Sunday, September 30, 2018

YOU Motivate Me!

Joseph Brann

YOU motivate me! YOU really are my motivation, so thanks! Whether I’ve met you or not, you are the reason I keep going. Reading this, if you think “Oh Joe’s just talking to “YOU” collectively, he doesn’t mean me personally” then sorry to say but you are wrong! I write, I give speeches, and I live because YOU inspire and motivate me to keep going! When I start to feel sorry for myself or start to want to quit and not keep facing what I face, all I have to do is think about YOU and I’ll “snap out of it!” I know I have a responsibility to YOU to continue to prove nothing is impossible and happiness is a choice! 

Success is also a choice! YOU need to know this! I’m sure if you follow my blog you know I’ve not succeeded like I want to yet but YOU give me reasons to keep going, enduring, and fighting for the success I desire and know I can achieve! I really do know I can achieve it and that YOU are worth all it takes to do just that! Sorry for “yelling” every time I say YOU, I’m not really yelling, ha, I'm just trying to emphasize and make sure YOU know I'm talking to YOU and that YOU help me every single day! So once again, thanks! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Saturday, September 29, 2018

How to Be Happy!

Joseph Brann

How can YOU be happy? If everything in life goes the way you want it to, would that make you happy? In my opinion, real happiness is something we can all have at any time if we choose to be happy. I’ve not yet figured out how to ALWAYS be happy, but I know how to ALWAYS come back to happy! The truth is, happiness is a choice we can all make. So, if you wonder how to be happy, the answer is by deciding to be such. It’s sometimes hard to make the decision to be happy and there are definitely going to be times we aren’t happy. We just have to realize the decision is ours and we can be happy at anytime by choosing to be. I hope YOU will choose each day to be happy and after times of unhappiness, I ask you to please ALWAYS come back to happy! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Friday, September 28, 2018

Great Things Take Time!

Joseph Brann

Today I don’t have much time to blog. My schedule’s becoming a lot more busy but in a positively great way! I just wanted to post a quick blog and remind everyone that YOU can accomplish anything and everything you desire, it just takes time, great things usually do. I figure most everyone, if not everyone, can understand and relate to this. I’ve got some awesome things I’m working on I’m excited to tell everyone about but I don’t want to open my mouth too soon, which I’ve done far too many times. So anyway, even when things take much longer than you’d like them too, keep hanging in their and pursuing your goals. Everything will work out but it’s up to YOU and I know YOU can do it!!!!! I personally don't like having to be patient, it takes too long, ha! But I guess having patience, which I don't have much of, can help us be more relaxed, have peace, and make life easier and more stress free. Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Definition of Success!

Joseph Brann

What’s your definition of success? Have you accomplished the success you desire yet or are you still in the pursuit of such, like me? I feel success is different for everyone but you can succeed everyday by continuing to try to move forward, doing the best you can, and NEVER giving up! I’ve been told by multiple people that regardless of what else happens in my life and what I achieve or not I am a success because of what I’ve been through and what I continue to go through and I appreciate this VERY much! But if you know me at all you probably know this isn’t good enough for me. I want to sell well over a million copies of my books, the two I’ve already published and the more than 20 I’ve not published yet, deliver a whole bunch of speeches, help an INSANE amount of people, and get at least my memoir turned into a movie and make millions upon millions of dollars. If or when I accomplish this, will I be a success? Well, that answer depends on your definition of success. 

For me if or when I accomplish these things I will have succeeded financially and, more importantly to me, if I’m able to help A WHOLE lot more people I will have succeeded in my desires to JOEtivate everyone I possibly can. However, will I then consider myself a success? Would YOU then consider me a success? Well, personally I will feel successful financially and JOEtivationally…rad word right? Ha! But will I then consider myself a success? The answer is no! At that point I will have succeeded in the ways I’ve mentioned and will LOVE IT, but I feel I won’t be a complete success until I die when it’s “my time to go” and I leave the world a better place because I was in it. But just so you know, I LOVE where my life is NOW and I don’t have to wait until I’ve accomplished the things I want to accomplish to love it. Does this make sense to YOU? Do I just sound like a braindead lunatic? If you think I do sound as such, don’t feel bad, I’m laughing at myself as I write, ha! Anyway, in my view if YOU keep pushing forward everyday until it’s your time to leave this world, YOU will be a success! But YOU can succeed everyday! I hope you agree! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Life's Not Fair, Be Happy Anyway!!!

