’m sure YOU can relate to this. I’m also sure YOU and I can both make things better even if by only changing our state of mind. Life REALLY is much better and easier to deal with when viewing it positively! I know YOU, like me, can find the positives even when all seems negative! I know that I will push myself to do just this and find the positive and keep coming back to happy, will YOU?!?! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Talk to Me Thursday! Technology...

Joseph Brann
      It’s time for another “Talk to Me Thursday!” post and today I’m talking about technology. Technology BLOWS my mind! I’ve NO idea how it works. From using batteries, to turning on lights with a switch, and don’t even get me started on computer technology. I’m not sure if it’s just because of my brain issues or not but technology is UNBELIEVABLE to me! How in the world did anyone find out how to do any of the things I’ve mentioned, and more, is more than a little baffling to me. In my opinion, it’s just more proof that an even greater power created us all and I also have NO IDEA how that was done. Our bodies, and especially our brains, are so incredible I can’t believe it. And then if you factor in the fact that people have used their brains to create technology it’s even more mind blowing! 
      I don’t have any idea how any of this stuff can be done and the fact that it has been done is just, WOW, that’s all I can say, WOW! I wonder if other people are as blown away by technology or not. I don’t even try to comprehend how it’s all been done, like the mechanics of technology, because that’d probably just confuse me even more, ha! Though I don’t even almost understand it, I’m sure grateful there are people who do and they’ve been able to bless the world with technological advancements they’ve blessed it with. I won’t even begin to wonder what technology will be like in the future because I can only imagine it’ll be even more mind blowing! This is just one of the may, many things I don’t understand, but once again I sure am grateful there are people who do understand it! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Pick Yourself Up and KEEP GOING!!!

Joseph Brann

      Today I am pressed for time so this blog will be short. I know life can be difficult, I know it might not seem worth living, and I know what it’s like to be beyond exhausted. Unfortunately I’m positive A LOT of people, if not everyone, knows what this feels like. Simply put, it’s hell! But I also know what it’s like to pick myself up, stop feeling sorry for myself, and to decide to overcome everything I face. One thing that’s key though is we have to be patient. I’ve said it before but I have very little patience. I would have more patience, but that’d take too long, ha! So anyway, when YOU’re feeling down and defeated, pick yourself up and KEEP GOING because I promise YOU, tomorrow can be unbelievably incredible if YOU decide it will be! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

What Are YOU Doing?

Joseph Brann
        What are YOU doing with the time YOU’ve been given? Your life may be BEYOND difficult and you might not want to live it. I know what it felt like for me when I’ve not wanted to live the life I have to before so possibly YOU have felt this way as well. But, whether you want it or not, your life belongs to you and what you do with it is up to YOU! Me personally, well I’m trying to make the most of the life I’ve been blessed with. I used to look at it as the life I’ve been CURSED with, but YOU should know how I solved that problem by now. Each day, and every second of that day, we all have a choice as to what we do with the time we’ve been given. If we waste it, then we miss out on what we could have accomplished.
        Would YOU rather look back on your life and say, “Man, look at what I COULD’ve done and accomplished with all of my time?” Or would YOU rather look back on your life and say, “Man, look at all I’ve done and accomplished with my time?” YOU should know the right answer to that question, but if YOU don’t, read my past blog posts until YOU figure it out, ha. Make the most of every opportunity you have and when anyone asks, “What are YOU doing?” Your answer can ALWAYS be, “I’m succeeding!” YOU can succeed AND be happy, will YOU? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Monday, December 17, 2018

My Lips Contact Her's and...I Reach for Her Hand and...

