Saturday, August 31, 2019

When Life's Difficult and YOU Want to Quit...

  Joseph Brann

          I know it’s MUCH easier said than done but when life's difficult and YOU want to quit, DON’T!!! Life can be the biggest and meanest bully, it’ll work to beat you until you can’t take anymore, and it’ll still keep beating you. But you must not believe what life will “say” when it puts you down and you’ve GOT TO know you can keep fighting, NEVER quit, and actually be victorious in your everyday battles. Even though I say these things and I mean them, there are still A LOT of times I want to quit. There are still A LOT of times I don’t want to face life anymore, but I’m still here and working to accomplish what I want, believe, and know I can! Just don’t give up, no matter what life throws at you, DON’T quit, I know YOU can do it!!!!! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜πŸ’ͺ Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Friday, August 30, 2019

Your Future is as Bright as YOU'll Make it!

  Joseph Brann

          I REALLY believe your future is as bright as YOU'll make it! I’m not sure if you realize your nearly indescribable potential for being even greater than you already are, but I want you to know that I know your potential to do and accomplish anything and everything you desire is there and it’s real! If you’ll believe me, if you’ll work as hard as you can, if you’ll strive to be a better and greater person each and everyday, YOU really can and I believe will accomplish your nearly indescribable potential I’ve already spoken of. So please, believe in yourself, believe in your abilities, strive to stay positive and ALWAYS come back to happy, and your future will be as bright as YOU make it! How bright do you want your future to be and what do you want to accomplish in your life? Whatever your answers to these questions are, I know YOU can accomplish it and have the amazingly bright future you desire, now go get it!!! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜ Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Talk to Me Thursday! Dieting to Lose Weight...

  Joseph Brann

          For this Thursday post, let’s talk about dieting to lose weight. When I was growing up, before I had my accident, I had SO MUCH trouble gaining weight. My metabolism was so fast and I did so much working out that I could eat and eat and eat and I wouldn’t gain weight. It was VERY annoying, but having my eight pack abs was pretty awesome! Now, I have SO MUCH trouble losing weight it’s ridiculous! Even after my wreck, while I was much younger than I now am, I could lose weight pretty quick, but I’d put it back on even quicker. A few years ago I did a H.I.I.T., that’s high intensity interval training, workout program and lost a bunch of weight. But it became too painful to keep doing the workouts and I gained it all back and more. 

Now I’m just trying to keep track of my calories to lose weight, but that’s also a struggle. At least one of the medication I take makes me hungry but I need to take it so it’s just really difficult for me to get in the shape I’d like to be in. Honestly, I intend to get liposuction as soon as I can so hopefully that happens soon. I’m not like HUGE, but I think I weigh the most I ever have and I just really don’t like the fat on me. Although the fat is AWESOME because it’s a part of me, ha, πŸ˜‚ I still don’t like it! I know I’m not the only one who’s struggled with dieting to lose weight, but I’ll keep working on it and hopefully one day I’ll get where I’d like to be, I guess time will tell. Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

It's NOT Been a Good Day AT ALL but...

  Joseph Brann

          If I’m being honest, and I ALWAYS intend to be with you, as far as today goes, it's NOT been a good day AT ALL, but I’m not quitting! I wasn’t going to blog today because, truthfully, I'm not doing so well and I don’t feel like blogging right now or working to push myself to be positive or JOEtivated! Things keep getting harder and harder and harder, but that’s just the way life goes sometimes. So, even though I don’t really want to push myself to keep dealing with what I have to and would truthfully rather give up, I’m still dealing with it. I haven’t given very many specifics, if any, about what precisely has been so difficult for me lately, but just one of the things that’s gotten much harder to deal with is the fact that I don’t think the pain I’m in has ever been so great. 
                  Of course I’m talking about the pain never having been so great since I was in my accident and when I was in the hospital, it was worse then but I was so drugged up and wasn’t really “there” mentally. But, even though life just might completely suck sometimes and it seems giving up would be much better, easier, and what we should do, it ISN’T! I want YOU to know I continue to face what I face because I love YOU and want to help, so I hope my blogging, memoir, life, and everything else about my life and what I face really will help you. I don’t want any credit and I don’t need any thanks, I just want YOU to know that YOU mean that much to me, I love YOU! Keep your head up and keep facing your life while I keep facing my life, please? Though “no one gets out of life alive” ha, we can get through this together, alright? Much love!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Keep Going?