Joseph Brann

Life’s not fair but YOU can be happy anyway! Happiness truly is a choice we all have the ability to make. Like I’ve said before, I’m not ALWAYS happy, but I ALWAYS come back to happy, and so can YOU! In my opinion, it doesn’t do a lot of good to imagine what life would be like if it was fair because the fact is, life isn’t fair. I don’t do too well with fantasizing what life would be like if things were ideal because after the fantasy ends, I come back to reality where life’s struggles are all too real. Have you heard those stories of people who’ve been kidnapped and are being held for ransom and tortured and enduring some really hellish trials who decide to escape their reality by using their imagination and dreaming of far better times? Those stories and those people are INCREDIBLE to me and it blows my mind!

I’ve lived in a rather hellish reality wherein my abductor is my brain and my mental/physical limitations and disabilities. I tried to imagine or fantasize if things were how I wanted them to be. I never fantasized for very long because I knew it wasn’t real and when I left the fantasy my reality seemed even harder because it wasn’t what I’d been imagining. The people who are able to escape their reality mentally and go to a far better place to keep them sane are simply amazing and I can’t believe how strong they truly are. Regardless, we’ve all got to accept that life’s not fair but we can be happy! We truly can find happiness no matter what our reality is. I still live with the same limitations and all I’ve lived with for almost 20 years but I’d have to say I feel I am happy because I still find the joys in life and try to concentrate on the things I can do. What about YOU? Will you choose to be happy no matter what your reality is? Even when you find you’re not happy, I beg of you to PLEASE come back to happy later on, but don’t wait to long to do so! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Slow Down to Speed Up!

Joseph Brann

Today’s blog will be short and to the point! Sometimes in life you have to slow down to speed up. You might have to slow down now in order to speed up later. I’m currently dealing with some physical and mental issues which are making it difficult for me to think clearly and do the things I need/want to. Because of this, I’m having to slow down now so I can speed up later. I’m not giving up, NEVER GIVE UP! But, to keep things moving forward, I’ve got to listen to what my brain and body are telling me. They're saying I need to relax a little for the time being and not over stress myself. I’ll get going full speed again soon but in order for that to happen I feel I need to slow down now. Have YOU ever been in a similar situation? If you ever are in a similar situation, know it’s perfectly fine to slow down now to speed up later, just DON’T GIVE UP!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Monday, September 24, 2018

Plans Change!

Joseph Brann

If your life’s anything like mine, you’ve probably had your plans change for any number of reasons. Things fall through and we have to make adjustments. I believe I’ve blogged before about how I got sick and wasn’t able to do what I was planning to do that day but today I’d once again intended to get several things done which now I’m going to wait until tomorrow to attempt to do. I’ve heard it said that you shouldn’t make important decisions when you’re tired. I’ve actually, late at night when I was exhausted but couldn’t sleep, sent ridiculous messages to others and when I woke up and saw what I’d sent I was pretty surprised and wished I hadn’t sent what I did. Well, last night not too long after falling asleep, I was awakened by a loud noise and it messed up my night’s sleep. Now I’m very tired and I guess a good bit sleep deprived so the nonessential important things I’d intended to do today I’m going to have to push off until tomorrow. 

This is because I believe my alertness and ability to say and do the things I’d need to have both been compromised. Kind of funny but as I’ve been typing this blog I’ve literally been typing a sentence and, because I’m having trouble thinking and concentrating, I’ve written one thing and then wrote the exact same thing again I believe in the same sentence. So maybe I shouldn’t even be blogging now? With that in mind, I’m going to hopefully make a better decision and end this blog by saying even though our plans might change along the road of life, we can adapt and still work to have the life we need and desire. I hope this makes sense? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Hi, I'm Joe, what's your name? Hi, I'm Joe, what's your name?