Joseph Brann
      My lips contact her's and…I’m kissing the air. I reach for her hand and…I once again make contact with the air. My best friend is missing, where is she??? I want her SO badly but, once again, where is she??? She’s in “the air” and the multiple dreams I’ve had of being with her, but then I wake up and…I’m left heartbroken with, you guessed it, the air! I’ve shed SO many tears over the so far nonexistence of the woman I’ve never seen in my life. Yes, sometimes I’m a big baby and an emotional wreck, from my understanding it’s part of the brain damage, but I don’t like it. I do, however, LOVE it! 
      Now does loving the worst pain I don’t even know how to put into words make me crazy??? Pretty much, yeah! Ha! But, you see I’ve HATED it before and it broke me down. So I decided to love it, be positive, and know that I’m going to meet her, soon hopefully??? It might sound stupid but I’ve said before I LOVE her SO, SO MUCH, but I’m not even positive she exists! But yet, she HAS TO exist, I know it, I NEED her to. Yes, I’m crying while writing, the thought she might not exist is BEYOND terrifying to me! But I’ve got to love it so I don’t go completely crazy! I’ve decided in my blogging, I'll be more vulnerable and'll try and show more of the emotional side of the brain I’m left with. In part I hope this helps YOU to be SO determined to be cautious and make sure you do everything you can so you don’t end up in a situation like mine, or worse!
      The thought of YOU ending up like me, or worse, is so terrifying to me! But I'd LOVE to help YOU! I’ve got to do everything I can to help others NOT end up like me. Chapter nine of my memoir is actually titled, “Don’t End Up Like Me!” Not ending up like me is a reference to being the product of a horrible accident, because being like me, the REAL me, isn’t a bad thing! I love the real me, humbly said, he’s AWESOME!!! Ha! So, will I ever meet this spectacular woman I love SO much and fully believe I came back to life for??? I sure hope so, man I sure hope so! But regardless, I’ll keep going, in part because if I don’t, I definitely won’t meet her. I believe she needs me, probably not as bad as I need her, but yet she needs me! I just hope SO incredibly badly it won’t be long until, my lips contact her’s and…we kiss passionately, I reach for her hand and...hold it forever!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL! 

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Brain Damage is NOT Contagious!

Joseph Brann
      You probably already know this, at least I hope you do, but brain damage is NOT contagious! Since acquiring my damaged brain, at times I’ve felt like some people have acted as though they thought my brain damage is contagious because of how they’ve treated me. I feel positively they know it’s not contagious, but their words, actions, and inactions left me feeling like they thought it might be. But truly it’s NOT! SO MANY people have lied to me, ignored me, insulted me, woman’ve stood me up for dates since I can’t drive, and people have just done a lot of things that I allowed to make me feel like I was a brain damaged freak. Now I’ll admit I’ve done some pretty “braindead” things but still I don’t feel I’ve done anything to deserve the way others have treated me. This is NOT a pity party and I’m not feeling sorry for myself AT ALL! I’m actually grateful for these horrible experiences because of how they've helped me grow and are constant reminders to ALWAYS treat others kindly and with respect. But, I want to tell YOU that no matter how anyone else treats you, YOU’ve got to know you are still incredible!
       Actually incredible is an extreme understatement for how amazing YOU really are. There’ve been A LOT of times I haven’t felt amazing. There’ve been A LOT of times I felt I was worthless with nothing to offer this world except an incredible story of who I WAS. When I felt like that, I WAS WRONG! I’ve had to dig so incredibly deep within myself to make myself realize I really am remarkable NO MATTER what anyone else says or does. Though I GREATLY appreciate my friends and family who help me feel better when I’m feeling down, if I’m thinking clearly, I don’t need ANYONE else to tell me of my extreme value because I know it. 
          I’m not saying this in a stuck up or self-righteous way, but rather I’m saying it because I know I am remarkable! We ALL are! We’ve been created by an unbelievably intelligent an powerful being, and I’m saying this NOT pushing any belief system on anyone, but no matter what your belief system is, whatever created you and me, is an amazingly powerful source with extraordinary intelligence. So whatever YOU are facing, if/whenever YOU aren’t feeling fantastically about who YOU are, if/whenever YOU may feel as though others think you’ve got some horribly contagious disease, please know I know your value is remarkable and YOU are an extraordinary person! YOU are a gift to this world! Though my brain damage isn’t contagious, I sure hope my positivity is! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL! 

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Happy but How??? Reiterating What I've Said Before!

Joseph Brann
        If you've read my previous blogs then you probably already know the answer to this question but if not, you may wonder how I am happy. Like I say a lot, and even in my earlier blog titled, “How to be Happy!” happiness is a choice. I want to reiterate this to YOU today because I feel too many people are not happy! I spent many, many years unhappy and masking it with fake smiles and fake positivity when on the inside I HATED my life and didn’t want to live. But then one day I had ENOUGH! I realized if I wanted to be happy all I had to do was make the decision and choose to love the hell I hated. I’ve heard people talk about the “secret to happiness” but it’s NO SECRET, there isn’t one. And if it’s been a secret to YOU so far in your life, I’m revealing how YOU can be happy in today’s post, like I've done in earlier posts. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I LOVE my life and what I’m facing, but I REALLY do LOVE my life and what I’m facing! 