  Joseph Brann

          This will be another short and quick post. Today I want to ask that when life is hell YOU PLEASE keep going? When life is is a little less than hell and is just plain hard, please keep going?  When life is good, please keep going? When life is great, please keep going? When life is phenomenal, please keep going? No matter what life throws at you, hellish or heavenly, I simply ask that YOU, PLEASE KEEP GOING?!?!?! Will YOU? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Monday, August 26, 2019

Just Be YOU!

  Joseph Brann

          One of my 22 children’s books I’ve written but not published yet, is titled “Just Be YOU!” In today’s blog post, I’m asking you do this and to please just be YOU!?!? πŸ˜€ I promise YOU’ve been created to be an AWESOME and WONDERFUL person! Many times, you might spend your life looking at others who have the things you want and may become jealous and want to be the person you’re jealous of. BUT that is NOT you and the REAL YOU is just as incredible as ANYONE you may want to become. It’s okay and even spectacular to be who YOU really are. 
                     If you’re thinking you’re a bad person who’s supposed to do bad things and make the world a worse place than it already is, YOU’RE WRONG! I still love you, but you are wrong! πŸ˜‚ πŸ₯° You’re incredible and have been created to be such! So, I ask you to be the you you’re meant to be? Please love who you are? Also, please make the world a positively better place by being who you’ve been created to be, THE REAL YOU? ALWAYS remember, all you really need to do in your life is to just be YOU! YOU’re ASTONISHINGLY SPECTACULAR!!! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜ Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Just DON'T Quit!

  Joseph Brann

                 This post is going to be REALLY short, enjoy! πŸ€ͺ I just want to remind you that whatever YOU do, just DON'T quit! I know that’s MUCH easier said than done, life is VERY hard, but we’ll never reach all that we can become in life if we give up. So, thought things can be insanely difficult, PLEASE, πŸ€” just DON'T quit! πŸ˜€ Until reading my next blog and even after, remember

Saturday, August 24, 2019

JOEtivational Quote #5!

  Joseph Brann
          So from time to time I post one of my JOEtivational quotes from my memoir, “The Challenging Side of Miracles! My living nightmare from having been reported braindead!” as my blog and today I’m posting JOEtivational quote number 5. Some of my quotes are actual experiences which’ve occurred in my life which I write about and believe in their ability to inspire, uplift, and JOEtivate anyone and everyone. If you’ve not gotten my memoir yet, WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?! πŸ€” 😁 Just joking! πŸ€ͺ😜 But I really believe in it’s ability to help others and, if you are able and would like to get it and read it, I know it can help you! If you do want it, you can get it off with this link: This quote is about an experience I had with a friend of mine who wondered how I was able to continue dealing with what I have to deal with.
          It reads, “One of my friends yesterday, referring to living with what I have to live with, asked me, "How do you do it?" My answer was, I just keep going, whenever you think you're too exhausted to take another step, TAKE ANOTHER STEP! When you don't have the strength to stand any longer, KEEP STANDING! The secret to life is, there's NO secret, you just keep going and when you don't have the strength, find the strength! Unfortunately I can't tell you life will get easier, if you want life to be easier, you have to make it easier, it's all in your perspective and it's up to you to be happy and NEVER give up!!! Life isn't easy, but YOU CAN DO IT, just KEEP GOING!!! Love y’all!!!” Since putting this in my memoir I actually had an experience where I couldn’t literally take another step physically and I fell down. But I continued to take another step mentally by not giving up and doing the best I could, YOU can do the same in your life, will YOU? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Highs and Lows in Life!