Joseph Brann

Because of my inability to recognize faces, on top of my bad memory, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked up to the same person, usually a woman, and, believing we’d never met before, I’d say something like, “Hi I’m Joe, what’s your name?” Sometimes it would be a person, once again usually a woman, I already knew but a lot of the time it was someone I’d just met. Regardless, five minutes or not too much later I’d walk up to that exact same person and say something like, “Hi, I’m Joe, what’s your name?” I know this left them feeling uncomfortable and, by the looks they gave me, probably a little afraid. I’ve had SO MANY experiences where people just flat out did not understand me. Truth is, even having dealt with my brain situation and trauma for almost 20 years, I, in many ways, do not understand myself! But I’m working to do better each day and that’s the best I know how to do. Some people have been nicer than others, but some have been completely and totally rude. I don’t really blame the ones who were rude too much, other than the fact that I believe being rude isn’t cool, because I’m not sure how I’d react if someone else did the same thing I did to them, to me. I am, however, positive I wouldn’t be rude and I’d remind them we’d just met.

Everyone’s experience in life is different and some people have been abused physically, mentally, emotionally, and/or otherwise and I in NO WAY shape or form at all pretend to know what others have gone through. My experiences, though, have helped me to become a lot more understanding towards what other people might be going through. What would YOU do if someone walked up to you two separate times in a brief period of time and introduced themselves to you? How would YOU respond if you were me and had my situation, lacking the mental ability to recognize them or remember you’d just met? In life, remember, everyone has different experiences and we should treat one another with kindness! Be the best person YOU know how to be, and try to remember we all have different challenges, weaknesses, strengths and abilities, and YOU will keep improving and becoming or continuing to be the best YOU you can be! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Believe in YOU, I do!

Joseph Brann

“Believe in YOU, I do!” This is JOEtivational quote #40 in my memoir. It’s short, sweet, and oh so true! To get my memoir off Amazon, go to I really do believe in YOU! I believe in everyone and in your ability to accomplish what you want to accomplish! I’ve been told too many times that I can’t accomplish something I want to. I’ve been asked, since so many things haven’t worked out like I’ve desired them to if I thought I should stop pursuing my goals, as if my goals are unattainable. But along with my believing in YOU I also believe in ME! 
        It’s taken WAY longer than I ever would’ve imagined but had I succumbed to the doubt of others I wouldn’t have published my first novel and wouldn’t have published my recently published memoir! Now I’m working on stuff and things are looking up, WAY up! It’s going to take more time, but the success and ability to help so many I’ve desired for so long is closer now than it’s ever been, so I’ve just got to keep pushing forward and believing in myself! This goes for you too! Keep pushing forward, don’t give up, and you can accomplish your goals! So once again, “Believe in YOU, I do!” Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Friday, September 21, 2018

Don't Hate, Be Great!

Joseph Brann

Have you ever hated anyone or anything? How did it make you feel and what good came of it? In my experience, the main and sometimes only thing that comes from my hating anyone or anything has been my own frustration, anger, and negativity. I’ve hated women who I’ve allowed to hurt me, I’ve hated myself, I’ve hated God, and I’ve hated more things as well. However, I’ve made the choice to love EVERYTHING and EVERYONE, even the aches and pains from life! By doing so I’ve been able to find real and lasting happiness! I know you can do the same, try it out and see if I’m not telling the truth! Hate and happiness contradict one another and happiness is far superior to hate! I know YOU are great and so incredibly valuable, I don’t even have to know you personally to know this is true! I also know, your potential to be even greater and more incredibly valuable is so gigantically enormous it’s beyond difficult to comprehend, but I don’t believe you or I or anyone will be as great as we truly can be if we’re filled with hate, or even hating just a little. So, don’t hate, be great! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Next Life!