        YOU just have to decide that YOU want to be happy, and then BE HAPPY! So there, the not so secret “secret” has been revealed! Now, what are YOU going to do with this knowledge? I promise you it works! If I can escape a brain damaged nightmarish hell and find real lasting happiness, I REALLY believe, actually I KNOW, YOU can find happiness too! Sure there are probably going to be times you’re unhappy and times you don’t want to be happy. But AS SOON as you realize you’re feeling like this, if you REALLY want to be happy, remind yourself YOU want to be happy, and then, BE HAPPY! It’s REALLY up to YOU and it’s MORE than worth it to choose to be happy! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL! 

Friday, December 14, 2018

Staying Positive, but Why???

Joseph Brann
        I personally prefer to be positive, but why YOU may wonder? I’ve had SO MANY things not work out for me, SO MANY things start to look like they’re going to come together and then they fall apart. Like YOU I’m sure, I’ve got a billion reasons to be negative, but I ONLY need ONE reason to stay positive! What is that reason??? Simply put, because I prefer to be happy! If I’m looking at my life and situation negatively, I’m not happy. I may take a moment and look at something in a negative light, but that doesn’t make me any happier. 

        So I’ll ALWAYS “come back to happy” and will choose to find the positive. I want to be as happy as I can be. Staying positive is how I maintain that happiness. When I do start to get negative, I ALWAYS bring myself back to positivity and’ve discovered REAL, lasting happiness! YOU can do the same thing! YOU have the choice to be negative or positive. I GUARANTEE you’ll be MUCH happier if you choose to be positive and happy! What do YOU choose? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL! 

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Talk to Me Thursday! Following My Blog, NOT Just Joe Brann...

Joseph Brann
        For this “Talk to Me Thursday!” post I’ll be talking about how to follow my blog and NOT just following me, “Joe Brann.” The BEST way to continue to get ongoing JOEtivation is definitely to follow my blog! I’ve had multiple people tell me they were following my blog but it turned out they were actually just following me and not my blog at all. It’s a little confusing but I intend to clear up said confusion with this post, hopefully. So, if you are viewing my blog from a computer and not a handheld device, once you are on my blog page where my list of blog posts to choose from is, in the top right corner of your screen there will be two places you can click “follow.” 
        The first “follow” on top of your screen and above the other follow, is to follow my blog, and you’re going to need an email address to get notifications. Below that “follow” it says “About Me” and underneath that it says “Joe Brann” and you can click follow below “Joe Brann” and you’ll be following me, NOT my blog. I think you might need a google account or some other kind of account for that though, I’m not positive. I prefer you follow my blog and not just me anyway, but of course that choice is up to you. If you’re using a handheld device, such as a phone or iPod it’s a little trickier. But, once you’ve gotten to my blog, you have to click on one of my blog posts and go to that post. Then if you scroll to the bottom of that post, there is the word “Home” but below that it says “View web version” and you need to click that. 
      Once you’ve gone to the “web version” and again in the top right corner of your screen there are two “boxes.” The first and top “box” says “Followers” and has the list of the followers of my blog, currently there are 11. At the bottom of those 11 viewers still in that same “box,” there is the word “Follow” and if you click that “Follow” you can follow my blog but you’ll need to enter an email address. Below that once again is where you can follow “Joe Brann.” If you’d like to follow both my blog and “Joe Brann” that’d be awesome. But following my blog, if you’re going to pick one or the other, is what I hope you’ll do? I will do my best to keep bringing YOU JOEtivation as best I can and working to help YOU daily. Thanks SO MUCH for your support! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL! 

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Smiling Through the Pain!

Joseph Brann

        So I am in pain pretty much nonstop. I’ll NEVER say my pain or situation is worse or harder than the situation anyone else has, but for me, I NEVER would’ve imagined I’d have to face pain like this. My description of my pain might seem a little extravagant but it’s the only way I know to describe it. So right now it feels like there’s a razor blade cutting inside my body starting at my lower back all the way down to my toes. This feeling is felt all throughout this area of my body, froont, back, and middle. I’ve been dealing with this stuff for I guess over 20 years now so I should be used to it, but I don’t know how anyone would ever just “get used to it.” Though I feel this pain, and more, which I talk about a lot in my memoir you can get off Amazon with this link,, I still push myself to smile. I still refuse to give in and give up! YOU too can smile through your pains, refuse to give up, and NEVER truly fail, will YOU? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL! 