  Joseph Brann

            The highs and lows in life can make or break us! Probably like YOU, I’ve faced a WHOLE LOT more lows than highs in my life BY FAR, but it’s MY responsibility to pick myself up when I’m feeling down, or low. Right now it’s even more difficult than normal for me to keep myself feeling inspired and happy, but that is MY decision to be made! I want to be happy, but sometimes I don’t feel happy. It is ABSOLUTELY fine that I feel these negative emotions, it’s ABSOLUTELY fine if/when YOU feel these negative emotions! What matters though is whether or not we pick ourselves up and keep pushing forward, or if we just quit and give up. I’m NOT giving up and will keep pushing myself to overcome the lows and work to reach the highest and greatest peaks I KNOW I accomplish and achieve, will YOU? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Talk to Me Thursday! Tag...

  Joseph Brann
            It's another “Talk to Me Thursday!” post and today I’ll talk about tagging friends on Facebook. When YOU saw “Tag…” in the title of today’s blog, did you think I was going to talk about the children’s game tag? Ha! After I blog, I post my blog link on my Facebook business page and on my regular page as well and when I first started doing so, I figured I’d “tag” people to try and make sure they saw my post and would hopefully read my blog. The first time I did this, I tried to tag all of my Facebook friends, turns out you can only tag 100 friends in a single post. So for a while I tagged 100 friends, multiple Facebook friends were cool with being tagged but I also received messages from some asking me not to tag them so I stopped tagging them. Additionally I had some who just straight up unfriended me, you could've just asked me not to tag you, bruh, ha! πŸ€ͺ Initially I didn’t really know much about tagging people on Facebook, still don’t, 😁  but I can definitely see how it can be annoying. So, as I’ve been blogging these past few days, I’ve still been tagging several Facebook friends, but not 100 of them. When I post the link on Facebook, I'd always ask people to like and share my posts and usually get likes and at least one person will share it. 
              I’m not sure how efficient or effective it is for me to ask people to like and share my posts and am not sure if it even helps me get many more views. I usually get I think somewhere in the ballpark of like 20 plus or minus views of my blog a day but once I actually had over 100. So I’m not sure how well it works to tag people and to ask them to like and share my posts, but once again I understand how annoying it can be getting tagged. When others tag me on Facebook I’m usually fine with it, unless they’re tagging me to a post of their’s I either don’t agree with, figure if I stay tagged on their post I’m going to get A BUNCH of notifications because A LOT of people will be discussing their post, or I just don’t want to be a part of what they’re posting and I’ll remove myself from being tagged. I’m not very good with social media stuff so I’m not sure the best way to go about things with it. I need a social media expert to help me and hopefully one day I will have such. So I think I’m going to stop tagging most of the people I tag, except for a few, and see if it makes a difference. Maybe it will, maybe it won’t, who knows? Tag, YOU’RE it!!!!! Ha! 😜 Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Another Day, Another Challenge, Another Chance...

  Joseph Brann

      Each new day we are alive is another day probably bombarded by another challenge or challenges, but it is DEFINITELY another chance to progress! I wasn’t planning on blogging today but then, as I was working on my latest novel which I’ve been working on for I think like four years, I just felt like blogging about how each day may be a challenge, but each day is also a chance to progress! This topic idea came to me because of my novel. I may have mentioned this before, I’m no sure, but in this novel, I put myself in as an actual character, somewhat fictionalized but fully JOEtivated! 
               In the part of the story I was reading over and working on now, which I’ll get back to working on after I post my blog today, my character is discussing with the two main characters how we should work to stay positive though recognizing negatives when necessary, or something like that, and I just felt like blogging about how each and everyday may be filled with challenges and lots of negativity, but each day is STILL a chance to progress! So I just want YOU to remember, though times may be tough and seem unbearable, I believe in YOU! I know you’re incredible and can handle what you need to and keep progressing, do YOU know this? Stay JOEtivated!!!!! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜„πŸ˜ƒ Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Living a Life I Don't Remember!