Joseph Brann

This blog's one I’d no intention of ever posting, but last night I felt I should. Please know, I am in NO WAY pushing any religion either. My situation with God's been a very difficult subject for me since my accident and it’s also extremely personal. I’ve memories from the other side when I was in my accident but after feeling my life’s been so inexplicably difficult for me, at times, I’ve doubted those memories. I’m not too pleased to say I’ve even doubted God exists. However, because of recent personal events, I now am so UNBELIEVABLY POSITIVE of my memories of the other side that once again I can tell you with ABSOLUTELY no doubt at all that the next life is real and it is incredible!!! So incredible I don’t know any words to describe it! 
I don’t believe this, hope this, or even have faith this is true, but rather I state it as a fact that I KNOW this is true! YOU will one day know this too! I’ve heard faith’s a hope in things not seen which are true so once you’ve seen something you no longer need faith because you know it. Well, I’ve seen the other side so I’ve no reason to have faith in such. I’ve been there and, because of prayers from so many, I was given the choice to come back to what I consider an unbelievably difficult situation I couldn’t even comprehend to hopefully help people, and ESPECIALLY to hopefully help YOU! I won’t say much about it specifically but I’ll say I saw family and friends from the past and I undoubtedly know we’ve been created by the only being powerful enough to create us!

If you do your best and try to be who you know you should be, everything will work out and you will enter into a state of happiness I don’t even know how to describe with your friends and family from the past, present, and future! I also promise you no matter what you’ve been through, are going through, or will go through, the next life will be MORE THAN worth it for you so KEEP GOING!!! I believe life’s tough for everyone, but your reward is one you probably can’t comprehend unless you’ve been there. I’ve been there and comprehend what I felt while being there but don’t currently believe I comprehend how magnificent it will be when I return to the incredible place I left in hopes of helping YOU! I don’t want you to think I’m anything wonderful or incredible. I want YOU to realize YOU are so wonderful and incredible that I left the other side to hopefully help YOU know your life has incredible value and you're so amazing and worth so extremely much! I love YOU! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Love Truly Heals!

Joseph Brann

Love truly heals, have you come to realize this in your life? The truth is, love does heal, truly it will. I’m not talking physical healing as much as mental and emotional healing. You’ve probably had people treat you badly and be rude to you and so forth, I know I have. You’ve probably thought about telling them how horrible a person they are and exactly what their words, actions, or inactions did to cause you pain and trouble, I know I have. You may have even begun putting into words exactly what you were going to tell them, I know I have. Most of the time though, if you think about it, being rude and responding with anger while possibly making them feel bad about themselves will accomplish NOTHING! I try, sometimes unsuccessfully, to force myself to love whatever’s been done or said that’s caused me frustration, anger, and pain.

I force myself to love the words and actions that caused me to suffer by figuring out what I can take from the negative situation, use positively, and how I can grow from the experience. Have you ever tried that? If not, I suggest you do. If you do this, you will be healing yourself of the anger and negativity you feel and will grow to be a stronger and better person from the experience, I know I have! So when you’re feeling hurt, pained, and broken by anyone or anything, find the reason to love what you are experiencing and feeling and I am positive you will find my words are true and that love truly heals! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Have YOU Ever Been Depressed?