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Facing and Loving Unwanted Challenges!

Joseph Brann
        In life we all face challenges. Some challenges may be wanted, but a lot of them are more than likely unwanted. With the little I remember of my life before my wreck, I do remember I LOVED the challenge of a football game. Everything about the game was a challenge and I loved everything about the game! So clearly that means I loved that challenge. Since my wreck, I’ve faced A WHOLE LOT of unwanted challenges I used to hate! Actually, hate, even as strong a word as it is, is NOT NEARLY powerful enough to describe how much I truly despised my life. But, I pushed myself and’ve now found how to LOVE my life, and I do love my life! I still don’t want the brain damaged challenges I have, but I love each and every one of them.            
               Even when momentarily I dislike any one of my numerous brain damaged challenges, I still love them all! I love them because they’re a part of who I am and I LOVE who I am! YOU too can love yourself and your challenges! YOU too can find reasons to love whatever it is you hate! Even if you only love it because you know you won’t face it forever or because it makes you stronger even if you don’t want to be stronger, you can still love it! But, as always, that is up to YOU to decide. So, will YOU love your challenges and find the happiness you desire and deserve? I know you can if YOU REALLY want to!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL! 

Monday, December 10, 2018

Words From the Heart YOU Need to Read! Today Marks 20 years of Brain Damage!

Joseph Brann
        20 years ago today at around 5:30pm my reality was changed FOREVER! That’s when I was in the car accident which left me reported braindead and in a spit second, the life I knew was destroyed! It has been a VERY long hard road. Sometimes I want to give up, at least a couple of times I’ve begun trying to give up. But YOU help me keep going and help me to keep searching for the good and positive even when it’s EXTREMELY hard to find! Though I’m not comparing and I believe life’s tough for everyone, I’d NEVER wish my situation on anyone. I’ve cried, I’ve yelled, I’ve punch a wall and a steel safe…I broke my hand then but the safe NEVER messed with me again, ha! 
                Many, MANY times I just wanted this nightmare to end already! There’s NO WAY I’m strong enough to deal with this stuff, there’s NO WAY this reality can be real, but yet it is. I’ve had so many moments when because of my vision impairments and brain interpreting things differently, I literally couldn’t tell if I was awake or in a horrible nightmare. I’ve had BEYOND horrible nightmares as well! I’ve faced a hell I don’t even almost know how to accurately describe! But, I could face it so I did and I overcame it too! I WON’T give up and I hope YOU won’t either. The anniversary of my accident used to terrify me and I just couldn’t wait for the day to be over with. I’ve begun planning multiple times to kill myself on this day. But, I didn’t, and now I LOVE my life and even this day! The scariest of times make the strongest of people!

      Sometimes I still have difficulties believing my reality is real. I’ve been beyond exhausted for 20 years now. I’ve told God too many times that He picked the wrong person and I’m not the guy who can live what He wants me to. I’ve begged and cussed and yelled that He made a mistake and NEEDS to make it all stop! I’ve cried and cried and cried but yet everyday I wake up, my situation is real. I’ve FINALLY overcome all of this and am no longer scared of my life! I hope YOU never have to live a brain damaged reality, but if by chance YOU do end up living one, I’m here to tell you you CAN do it and you CAN still be happy and can overcome anything life throws at you! I beg of you though, PLEASE be careful and PLEASE don’t take for granted the life you’ve been blessed with. DON’T GIVE UP! BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! And PLEASE know NOTHING is impossible and YOU can accomplish ANYTHING and EVERYTHING! This is why I came back to life, this is why I love YOU! KEEP GOING, you’ll get there, much love!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL! 

Sunday, December 9, 2018

One Step at a Time!

Joseph Brann
        You win a sprint the same way you win a marathon, one step at a time! This is true of accomplishing your full potential. YOU undoubtedly can accomplish your potential, but you do it the same way you win any race, one step at a time! I’ve been greatly blessed by my prosopagnosia which I’ve HATED because, as I’ve said before, I believe it’s at least in part because of it that when I look at you I can see THE REAL YOU! That person is who YOU really are and you are BEYOND incredible! But, if you want to be better, do better, have better, you have to accomplish it the same way you win any race, one step at a time. I’m pretty much the poster child for impatience and I REALLY dislike having to wait for most anything. I want to run my “marathons” the same way I run my sprints, as fast as I can. 

