Thursday, January 31, 2019

Talk to Me Thursday! Have YOU ever thought about...

Joseph Brann
      For this “Talk to Me Thursday!” post, I’m wondering, have YOU ever thought about how the objects we use everyday have been constructed? I currently don’t even fathom what inspired someone to cut down a tree and use the wood to build a house, or a table, or a chair, or anything else. I don't even almost know how anyone decided how tools, like hammers, nails, screws, and so forth could be used to create the things created with the tools. And the more technologically advanced an object is, such as a computer or television or even a watch, the more difficult it is for me to even try to understand. Like how did someone figure out how long a second is, or a minute, or an hour, or a day, and so on and so on. How did anyone figure out the earth rotates around the sun and 365 days makes a year except on leap years, I’ve NO idea!
      How did the alphabet come about and how are there so many different languages and ways to communicate and then using correct grammar on top of all that is baffling to me. Life is SO complex and it seems amazingly clear to me that no human being created the world or the universe. Then using money to buy stuff, like how is it someone decided a hundred dollar bill is worth $100 and we sell objects for those pieces of paper worth whatever number is on the bill. These are just a few of the things in creation which I’ve had to stop myself from thinking about because with my o.c.d. if I allow my mind to run wild thinking about this stuff I’d probably NEVER get a moment of peace.
      Are these only thoughts a brain damaged person like myself has, or how many people actually think about this stuff? Am I the only one who’s thought about stuff like this or do a lot of people have these question? These are all questions I’ve not the answer for. So today I’m just giving you another peak into the conundrum that is my life and the complexities that have baffled my mind. I’ve taught myself not to focus on these things I don’t have the answers to, but teaching myself this was a fight I REALLY hope nobody else has or will ever have to face, though I’m positive others can relate. Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Disappointment is a Part of Life, but...

Joseph Brann
      Disappointment is a part of life, but how YOU and I respond to it is what really matters! I’ve seen FAR MORE disappointments in my life than I’d EVER want to see. I’ve wanted to quit, I’ve wanted SO BADLY for the disappointments, the pain, the rejection, and all of the negativities in my life to go away, but they haven’t. The disappointments continue to occur and the pain I’m in, physically, emotionally, and mentally, seems to increase pretty much daily. But I REFUSE to let these bad things make me give up! I continue to smile even when I feel like crying, and sometimes I even allow myself to cry. But I won’t feel sorry for myself and I’m not letting myself give up and quit. I’m still determined to get where I’m trying to go. I know most of my blog posts are about staying positive and loving your life and I don’t talk much about the things I’m working on. I’ll say if but I believe when the things I’m working on finally materialize I’ll definitely let YOU know. 
               I don’t want to talk about the things I’m trying to succeed with until after they’ve come about. I don’t want YOU to be disappointed if things don’t work out YET. The speech I’ve talked just a little about that I was supposed to be giving to a company this month, apparently isn’t going to happen. A few weeks ago the person who’d asked me to speak to the company they run told me via the internet they’d be calling me the next week so I was pretty excited. However, the call I was supposed to receive over a week ago, never came and since today’s the second to last day of this month, I’ve got to conclude I won’t be giving the speech. I’ve NO IDEA why though and that’s disappointing. But I’ll keep going, keep enduring, continue to smile, and refuse to let the disappointment of yet ANOTHER disappointment stop me from continuing to work to succeed financially. Disappointment is DEFINITELY a part of life, but I WILL respond positively, keep believing in myself, and keep working to accomplish what I believe and know I can, will YOU? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

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        Then, after scrolling to the bottom of that post, it says “Home” and below that it says “View web version” and you need to CLICK VIEW WEB VERSION. After going to the web version, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two “boxes.” The first and top “box” says “Followers” and has the list of the followers of my blog. At the bottom of those followers still in that same “box” there’s the word “Follow.” If you click that “Follow” you can follow my blog but you’ll need to enter an email address.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

When Your Obstacles Become Opportunities!