Joseph Brann

Have you ever been depressed? I’m posting this today because I know a lot of people face depression, I’m actually one of those people. This blog is about YOU but I must first talk a little about the depression I’ve faced and still face, but I fight it. I was told the part of my brain that controls depression was damaged in my wreck so I “technically” should be depressed. On top of that, I lost my entire world in a split second and face more “opportunities” in one second than I ever would’ve imagined even possible in a million lifetimes before my wreck. I’ve literally had a woman I was dating admit she didn’t want to kiss me because she knew if she kissed me she’d fall in love with me. She didn’t want to fall in 1love with me because I have brain damage and her parents would tell her she could do better. WHAT??? SERIOUSLY??? Yes, SERIOUSLY!!!
Since I don’t drive due to my partial blindness, I’ve been stood up for dates, yes, plural. I’ve been called a retard. I’ve hated my life, myself, and especially God! There was a time I was trying to load a gun to kill myself but my dad came in the room before I was successful. I’m so grateful he did! However, I’ve overcome ALL of that and’ve decided to love it! Sure all of my challenges are still the same, actually, as I get older, the brain and body disabilities become even harder to face. But I can face my challenges and so I will! 
I will overcome them and continue to overcome them by facing them and not allowing myself to be overcome by them! YOU can do the same! The most important reason I’m writing this post today is YOU need to know your value and worth is SO incredibly great that you’ll probably never know how magnificent YOU really are! Depression, shortcomings, losses, and all other negativities can be overcome by you each and everyday! If you need a friend, I’m here! If you get depressed and or discouraged, I’m here! If you need a reminder of how magnificent, beautiful, talented, and amazing you really are, once again I’m here. But it’s not about me, it’s about YOU!!! 
Everything I write on this blog and in my memoir is for YOU! I talk a lot about all of this stuff in my memoir. YOU are the reason I wrote it! I don’t care about the money I make from a sale NEARLY as much as I care about YOU! I know I’ve posted the link before but if you’d like, you can get my memoir off PLEASE get it, read it, find the JOEtivation you need or desire, and realize your incredible worth and potential with the link I’ll provide again. It’s Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Monday, September 17, 2018

Your Situation DOES NOT Define You!

Joseph Brann

Your situation does NOT define you! YOU define YOU! Who you are, who you want to be, and who you will become is all decided by YOU! If I let me situation define who I am, I’d be a 37 year old disabled, handicapped, mentally challenged man living with his parents going NOWHERE! Although I am a 37 year old disabled, handicapped, mentally challenged man living with his parents, I am on the path to achieving the success I desire! I’m sure many of you can relate but I’m not where I want to be yet, I’m NOWHERE near where I want to be yet! But I’m on my way and I’m moving forward! 
So who are YOU? What are YOU going to make of your life? Will YOU be content to be defined by your situation or will you be determined to make your situation be defined by what YOU make it? You have the choice everyday to push forward and accomplish the greatness you were put on this earth to accomplish! Will YOU accomplish it and will your situation be a product of your success? It’s up to you but you CAN do it!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Pain Free Miracle!!!

Joseph Brann

Something pretty incredible and even what I consider miraculous is happening RIGHT NOW!!! With the exception of only a few times and for only brief periods of time over the last almost 20 years I’ve realized I was in no pain at all, but it’s never lasted very long…until today!!! I take prescription painkillers everyday but this morning a little after I’d taken some, I realized I was in no pain at all!!! I expected it would last for just a few minutes at best, maybe. However, it’s been the better part of an hour and I am still not feeling any pain!!! During this time, occasionally I’ll feel a little pain “spasm" somewhere in my body but after a few seconds, once again I am pain free! I’m extremely excited that I’m still in no pain! 

This gives me great hope I’m still healing and at some future point I will be completely healed. I know miracles happen and there’s only one being powerful enough to make then happen but I’m so glad I’m feeling the miracle of being pain free now! I’ve no idea how long this will last but regardless I’m beyond thankful it’s still lasting. Miracles happen, I’m happy to say I get to live a miracle everyday, not that I am the miracle but I am blessed to be living a miracle! Thank you everyone for your continued prayers and support and remember, NOTHING is impossible and miracles happen everyday, so NEVER give up!!! I hope YOU will find the miracles, everyday, in your life and be grateful for them! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Saturday, September 15, 2018

How are YOU doing Today?

Joseph Brann

How are you doing today? I know when most people ask this they’re just being polite and don’t really care. Most of the time when people ask me this I usually say, “I’m doing so great it should probably be illegal!” Even when I’m not doing so great I still say this because it helps them and also helps me to get in a positive state of mind. When I respond with this answer they usually are surprised, smile, and respond positively. So really it helps us both! Anyway, I hope YOU are doing wonderfully today and everyday and if you're not doing so great, I really hope you will be soon! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Friday, September 14, 2018

Dealing With Frustration!