        However, as I’m sure you know, that more than likely will not work out so well. Your potential is something I don’t currently know how to describe, but it is BEYOND enormous! So, try to be patient with yourself, but don’t make excuses to fail either. We absolutely without a doubt can accomplish what we want to in life, but we’ve got to be patient and must persevere. It’s not easy, but i’s definitely possible! I’ve hit SO MANY “dead ends” and “brick walls” over the past almost 20 years and I’ve no guarantee my future will turn out like I believe it will. Yet, I WILL do my best, I WILL NOT give up, and I WILL continue to believe in myself and my ability to succeed like I desire, will YOU? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL! 

Saturday, December 8, 2018

I REALLY Love My Friends!

Joseph Brann
      Let’s talk about friends. I REALLY love my friends! When I say my friends, this includes my family. I’ve been blessed with a bunch of great friends. But still, I have low points in my life. Sometimes being happy is hard and I don’t feel so positive, and that’s when I think of YOU! Seriously, YOU’re the friend I’m blogging for! YOU’re the person I want to help! YOU help me be positive in more ways than you’ll probably ever know, so thanks! Recently I became Facebook friends with a person I don’t know AT ALL but we have friends in common. Very soon after becoming “friends,” they sent me a message. It started off saying how they wanted to talk to me “as a friend.” I thought something like, “Of course you want to talk to me ‘as a friend.’ I mean, after all, we’ve been through SO MUCH together since becoming friends like YESTERDAY! What are you selling?” Ha! The message then asked me to buy something. This didn’t bother me AT ALL, I thought it amusing. 
        I then invited them to buy one or both of my books off Amazon and they responded kindly. Not long after that, I noticed we’re no longer Facebook friends so I messaged them to see what was up? I mean, come on, we’d had such a remarkable friendship up to this point and now they’re…GONE?!?!?! WHAT HAPPENED!?!?!? Where did I go wrong and how can I fix this?!?!?! Ha! Turns out, they said they didn’t want to be friends with me because of something to do with my humanitarian views or whatever. I didn’t even know what humanitarian meant so I looked it up. As far as I can tell, I think they’re saying they didn’t like that I felt we could improve our lives by the choices we make, but honestly I have NO IDEA what they’re problem with me was. It gave me a good laugh though and I actually told them they could block me since I can’t recognize faces and potentially could accidentally send them a friend request in the future. They then blocked me and I laughed.

        But, I’m really NOT trying to push my views on anyone, I’m just trying to help people however I can. If you disagree with my stance on any subject, we can talk about it if you’d like? But I believe we can still be friends. Well, if you’re cool with having friends that don’t think EXACTLY like you and who have their own opinions and viewpoints, then we can still be friends, ha! Truth is, as long as you’re not trying to be a “bad person” and cause problems, I’d love to be your friend. And hopefully you don’t mind that I form my own opinions, stances, and outlook on life, ha. But, yeah, I LOVE my friends! I hope YOU love me too! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL! 

Friday, December 7, 2018

A Tribute to my Dear Friend Jordan Lord Kunkel!