Joseph Brann
      When your obstacles become opportunities, YOU will find happiness! Now you might ask, “How do my obstacles become opportunities???” Hmmm...great question, man YOU ask great questions! Ha! If you’ve been reading my blogs, you might know the answer but I’m going to give it to you anyway. Your obstacles will become opportunities when YOU decide to see them as such! Then, YOU really can find happiness and love your obstacles, oops, I mean opportunities! 😄 I know how we view our challenges can change our lives completely because that’s what happened to me when I decided to view my obstacles as the opportunities they really are! In my memoir you can get off Amazon with this link, I talk about 113, that’s ONE HUNDRED THIRTEEN, obstacles I’ve faced since my accident.
      These challenges pushed me so far I began planning to kill myself multiple times! I HATED my obstacles and wanted out of the hell my life was SO badly that I believed the only way out was to give up, but I WAS WRONG!!! The way out of that hell was SO MUCH easier than I’d ever imagined, it was a decision, my choice! Sure, sometimes still when I’m even more exhausted than usual, I may view my opportunities as obstacles momentarily, but I ALWAYS make myself get out of that ridiculous mindset, view my obstacles as the opportunities they are, and ALWAYS come back to happy! Obstacles are opportunities for us to grow, develop, and become stronger than we may have believed we ever could be! Just a few sentences ago I said, “I HATED” but now I won’t even allow myself to use the word hate unless describing feelings and/or experiences from the past. 
      Of course there are times when I REALLY don’t like my opportunities and want out of them, but I don’t allow myself to hate them or anything else. I know, if YOU will realize YOU can see your obstacles as opportunities and then see them as such, even if you have to remind yourself from time to time that they really are opportunities, YOU can and WILL find happiness! I write this blog because I care about YOU and want YOU to be happy! So, will YOU see your obstacles as opportunities, love your opportunities and life, and truly be happy? I KNOW YOU can and I hope YOU will!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

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        Then, after scrolling to the bottom of that post, it says “Home” and below that it says “View web version” and you need to CLICK VIEW WEB VERSION. After going to the web version, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two “boxes.” The first and top “box” says “Followers” and has the list of the followers of my blog. At the bottom of those followers still in that same “box” there’s the word “Follow.” If you click that “Follow” you can follow my blog but you’ll need to enter an email address.

Monday, January 28, 2019

We Have to be Patient!

Joseph Brann
      I know what it’s like to want to get EVERYTHING done as fast as possible and to not want to wait for the future to unfold. I’ve never had a lot of patience but I know it’s important to realize that in order to make the future we want to have, we’ll get there one day at a time! It’s great to be focused on creating a better tomorrow but we won’t get to tomorrow until after we make it through today. So, I suggest we work to be patient with ourselves and to not get frustrated or angry when things take longer than we’d like. YOU can get where you’re trying to, but YOU’ve got to remember each day is a step YOU are taking and YOU can’t skip a step, or a day. I’ll keep working to try to be patient with others and myself because I know trying to move faster than I’m able to isn’t going to get me the results I desire. So, please, be patient with others, the future, and especially yourself, will YOU be? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

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        Then, after scrolling to the bottom of that post, it says “Home” and below that it says “View web version” and you need to CLICK VIEW WEB VERSION. After going to the web version, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two “boxes.” The first and top “box” says “Followers” and has the list of the followers of my blog. At the bottom of those followers still in that same “box” there’s the word “Follow.” If you click that “Follow” you can follow my blog but you’ll need to enter an email address.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Wishing YOU Peace & Happiness!

Joseph Brann
      Today I’m wishing YOU peace and happiness! I hope everyday you will choose to be happy. I know by doing so, you’ll also be at peace. There are so many negative and downright bad things going on in the world that it can be extremely difficult to be at peace and when we’re not at peace, you can almost always guarantee we won’t be happy. We may not be able to control the things going on around us and at times I know things can seem and even be out of control. But if we, YOU and I, make the decision to concentrate on the good and do the things we can to stay positive, we REALLY can ALWAYS find the happiness and peace we desire. 
      So, if YOU’re not at peace, if YOU’re not feeling happy, what are YOU going to do so you are happily at peace? When I’m not not at peace and happy, if I take a deep breath, tell myself to relax, and concentrate on the good things I have in my life and the good and positive things in the world, it’s MUCH easier for me to feel at peace and to be happy. I’ve been in situations with others where some not so good stuff was going on, nothing illegal or anything like that, but there were definitely outside influences that made the situations not peaceful and not filled with happiness. But, I was still able to remain happily at peace by choosing not to be a part of the negative things going on around me. If, for some reason, we are dealing with things which make it difficult to be happily at peace, we can still find those positive feelings by making the mental decision to find them and stay at peace. I hope YOU’re at peace and are feeling happy, today, everyday, and forever, will YOU be? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