Joseph Brann

When you’re frustrated, how do you deal with it? There are SO MANY things in life which are and can be frustrating. But how you deal with those situations is a real key, in my opinion, to being happy. I know for me, when I get frustrated, doing something for someone else ALWAYS helps me feel better. I might not want to do something to help another because I’m frustrated and am dealing with my own stuff, but if I make myself help someone else, I always feel better. Sometimes, even if it’s just smiling at someone I don’t even know, I find that helps me feel better. Actually, smiling whenever you’re feeling bad, always makes you feel better, or at least it always makes me feel better. Hopefully it’ll do the same for you!

All you have to do is try it. The next time you get frustrated or angry, force yourself to smile at someone or even just in the mirror. The next time you’re feeling bad about life, or hating it or anything in it, make yourself do something for someone else. You could open a door for someone, or ask someone how their day is going, or compliment someone on how they look. I’ve found that doing anything to be of service works as somewhat of an antidepressant too. So try it out, what do you have to lose? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Love the Pain!

Joseph Brann

  I am not a fan of pain. I’m in pain just about nonstop. It’s mainly caused by my brain damage and messed up nerves as I understand it and it’s no fun. My physical pains often feel like knives or razor blades running throughout my body while my body is on fire, from the inside. But this nonstop nerve and physical pain is absolutely NOTHING compared to the emotional pain I’ve felt and feel. The greatest emotional pain for me, which far surpasses the physically horrific pains is the pain of being lonely and not having the right woman to love. Maybe this makes me weak, but since I've survived being hit in the head by a pickup truck on the expressway, I'm not too worried about that! Ha! 
  There are reasons for me to love my pains, however. Even though I sometimes hate it, I love that, in order to deal with these pains, I have to be a lot stronger than I’d ever want to be! I love finding the opportunities in my obstacles! So for me, these pains are really an opportunity for me to be able to better understand and help others. I know I’m not the only person in pain, we all feel pain. But I’ve been blessed to interact with many people who I’ve been able to lend my support and try to help them realize they can deal with their pains and even grow from them and become stronger than they’d ever want to be! This especially goes for YOU!
  I sincerely hope you don’t feel pain but I also know that at some point we all feel pain. There are so many people who also deal with the pain of loneliness. This includes people who are married, or have a boyfriend or girlfriend. So if you are blessed with a significant other, I beg of you to PLEASE realize what a gift it is to have them and to be able to be with them. Don’t waste time arguing over unimportant things, or even arguing over important things. Work to love them and build them up and I hope they will do the same for you. 
  When I am blessed with a girlfriend and hopefully eventually a wife I will love her more than I can even put into words, and I’ll do my best to make sure she knows I love her, feels my love for her, and knows she’s indescribably AMAZING and beautiful! Heck, I already feel this love for her and I’ve NO IDEA who or where she is, maybe I’m just weird? Please don’t waste your opportunities to love others and help them grow, you’ll realize YOU are really the one who’s growing and becoming stronger. Love the pains until they go away, and then love the fact that they are gone! I hope this makes sense? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Let's Do It!

Joseph Brann

You never know when you’ll catch the break you’ve been looking for. I’ve had SO MANY times it seems I’ve finally found said break and things are going to finally get going like I’ve wanted them to for soooo long and then, once again, it ends in disappointment. But I’m still plugging away and pushing forward. I know I’ve said this before to people, but I’m either too driven or too stupid, ha, to give up! Just one of the first examples of MANY and which I talk about in my memoir I’ll share with you now was when I was 19 years old. I was in upstate New York for a short period of time and met a man who worked for MGM Studios who was interested in buying the rights to make a movie about my life. He said I’d get roughly $750,000 just to sell them the rights and would get more depending on what came of it.
I was really a good bit brain damaged then and told him I wanted to hold off on it at the time. He told me it was no problem and if I was interested in the future to give him a call and we’d move forward then. I actually remember this guy’s name, first and last. Anyway, not too long after he told me this, I was back in Texas and wanted to move forward with the movie. I talked with him on multiple occasions and the last time we talked he told me he was going to be flying into San Antonio the next week, I live just outside of San Antonio, and he’d call me when he got here. I never heard from him again and was too “braindead” to try calling him again then. Now it’s been almost 20 years since my wreck, I’ve published a novel and most recently my memoir, but I’m still working to catch that break, sell a whole bunch of copies of my memoir, get speaking a whole lot more places, I’ve already got several speeches I’ve delivered and a good bit of experience in this area, but I want to also help A WHOLE LOT more people, and finally get the financial success I’ve been after for so long. 