Joseph Brann
       Today’s post will be different than any I’ve posted before. I feel I need to write it for an unbelievable woman and friend I was blessed to know and now miss dearly. It’s a tribute to my friend who I hope we can all be more like named Jordan Lord Kunkel who passed away a little over a year ago. Jordan YOU are an incredible woman! Beautiful, kind, spectacular, and amazing are just a few of the words that don’t even almost begin to describe how wonderfully immaculate you are! My senior year in 1998 I moved into Fair Oaks Ranch when you were just a freshman and our backyards connected. After my accident you came over with our friend Veronica and we just talked, laughed, and had a great time, I REALLY miss that. We’d hang out and you always made me feel important and cared for. A little over a year ago I learned you were in the hospital and things weren’t looking good. I immediately became angry and began cussing at God and demanding He not let you die and not make you live a handicapped life like mine. 
        I told Him to heal you totally and completely so you could return to your husband and family and keep blessing the world with the awesomeness that is you. Our friend Rachel kept me updated on your status and I just kept demanding God heal you and let you return to your family and life. Now I’m crying as I write this because after much prayer and knowing you were suffering, I very angrily basically told God if He wouldn’t work a miracle and heal you totally and completely then He needed to make you stop suffering. The very next day I found out you’d past away, I was devastated and couldn’t believe it! I once again became irate with God and cussed at Him more. But this whole situation with you has actually helped my relationship with Him, thanks so much my friend!
        I know where you are now, I’ve been there, and take great comfort in knowing you’re no longer suffering. However, the world suffers everyday because you are no longer here. I know I’ll see you again but missing you is heartbreaking. I love and miss you, Jordan. So many people love and miss you. You were taken way too soon but I can’t wait until I get to see you again in the heavens where I know you now are! Sorry it took me so long to pay tribute to the amazingness that is you, Jordan, but it was just too hard for me emotionally to talk about how much we all miss and love you before now! Jordan, you’ll never be forgotten, until we meet again and forever after, please know how much you are missed my dear friend. Love you so much Jordan! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL! 

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Talk to Me Thursday! The Craziness Called Life!

Joseph Brann
          For this “Talk to Me Thursday!” post I’ll be talking about the craziness called life! As I’m sure you can tell from the title of today’s blog, I think life can be crazy, actually I feel life can be EXTREMELY crazy! When I was growing up if someone had told me when I was 37 years old my life would be what it actually is now, I’m sure I would’ve thought they were beyond crazy! I DO NOT understand life! I keep talking about the car accident I was in because that one single incident almost 20 years ago still impacts EVERY aspect of my life today and I don’t want YOU to end up dealing with the aftermath of a life destroying incident. Now, it blows my mind that I was reported braindead on the news and told a brain doctor said I shouldn’t be able to read! Then the fact that I’ve already published two books I’ve written, both of which are over 200 pages long, and have another novel I’ve been writing for I believe over three years which is also over 200 pages long, as well as 22 children’s books I’ve written and not published yet, is REALLY crazy! I mean come on, my brain damage shows I shouldn’t be able to read! 
            It blows my mind that I have brain damage. It blows my mind how a lot of people act in life. It seems to me a lot of people with unbelievable potential to be an incredible person, act as though they have much worse brain damage than what I’ve had, and once again I was reported braindead! The fact that so many people can and will cause harm to another person for the most ridiculous of reasons, and sometimes for no reason at all other than to just harm someone else, is beyond ridiculous to me! My damaged brain leaves me concluding that even before my accident, when I though I understood life, or at least my life, I really had NO IDEA what life really can be. So today, realizing life can be extremely crazy for everyone, I just want to ask that we all work to be more understanding of others? I ask that we all work harder to help one another? That when we see someone having a tough time, we extend a hand of friendship and support to them instead of tearing them down? I ask that we all work to truly love each other, be respectful of one another, and try to help EVERYONE have a little less craziness in their lives? Will YOU please join me and help accomplish this task? I sure hope so! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL! 

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Why Worry?

Joseph Brann

      Why worry? Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been a worrier but really worrying accomplishes NOTHING! I try not to worry and I feel I do much better in this aspect of my life now but with my o.c.d. and brain trying to go a million miles an hour, it makes it even harder for me, but that doesn’t mean I should give in, so I work to overcome it. Worrying will not do anything to help us. It’ll stress us out and will more than likely leave us making decisions that aren’t ideal. I know I’ve talked about taking deep breaths before to help us relax but it also helps me not worry so much. 
               If we’ll just realize that worrying is NOT necessary and isn’t positive and work to not worry, life can be so much more gratifying. Worrying is also pretty much not present when we’re really happy. So, once again, why worry? It’ll help us all A TON if we can just relax and do our best to not worry because worrying is in NO WAY a positive thing to do! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL! 

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The Gift of Each Day!

Joseph Brann
      I know somedays are hard to see as gifts but each day really is a gift! What YOU do with that gift though, is up to YOU! I know for me a lot of days haven’t seemed like gifts, at least not very good gifts, until I look back on the day and what I’ve been able to do because of that bad day or in spite of that bad day. Like I always say, it really depends on how you look at things. Anything, even spectacular gifts, can be seen negatively if we choose to see them as such. Let’s say someone gives you your absolute favorite vehicle. You can see it as a gift, and I think most people would, or you can see it as an inconvenience. You can complain because you don’t want to pay to put gas in it and don’t want to pay for the insurance or any number of reasons. But if you’re going through life always looking for the bad, you’re always going to find it, and I feel sorry for you. If you’re always looking at things negatively, you’ll miss out on SO MUCH positivity! I don’t believe YOU look at life negatively though, and if I’m wrong, then I believe YOU need to make a change, but I still know YOU're a SPECTACULAR person!