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        if using a computer or Tablet, once you’re on my blog homepage where my list of blog posts is, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two places to click “Follow.” Click the “Follow” on the top of your screen. You’ll need to enter your email address. Once you’ve done so, you’ll be following my blog. If you’re using a handheld device, once at my blog homepage, click on one of my blog post titles and go to it. 

        Then, after scrolling to the bottom of that post, it says “Home” and below that it says “View web version” and you need to CLICK VIEW WEB VERSION. After going to the web version, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two “boxes.” The first and top “box” says “Followers” and has the list of the followers of my blog. At the bottom of those followers still in that same “box” there’s the word “Follow.” If you click that “Follow” you can follow my blog but you’ll need to enter an email address.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

YOU Matter to Me!

Joseph Brann
      YOU matter to me! Whether or not we’ve met or know each other at all, YOU really do matter to me! YOU’re actually a very important part of my life. I keep working to be positive and to stay happy in attempt to help YOU to see, like I ALWAYS say, happiness is a choice and we can all be happy! The past couple of days I’ve been feeling pretty sick but today I feel MUCH better! Today I only feel a little sick so I should be back to normal soon. I still blogged when I was feeling pretty terrible because, even though I didn’t have much to say, I wanted you to know YOU really do matter to me and are a priority in my life, no matter how I may be feeling. We ALWAYS have a choice as far as how we’re going to act, and react to everything we face in our lives and I’ve tried to show this by trying to remain positive even though the last few days of being sick weren’t very enjoyable.
      If we’ve already made up our minds that we’re going to push ourselves to try and be positive and happy, it’s much easier to be such when we’re facing tougher times. Whether the tougher times come in the form of how we’re feeling, or outside through any other source, i.e. work, relationship issues, family issues, or any other such thing, if we’ve already made up our minds we’ll deal positively with whatever we’re facing, it’s MUCH easier to be happy even when in hell! Sometimes we might not feel like our problems matter to anyone other than ourselves and we may feel we’re facing our battles alone. But I’m here to try and help YOU see that there’s ALWAYS someone who cares about YOU and what you’re facing! YOU really matter and are VERY important to me! Please ALWAYS know this, always push yourself to be positive, and ALWAYS come back to happy? I know YOU can do it!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

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        if using a computer or Tablet, once you’re on my blog homepage where my list of blog posts is, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two places to click “Follow.” Click the “Follow” on the top of your screen. You’ll need to enter your email address. Once you’ve done so, you’ll be following my blog. If you’re using a handheld device, once at my blog homepage, click on one of my blog post titles and go to it. 

        Then, after scrolling to the bottom of that post, it says “Home” and below that it says “View web version” and you need to CLICK VIEW WEB VERSION. After going to the web version, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two “boxes.” The first and top “box” says “Followers” and has the list of the followers of my blog. At the bottom of those followers still in that same “box” there’s the word “Follow.” If you click that “Follow” you can follow my blog but you’ll need to enter an email address.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Still Not Feeling Well, but Still JOEtivated!