  Joseph Brann
      I am and for what will be 21 years this coming December 10th, living a life I don't remember! I’m blogging about this today because I want YOU to be and to remain determined to be safe and to not make your life any more difficult than it has to be! Though bits and pieces have come back, most all of my life’s memories before my wreck have been lost and now when I get to the end of a day, it’s EXTREMELY difficult for me to remember most ANYTHING that’s happened that day. But I find ways to cope with it. I keep upcoming events and such on my calendar so I get reminders of things I need to do and also put notes in my phone of things I want to remember. When I see the reminder, even though I might have to push myself to remember what exactly it is I want to do with said reminder, I’m still able to figure the things out I need to. Or, when I still have trouble remembering what I wanted to do with the reminder, I usually have someone else who can help me figure it out. I personally know there’s ALWAYS a way to deal with what we have to. In all truthfulness, I REALLY don’t like how difficult it is for me to remember things. I don’t know how to change the past so I don't waste my time trying to do so, but had I been cautious they day my life was destroyed, more than likely, I would still be able to remember things like I used to. 
                But I'm still determined to move forward and to NEVER give up! Something I do remember though, I know I’ve blogged about how I won’t allow myself to hate anything, but I’ve found that it actually is okay to hate some things, as long as I don’t allow myself to be so filled with hate that I make poor decisions which cause more problems. For instance, I hate that there are people who are still to this day slaves dealing with that hell, I hate that they’re treated the way they are, BUT I’ll use my hatred towards those things to try and help them, and hopefully one day soon I’ll have the kind of money I desire to be able to pay people who work to stop such slavery and such. Though I don’t remember much of my life, I’ll NEVER forget to always try to help people and use negativities, even hate, for positive things! But I don’t currently know how to fully put into words how much I dislike, and maybe even positively hate, not being able to remember so, so much of my life. And now I beg of YOU,  PLEASE be cautious and PLEASE do your best to make sure you will never be living a life YOU don't remember?!?! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Monday, August 19, 2019

Sorry I've Been Gone but Hello Again!

  Joseph Brann
      Sorry I've been gone but hello again! My life has gotten ridiculously crazy and I don’t even pretend to even almost comprehend what’s been going on, but I’ve not blogged, or pursued my speaking career and such for a good while, because of how seemingly out of control things are right now. The specifics of what’s going on aren’t very important, in my opinion, but just know I’ve not been blogging because of how unbelievably out of whack things have been, NOT because I’ve stopped trying to encourage and help YOU. I will tell you though, I’ve had multiple times since the last time I blogged where I’ve not been motivated, sorry, JOEtivated, ha, and I’ve given in more to the depression and such which comes with not feeling inspired. Honestly EVERYDAY just seems to get harder and harder, and then harder again and I’ve spent too much time lately wanting to give up, BUT I DIDN’T! You see, life is NOT about how difficult your obstacles are, it’s about whether or not we’ll work to view them as the opportunities they really are and will we persevere and keep working to overcome them? 
      I’ve actually come much closer to giving up over the last few months than I care to admit, but, like I’ve said before, I won’t lie to you, not on purpose anyway. When I’ve given in to the depression and such lately, I’ve known the JOEtivator wouldn’t be giving in like I did. However, before I’m “The Joetivator,” I am a human being and as such I’ll allow myself to feel the emotions I do, but that doesn’t mean giving in to them completely and certainly doesn’t mean allowing them to defeat me! So wherever YOU are in your life, KEEP GOING, keep believing in yourself, NEVER forget YOU are AWESOME, and I’ll do my best to help you along the way. I hope to continue to blog daily, but unfortunately can only say I’ll try to do so, as it is that things are still unbelievably out of whack and I’m not sure how things will go during the days to come or what kind of time I’ll have to be able to blog, but I’ll try. I still love you, and once again, sorry I've been gone but hello again! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!