        I used to look at each new day as a burden I didn’t want to live. I used to hate having to know that when I wake up tomorrow I’m still going to be facing the hell of my life. But then, I got tired of that. I got tired of feeling horrible and decided I was going to love the hell I face. I decided I was going to stop hating the gift each day was and I would love it! It’s not easy and can be extremely difficult to see each day as a gift. But I decide how I see each day and I’ve decided that I will see each day as a gift I love, I’m grateful for, and I will work to share the gift I’ve been given to hopefully help others see their lives as a spectacular gift and to love their life! So, how will YOU see your life? Will you accept it as the wonderful unbelievably magnificent gift I know it is, or will you waste it? Please don’t waste the gift your life is and PLEASE love your life no matter how difficult it it? I know you can! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL! 

Monday, December 3, 2018

When You Feel Defeated!

Joseph Brann
     Have you ever felt defeated? Have you felt as though no matter what you do in life you’ll never get ahead and there’s no hope for you? If so, you are not alone! I’ve felt this way many, many times. It seemed I was beating my head against a concrete wall and I just could NOT get anything to work for me. So, if/when you feel this way, what do YOU do? Sometimes the only thing that can be done is to just keep trying to move forward and refuse to stop. Even when it seems pointless to continue to try, you’ve got to believe in YOU and refuse to quit! The concrete wall of rejection and disappointment may seem never ending, but DON’T let this stop you! You might have to slow down or go at things from a different angle, and quite possibly you may just have to endure an extremely long time of nothing going the way you want it to. But, if you keep trying to move forward, keep persisting in your efforts to get ahead, and refuse to be stopped, YOU can get that wall of defeat to crumble and YOU can succeed! 

    Maybe my words would have more power behind them had I already succeeded like I want to, but, when I finally get where I’m trying to go, it’s going to feel SO MUCH better knowing refusing to quit for such an extremely long time FINALLY paid off in the ways I really want it to! And the small victories along the way also keep me knowing I can and will get where I’m trying to go! So, what about YOU? Will you keep moving forward, pursuing your hopes and dreams, and refuse to accept failure? You won’t succeed if you give up, and I know YOU can succeed, so KEEP GOING, you’ll get there! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL! 

Sunday, December 2, 2018

There's Just Something About YOU...

Joseph Brann

       There’s just something about YOU that lets me know YOU’re incredible! Sometimes you might not feel as though you’re incredible, you can believe me on this, I’ve been there many, many times. But I’m here to remind you now that you really, REALLY are spectacular! We’ve all been blessed with so much to offer and you’ll probably never truly know how your life is impacting others. I might not know you personally, but I know that what I’m saying is true! Now some people will dim the light we’ve been given by their choices and the way they act. 
         However, I don’t believe you are one of those people who won’t shine as bright as you can! And even if you don’t shine as bright as you can today, tomorrow you get another chance, so KEEP GOING and shine as bright as YOU can! Today I just wanted to post a quick blog and remind you that YOU really are tremendously INCREDIBLE with so much potential to become better each and everyday! Please don’t forget this and PLEASE believe in yourself? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL! 

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Dealing With Negative Emotions!