Joseph Brann
      I’m REALLY not looking for sympathy and NEVER want anyone to feel sorry for me but, if I’m being honest, I’m still not feeling well, but I’m still JOEtivated! So, like yesterday, I won’t have a whole lot to say. I just want to remind YOU that even when we’re sick and feeling terrible physically, we can still be positively motivated! DANG IT!!!!! YOU see what I did there? I guess it’s because of my not feeling so well that I misspelled JOEtivated, ha! 
      But since I’m getting the word motivated confused with the HIGHLY superior word JOEtivated, I think you can see I’m OBVIOUSLY still sick, ha! As soon as I get feeling better you can expect to see better blog posts from me that are more JOEtivational! Please forgive me? Ha! I’m still positive and JOEtivated, but my being sick is throwing punches that are messing with my mind so I’ll just remind YOU that even when sick, we still decide our outlook and can still be happy!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

WANT TO FOLLOW MY BLOG? Here’s how to do so…

        if using a computer or Tablet, once you’re on my blog homepage where my list of blog posts is, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two places to click “Follow.” Click the “Follow” on the top of your screen. You’ll need to enter your email address. Once you’ve done so, you’ll be following my blog. If you’re using a handheld device, once at my blog homepage, click on one of my blog post titles and go to it. 

        Then, after scrolling to the bottom of that post, it says “Home” and below that it says “View web version” and you need to CLICK VIEW WEB VERSION. After going to the web version, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two “boxes.” The first and top “box” says “Followers” and has the list of the followers of my blog. At the bottom of those followers still in that same “box” there’s the word “Follow.” If you click that “Follow” you can follow my blog but you’ll need to enter an email address.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Talk to Me Thursday! Still a Little Sick!

Joseph Brann
      I’m not going to have much to say in this “Talk to Me Thursday!” post because, like I say in my title, I’m still a little sick! I know, at least for me, when I’m sick like I am, it’s harder to think straight and I don’t want to get YOU all confused and wondering what I’m even talking about. I’ve been taking prescription antibiotics but I kind of feel like I’ve been hit in the head by a truck, OH WAIT, I was hit in the head by a truck over 20 years ago, so maybe I’m feeling exactly how I should, I’m not sure? Ha! 
        I think I’m getting better but today, so far, just feels like...blah! In case you’re wondering, “blah” is the actual medical term used to describe when a person is feeling as I do now, haha, just joking! But anyway, I hope this sick feeling I’ve had for a while now will soon be gone and I hope YOU are not sick and everyday is fantastic for YOU and yours! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

WANT TO FOLLOW MY BLOG? Here’s how to do so…

        if using a computer or Tablet, once you’re on my blog homepage where my list of blog posts is, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two places to click “Follow.” Click the “Follow” on the top of your screen. You’ll need to enter your email address. Once you’ve done so, you’ll be following my blog. If you’re using a handheld device, once at my blog homepage, click on one of my blog post titles and go to it. 

        Then, after scrolling to the bottom of that post, it says “Home” and below that it says “View web version” and you need to CLICK VIEW WEB VERSION. After going to the web version, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two “boxes.” The first and top “box” says “Followers” and has the list of the followers of my blog. At the bottom of those followers still in that same “box” there’s the word “Follow.” If you click that “Follow” you can follow my blog but you’ll need to enter an email address.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Be Prepared, YOU're About to Get JOEtivated!!!

Joseph Brann
      Today’s blog is all about JOEtivational quote number 50 in my memoir. It reads as follows…”You can accomplish what you want but YOU'VE GOT TO WANT IT!!! Now go get it! You've just been JOEtivated!!!” Believe it or not, this quote is true, so believe it! There’re more than enough negative things in this life that’ll tell you you can’t get what you want and you’re not good enough. Anything and everything telling you this, is a lie!!! So, what do YOU want in your life? Whatever it is, I promise you YOU can accomplish it but once again, YOU’VE GOT TO want it and YOU’ve GOT TO know YOU are good enough to get it! So, believe in yourself and your abilities, NEVER give up, and YOU can accomplish EVERYTHING you desire, stay JOEtivated!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

WANT TO FOLLOW MY BLOG? Here’s how to do so…

        if using a computer or Tablet, once you’re on my blog homepage where my list of blog posts is, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two places to click “Follow.” Click the “Follow” on the top of your screen. You’ll need to enter your email address. Once you’ve done so, you’ll be following my blog. If you’re using a handheld device, once at my blog homepage, click on one of my blog post titles and go to it. 