What about YOU? Do you ever feel like you’re never going to catch that break? Do you ever feel like giving up? Sometimes you have to make your own breaks! I’ll make YOU a deal, I won’t give up but YOU too can’t give up! How’s that sound, are you with me? I know YOU can do it and I’m not going to stop pursuing my goals until I accomplish them or die. So join with me and whenever we die, as long as we're good people and haven’t quit pursuing our goals, we WILL BE a success! LET’S DO IT!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember, keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

One of Those Days!

Joseph Brann

Today’s been “one of those days” that’s been a little frustrating. I feel better physically than I did yesterday but I’ve spent a lot of today working on stuff while waiting for calls and/or texts that haven’t come yet. They might still come, but they haven’t yet. Over the years I’ve had SO MANY times I don’t hear back from people and people don’t do what they say they’re going to do and it’s very frustrating. However, it makes me more determined to be the kind of person who does what they say they will do and not to ignore others. I know, unfortunately, you can’t always trust what people tell you. But you’ve got to be able to trust yourself so be the kind of person you wish others were and you’ll always be able to depend on YOU! KEEP MOVING FORWARD and eventually you’ll get where you’re trying to go! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Monday, September 10, 2018

Got to Keep Going!

Joseph Brann

I woke up today feeling pretty sick. I actually didn’t get up until much later than usual, not exactly sure what time it was but it was definitely later than usual. I had a list of things I wanted to get done today, phone calls to make, emails to send out and so forth, but wasn’t able to do any of it because of how I’ve been feeling. So I’ve had to reschedule today’s work schedule for tomorrow and hopefully I’m no longer sick and can get it done. I haven't failed today though because I can keep pushing forward towards my goals! That’s one of the things all of my blogs are about though, failing to fail. Just because you’re not able to get where you want to go right away, doesn’t mean you've failed and won’t get there later, you've just got to keep going!

All of my questions I’ll ask in this post can be rhetorical or if you want to answer them that’d be great. But what about YOU? How did you feel when you woke up today? If you needed to take the day off, were you able to? I guess that’s one good thing about my being disabled, when I’m too sick to get up to go to work, I don’t have to. However, I’ve been working SO hard to get things going for myself financially and I’m not content to stay disabled, though I’m grateful for the assistance currently. My intent is to feel much better tomorrow and to get the things done I’ve not been able to today! I’m determined I’ll get where I’m trying to go and am positive YOU can get where you’re trying to go too, JUST KEEP GOING!!! Will you keep going, will you keep pursuing your dreams, hopes, and goals? I know you can! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Hang in There!

Joseph Brann

I know what it's like to not want to keep going and I feel positively YOU know the exact same thing! However, I know for a fact YOU can hang in there, keep going, and especially that you can succeed! But you won't succeed if you give up, so don't give up! Easier said than done, I know. Do you ever feel like there's no point in trying and no one believes in you so why should you believe in yourself? I know I've felt this way before even when I've had the support of my family and friends. If you feel no one believes in you, please remember that I believe in you!!! I know YOU are spectacular and can accomplish anything and everything you desire, so HANG IN THERE! If you don't give up you will succeed!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Love being different, love being YOU!

Joseph Brann

I REALLY want to help people! If there’s something I can do to put a smile on someone else’s face and help them have a better day, then that’s what I want to do. Maybe I’m just different or weird, but really, who isn’t? That’s one of the things that makes life great! How boring would it be if we were all the same and all acted and reacted the exact same way? I’ll venture to say life would be pretty darn boring. So embrace who you are and the ways you’re different and wonderful! LOVE who YOU, love being unique, and love all the ways you are different from others! That is, as long as your being different isn’t going to harm anyone else or yourself. If your differences will harm you or someone else, I beg of you to please get medical help! There’s nothing wrong with acknowledging you need help from others, maybe that’s why you’re not the only person on the earth? 