Joseph Brann
              What’s the best way to deal with negative emotions? I know I post positivity and work to always be positive but I’m human and I don’t pretend I never have negative emotions. But, when I start to get angry, depressed, or agitated, I make myself realize that I don’t want to feel this way and I really do want to live the words I speak. It’s kind of funny to me but if I start to think about something I don’t like, in my mind if I start to say, “I hate…” I really do stop myself and remind myself hate is a VERY strong and negative emotion and I don’t want to hate at all! I then make myself use a different, less powerful word! True story, ha! Feeling negatively is part of being human, but we DO NOT have to give in to it and can overcome these feelings. I will sometimes have depressing or angry thoughts shoot into my head. I’ll think momentarily about how life has not turned out AT ALL like I’d intended it to YET and there’s pretty much always in the back of my mind the realization of how difficult the loneliness I deal with is for me. 
               But when I start thinking about these things, I remind myself I don’t have to concentrate on them and I find reasons and ways to view these negative things positively. If YOU have angry, depressing, frustrated emotions, that is alright, YOU’re human just like me and that’s part of the human experience. But YOU and I can ALWAYS find reasons these negatives can be positives. We can decide to smile, keep going, and know WE can make each day better than the one before. So, will YOU find the positivity within the fog of the nonstop negativity that’s so easy to find in life? If YOU will, that’s when you’ll find lasting happiness! It’s not easy, but it’s definitely possible and MORE THAN worth it! I work to do this everyday, will YOU join with me and make our world a more positive and happy place please? There’s ALWAYS a spot for YOU on my team and YOU are the exact person I’m trying to recruit! Will you please accept my invitation and join my team? It’s full of winners and we NEVER lose because we NEVER give up! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL! 

Friday, November 30, 2018

Do What YOU Feel YOU Should!

Joseph Brann
          When it comes to what you do in life, I believe you should ALWAYS do what you feel you should! This is one reason I’ve decided to wait until after the first of January, 2019 to contact speakers bureaus and move forward more with that part of my career. I’m not exactly sure why I feel this way and I’m actually extremely excited to get moving forward but I feel that waiting until after 2019 begins is what I should do. I believe in trusting ourselves and our feelings. Unless of course you feel you should harm someone or do something bad, but hopefully your common sense already told you that? Ha! If we do what we feel we should and strive to do better each and everyday, we will get where we should go in life I do believe. Sometimes it take a little patience, a lot of the time it takes A LOT of patience. 
            I’m actually EXTREMELY impatient and usually want to get things done as quickly and efficiently as I can, so maybe my waiting until after next year begins to move forward with my plans is just something to help me be more patient, I’m not sure. But, either way, I’ll trust what I feel. As long as I feel I’m going in the direction I should be going, I believe I’ll be making the best choice for my situation. I guess we will see in time. Anyway, do YOU believe you can trust what you feel you should do in your life? I hope that you do and that your life is incredibly immaculate, but that’s kind of up to YOU now isn’t it? Ha! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL! 

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Talk to Me Thursday! I remember...

Joseph Brann
    For this “Talk to Me Thursday!” post I’ll be talking about our memories. I will talk about some bad things I remember from my life but YOU should know by now my blog will NOT be negative. It’s crazy to me the way our brains work. There are a lot of things I don’t even almost remember but there are also a lot of things I do remember and it’s just ridiculous why I will remember one unimportant thing, or a memory I’d rather forget, but I won’t remember something I really want to. It’s just crazy weird to me! I remember terrifying things from my accident. I feel I remember the fear as I slid across the median of Interstate 10 and then the initial impact of the pickup truck to the driver’s side of my car and the truck actually making contact with my head. I feel I remember when I was disconnected from life-support and the pain I don’t even know how to describe as my body postured and struggled to survive, let me just say OW!!!!! I think I vaguely remember being in a coma, the times when I’d be mentally conscious of while in a coma for about a week. It’s even more horrifying than the sleep paralysis I’ve talked about before because I couldn’t breathe deeply and wake myself up.I remember how I’ve felt when women, yes more than one, broke my heart or when they’ve treated me beyond horrible.                              
            But I also remember the excitement of waiting to go on a date, the wonderful way it feels to kiss a woman and especially a girlfriend, and how immaculate it felt when I decided to stop fearing the nightmare of my life and to LOVE it! Something kind of annoyingly cool, I remember phone numbers, and numbers in general, kind of like how “Rain Man” remembered things. I remember the phone number of the first girlfriend I had after my accident when I was I believe 20 years old, so roughly 17 years ago. It’s gotten to the point that in order to overcome my obsessive compulsive disorder, I have to force myself not to memorize a phone number. I believe it was when I was conscience in a coma that I started thinking of words, counting the number of letters in the words, the number of syllables in words, and in sentences just to pass the time. I talk about my obsessive counting of words and numbers in my memoir you can get off Amazon at but I believe that counting started when I was in a coma. I don’t understand our brains or memories, but it’s so complex it’s mind blowing! I hope all the memories YOU have are fantastic and the ones that aren’t, I hope YOU will find reasons to love them anyway! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!