        Then, after scrolling to the bottom of that post, it says “Home” and below that it says “View web version” and you need to CLICK VIEW WEB VERSION. After going to the web version, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two “boxes.” The first and top “box” says “Followers” and has the list of the followers of my blog. At the bottom of those followers still in that same “box” there’s the word “Follow.” If you click that “Follow” you can follow my blog but you’ll need to enter an email address.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Life Hurts, Will YOU Handle it?

Joseph Brann
      Plain and simple, life hurts! Believe it or not, I face chronic pain that almost NEVER goes away. Even the VERY few and short-lived times I’ve not felt the physical, burning, stabbing pains in the most sensitive of places, I’m still hurting emotionally. I’ve been rejected, laughed at, made fun of, and’ve even been called a retard! Several years ago, I got in an actual fist fight with a guy who was insulting my mental situation. Even though he might be the first guy to ever lose a fight to a brain damage man, ha, I still had a black eye for a good while and was in even more pain than I usually am. I don’t like to fight with people though, even when I was in a VERY dark place, like when I got in the fight I just mentioned, I didn’t want to fight but once the guy tried to push me out of the way as he walked by me, I felt it was time to fight back, and so I did.
      In a way, life is a fight for all of us each and everyday. Loving my life and being happy was a fight I wasn’t even trying to win and which I almost lost multiple times, but now I win that fight most everyday by making the decision to love what I deal with. If you’ve been reading my blogs, you know that just the other day I was losing the fight against happiness. I’m BEYOND exhausted and tired of facing the pain that is my life, but I choose to love it and doing so has helped me to truly be happy! I feel positively your life can be, and probably is, challenging and painful a lot, if not most all of the time. One reason I keep facing the pain that is my life is to try and help YOU see the pains of this life can be overcome, they can be handled! Though it’s true life hurts, will YOU handle it? I know YOU can!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

WANT TO FOLLOW MY BLOG? Here’s how to do so…

        if using a computer or Tablet, once you’re on my blog homepage where my list of blog posts is, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two places to click “Follow.” Click the “Follow” on the top of your screen. You’ll need to enter your email address. Once you’ve done so, you’ll be following my blog. If you’re using a handheld device, once at my blog homepage, click on one of my blog post titles and go to it. 
        Then, after scrolling to the bottom of that post, it says “Home” and below that it says “View web version” and you need to CLICK "VIEW WEB VERSION." After going to the web version, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two “boxes.” The first and top “box” says “Followers” and has the list of the followers of my blog. At the bottom of those followers still in that same “box” there’s the word “Follow.” If you click that “Follow” you can follow my blog but you’ll need to enter an email address.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Somebody ALWAYS Needs YOU!

Joseph Brann
        YOU need to know, somebody ALWAYS needs YOU! If ever you feel nobody needs you, YOU’re wrong! If absolutely NOBODY else did need you, please know, I ALWAYS need YOU! I don’t know how to express how great it makes me feel when I see people have visited my blog and that the number of viewers per day generally seems to increase, or at least stay right about the same. This, obviously, means there’re people viewing my blog and returning to view it everyday and that gives me purpose and makes me feel fantastic! I'm also BEYOND grateful and feel fantastic when people get my memoir! I’ve been at some VERY low points in my life, like the times I’ve begun planning to give up, i.e. take Joe Brann out of this life, and there’ve been times I felt NOBODY needed me so why would anyone truly care if I was gone. I figured that if I took my life, not only would I stop suffering, but those who care about me and my sufferings would be glad I was no longer suffering.
         The truth is, I believe if people had known all the suffering I’ve been through and still go through, then a little over 20 years ago when SO MANY people prayed I’d survive, if they’d known what I’d go through, they wouldn’t have prayed for me to live. They would’ve peacefully allowed me to leave this world without asking God to keep me alive. However, I’m VERY grateful so many people prayed and that I was given the choice to come back or not. Though I don’t really enjoy the suffering, I’m very grateful I’m still able to suffer through what I do! Even though I feel I go through more in once second than I ever would’ve imagined possible before my accident, I LOVE that I’m able to push through!
          I love that I’m able to try and help others, and especially, YOU! YOU give me reasons to endure! YOU give me reasons not to give up! YOU give me reasons to keep working to show NOTHING’s impossible and I can and should be happy! If ever feeling as I have before, that no one needs you, please ALWAYS know, I will ALWAYS need YOU! Thanks for being YOU, I love YOU! Please NEVER give up and please ALWAYS know YOU’re incredible and will ALWAYS be needed! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