I don’t get why we have so much evil and crime and so many people hurting other people in this world! It doesn’t make sense to me. I’ve seen stories of people doing horrific things because they wanted to be known or remembered and I’m just like WHAT!?! If you want to be known and remembered, be known and remembered for having done something spectacularly wonderful! If you’re having a bad day or are just feeling terrible, do something to help someone else. When you’re caught up in all the things that aren’t right or how people have done you wrong in life, do something to help someone else, you’ll find you’re actually helping the both of you! So, smile when you don’t feel like smiling, I think you’ll be surprised at how much better it makes YOU feel! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Friday, September 7, 2018

The future!

Joseph Brann

We don't know what the future will hold. I believe your future is as bright as you make it and my future is as bright as I make it, but it all comes down to the choices we make! I know sometimes, and even a lot of the time, the best choice is not the most desirable. It might not be the choice you want to make but still it's the best because it is. Your future is dependent on the choices you make each and everyday. So, if you want a better future, you need to make the choices which'll give you the best chances of accomplishing that future. Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

JOEtivational quote #10!

Joseph Brann

Today’s been a lot busier than I thought it would be so I actually don’t have much time to blog. However, I wanted to post just one of the 50 JOEtivational quotes which is included in my memoir, “The Challenging Side of Miracles! My living nightmare from having been reported braindead!” My memoir with all 50 JOEtivational quotes is available on

This quote is quote number 10 in my memoir. It reads as follows…“Short, tall, skinny, fat, and EVERYTHING in between, doesn't matter...YOU are beautiful and incredible, NEVER forget that!!!” I urge YOU to please think about this quote and know that it is 100 percent the truth! Keep your head up and know YOU are magnificence personified!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Love who YOU are!

                                                                      FAILING TO FAIL!
            Joseph Brann

I’ve not blogged in a while because I’ve been working on some stuff, and I didn’t really have all that much to say while I was just waiting for things. It’s rare I don’t have much to say, ha! Just to keep you updated, I did my interview with Hector Ledesma and Sports2nite a few weeks ago. I should find out more about when it’s going to air I believe later today and if my speaking with my catch phrase “Better Choices Better Chances!” is desired, please email me @ The real reason I want to blog today though is to share something personal in hopes it’ll help YOU!
It was indescribably difficult for me to come to the realization that I have brain damage and am a little mentally slow! I know I’ve cried many tears over realizing this! When I first realized this was true I thought something along the lines of, “What!?! This can’t be true! I was always the guy with a 4.0 gpa academically and the one who almost always knew the answers in school. I was the one who knew how to act in social settings and the guy who had EVERYTHING going for him! This CAN’T be real!” It scared me beyond my own ability to comprehend at the time!
I was TERRIFIED to be Joseph Brann! I hated him, he was no longer the guy to be and the guy with everything going for him! And to make it worse, as a product of my prosopagnosia, I don’t even recognize his face, my face, literally! It took me a very long time to realize I don’t have to be the guy he was, the guy I was. All I have to be is me, and guess what? I’ve learned to LOVE that guy! I love being me!!! I’ve learned to love my limitations and disabilities, because of my ABILITIES! It really is a choice, will you love your life? What do YOU choose? We’ve all got limitations, but we’ve all been blessed with so many abilities and can literally accomplish whatever we put our minds to! So, make the choice to be the best you you can be and LOVE who you are!!! You’re incredible! You can find out a whole lot more about all of this stuff by getting, reading, and applying my memoir to your life!
You can get my memoir at the bookstore, I’ll provide the link at the end of this blog. My memoir’s called “The Challenging Side of Miracles! My living nightmare from having been reported braindead!” I believe it will help you! I believe in me and my abilities! I believe in YOU and your abilities! YOU are incredible, NEVER forget this!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!