WANT TO  FOLLOW MY BLOG? Here’s how to do so…

        if using a computer, once you’re on my blog homepage where my list of blog posts is, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two places to click “follow.” Click the “follow” on the top of your screen. You’ll need to enter your email address. Once you’ve done so, you’ll be following my blog. If you’re using a handheld device, it’s different. Once at my blog homepage, click on one of my blog post titles and go to it. 

        Then, after scrolling to the bottom of that post, it says “Home” and below that it says “View web version” and you need to CLICK VIEW WEB VERSION. After going to the web version, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two “boxes.” The first and top “box” says “Followers” and has the list of the followers of my blog. At the bottom of those followers still in that same “box” there’s the word “Follow.” If you click that “Follow” you can follow my blog but you’ll need to enter an email address.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Each New Day's Another Chance...

Joseph Brann
      Each new day's another chance or opportunity to move forward, stay where you are, or go backwards. I work to use each day to move forward with and pertaining to the things I want to accomplish in my life. We can view each new day either as an obstacle or as an opportunity. I spent MANY years viewing my life and everything I face and deal with as obstacles and I hated my life. Everyday was a day I didn’t want to see and was quite literally a torturous hell, but, you should know by now how I overcame that. YOU can overcome obstacles in your life the same way I chose to overcome the nightmare of my life, choose to see your obstacles as opportunities and continue to endure them. Even if the “opportunities” YOU’re facing don’t go away, overcome them each day by not allowing them to overtake and defeat you.
      I want to move forward with my life and career but with how everything’s not coming together, I wonder if what I’m pursuing is what I should be pursuing or not. It might just be that I need to keep working to move forward with my career, i.e. speaking and getting my books to as many people as I can, and I might just need to wait until I finally catch that break I’ve been hoping for for so long. Or I might eventually find this stuff is no longer what I feel I should pursue, I guess time will tell. So right now, though I’ve been trying to move forward A LOT faster, I might just need to wait while still continuing to work on moving forward just at this slower pace. Regardless, I still love life and want to help as many people as I can. Whatever YOU’re pursuing, even if you have to go A LOT slower than you desire, and even though you may end up feeling like you need to pursue something else, KEEP GOING and NEVER give up!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

How to follow my blog…

        if using a computer, once you’re on my blog homepage where my list of blog posts is, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two places to click “follow.” Click the “follow” on the top of your screen. You’ll need to enter your email address. Once you’ve done so, you’ll be following my blog. If you’re using a handheld device, it’s different. Once at my blog homepage, click on one of my blog post titles and go to it. 

        Then, after scrolling to the bottom of that post, it says “Home” and below that it says “View web version” and you need to CLICK VIEW WEB VERSION. After going to the web version, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two “boxes.” The first and top “box” says “Followers” and has the list of the followers of my blog. At the bottom of those followers still in that same “box” there’s the word “Follow.” If you click that “Follow” you can follow my blog but you’ll need to enter an email address.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

The JOEtivator Has Returned!!!!!

Joseph Brann
      Today I have VERY little time but just wanted YOU to know I’m back, "The JOEtivator" has returned!!!!! Yesterday I was frustrated, sick, and unhappy but today I’m happy once again!!!!! I’m still a little sick but I’m not going to let that keep me down. The things I was waiting on and which I was frustrated about which I made mention of my being unhappy with in my last blog post, I’m still waiting on and even though that’s not ideal, I refuse to let my circumstances decide my happiness! Yesterday was a fail for happiness, which I’m not too pleased with, but today I’m making the right decision and am happy again. NOTHING really changed concerning the things I was frustrated with yesterday EXCEPT I changed my mind and decided being happy is what I want to be, so I am! I hope this shows YOU happiness REALLY is a choice and, even though we don’t have to ALWAYS be happy, we can and should ALWAYS come back to happy!!! Much love, YOU’re AWESOME!!!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

How to follow my blog…

      if using a computer, once you’re on my blog page where my list of blog posts is, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two places to click “follow.” Click the “follow” on the top of your screen. You’ need to enter your email address. Once you’ve done so, you’ll be following my blog . If you’re using a handheld device, it’s different. 
         Once at my blog, click on one of my blog post titles and go to it. Then, after scrolling to the bottom of that post, it says “Home” and below that it says “View web version” and you need to CLICK VIEW WEB VERSION. After going to the web version, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two “boxes.” The first and top “box” says “Followers” and has the list of the followers of my blog. At the bottom of those followers still in that same “box,” there’s the word “Follow.” If you click that “Follow” you can follow my blog but you’ll need to enter an email address.

Friday, January 18, 2019

I'm Not Doing So Great...

Joseph Brann
      I’m only human and some days are harder than others. Right now, I'm not doing so great and don’t feel like the JOEtivator, but I'm not throwing in the towel and giving up, I'm just allowing myself to be human and feel what I feel. Physically it appears allergies are giving me a good bit of trouble but yesterday I had some REALLY strange stuff going on. I know I talk in my memoir about how there’ve been times when I couldn’t tell if I was asleep or awake when I was in fact awake. Last night things got REALLY weird. I knew I was awake but it seemed like I was dreaming. Everything was SO incredibly out of whack and it was no fun to deal with. Right now as I’m typing, when I look at my hands, they kind of seem like they’re made of plastic and it kind of seems like everything’s a cartoon or something and I REALLY can’t think straight. Brain damage is SO weird to deal with and I’m really unsure what’s going on with my brain currently. 
               I’ve decided to blog about this to show YOU that I really am only human and, like I’ve said before, I’m not ALWAYS happy. It’s true I ALWAYS come back to happy but I’m not sure how long it’s going to take me to get out of this mental funk I’m dealing with. This post is NOT negative though. I want YOU to see that it’s okay to be human and it’s okay to not always be happy. I’ve had some other things, disappointments and still having to wait on some other things I can only hope come together, which add to why I’m having trouble finding that “happy place” I love so much but i know I WILL get back to it. Currently, my physical and mental issues are winning the fight as my happy feelings are not shining through. 
      Last night, I was frustrated with God and was even cussing at Him in my mind, it’s okay though, He’s a big man and can handle it, ha! But, since I will ALWAYS be honest with YOU, today I wanted to show how even I face times that my positivity isn’t always victorious against. But, I will get back to happy soon enough and I still know everything will be alright! I hope my showing this side I’ve never blogged about before will further show how even in the toughest and darkest of times, I still fight to be who and what I know I should be and, more importantly, that it’s okay for YOU to be human too. The JOEtivator will be back soon I’m positive and I’ll get back to being him but today I wanted to show how I really am human and don’t pretend to be someone I’m not. Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

How to follow my blog…

      if using a computer, once you’re on my blog page where my list of blog posts is, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two places to click “follow.” Click the “follow” on top of your screen and you’ll need to enter your email address. If you’re using a handheld device, once at my blog, click on one of my blog post titles and go to it. Then, after scrolling to the bottom of that post, it says “Home” and below that it says “View web version” CLICK VIEW WEB VERSION. Once you’ve gone to the web version, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two “boxes.” The first and top “box” says “Followers” and has the list of the followers of my blog. At the bottom of those followers still in that same “box,” there’s the word “Follow” and if you click that “Follow” you can follow my blog but you’ll need to enter an email address.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Talk to Me Thursday! My Thoughts on the World...

Joseph Brann
      Just so you know, I’m going to start putting how to follow my blog at the end of each blog as multiple people have had trouble with it because following it is different depending on what kind of a device you’re using. Now, for this “Talk to Me Thursday” post I want to talk about my thoughthts on the World. I’m beyond disgusted with all of the evil and violence going on everywhere. If there was more love and less anger, the world would be SO MUCH better off! Even though I love life and everyone in it, too many of the people in this world choose to try and harm one another when, if they would instead try and help each other, this world would be immaculately better. One of the reasons for which I blog, published my memoir, and even came back to life is because I love people and want to help as many as I can.
      Some of the things I’ve seen in the news break my heart. I don’t know how, there are people who get attacked, molested, beaten, and so forth in public and others just walk right on by as if nothing’s going on. And then there are the people who, instead of trying to help, decide to film it on their phones, laugh, and post it on social media. That doesn’t make ANY sense at all to me. When I’ve hear about things like this, I’m dumbfounded. Although, a good while back I was at a store and there was a man yelling at a kid but I couldn’t think fast enough to try and intervene other than to make sure the cops were called. I, after realizing had I not been so mentally slow I should’ve stepped in and said something to the man, I was disappointed in myself. However, I’m MORE THAN positive had he been hitting the child or anything like that, I definitely would’ve stepped in. I’m the kind of person who’d take a bullet for a complete stranger.
      I’m not duding others, especially since I’ve been in the situation I just mentioned with the man and child and was frozen other than making sure the cops were called, but I know we can all do so much better if we just love and try to help each other. But still, I love life and people and even the world. Just sometimes I’m a little disgusted with the way people act, and don’t act. But regardless, my love for the world and all people will always help me to try and make this world a better place. Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

How to follow my blog…
      if using a computer, once you’re on my blog page where my list of blog posts is, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two places to click “follow.” Click the “follow” on top of your screen and you’ll need to enter your email address. If you’re using a handheld device, once at my blog, click on one of my blog post titles and go to it. Then, after scrolling to the bottom of that post, it says “Home” and below that it says “View web version” CLICK VIEW WEB VERSION. Once you’ve gone to the web version, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two “boxes.” The first and top “box” says “Followers” and has the list of the followers of my blog. At the bottom of those followers still in that same “box,” there’s the word “Follow” and if you click that “Follow” you can follow my blog but you’ll need to enter an email address.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

O.C.D. Developed in a Coma!

Joseph Brann
      Most people probably know o.c.d. stands for obsessive compulsive disorder. If you’ve read my memoir, you’ll know I’ve suffered from o.c.d. ever since my accident, but I'm not sure you'd know how I believe it started. Yes it’s a result of my brain being damaged, but I believe it was REALLY developed while I was in a coma. I’ve vague recollections of being in a coma and, as I’ve said before, it’s A LOT like sleep paralysis except that making myself breathe loudly won’t get me out of it. I was in a coma for about a week and at times I believe I was mentally awake and my mind was spinning as I was BEYOND terrified and didn’t know what was going on. I believe, while in the terrifying coma, to pass the time, I started thinking of words, letters in words, syllables in words, words in a sentence, and letters in a sentence. Counting these things is how I’d spend my time.
      After I got out of the hospital, for many years I was still suffering from counting these letters and other stuff. I was always trying to see if the number of letters, words, syllables etc…was the same as some of my favorite numbers. This drove me CRAZY!!! After years of not realizing it wasn’t normal, once I realized how annoying and stressful even it was for me to keep counting these things and that even if the numbers were the same as my favorite numbers, so what, it doesn’t change anything, I decided to overcome this. I forced myself to stop counting these things. I realized, just like happiness and positivity, whether I counted these things or not, was my choice. I also realized the numbers made NO difference whatsoever. I don’t know how to explain what an ENORMOUS stress relief it was when I decided to overcome my o.c.d. pertaining to the counting I’ve been talking about today.

      I’ve also decided to overcome my o.c.d. in general and when my mind starts to get obsessed and fixated on anything in an unhealthy stressful manner, I make myself stop being obsessed with it. I know not all o.c.d. is the same and some cases are more difficult to overcome and may require medications. I don’t really take much medication for my o.c.d., I take xanax and, even though that’s more to help me sleep, it’s also a help with my o.c.d. and other similar things I face. I hope YOU don’t have o.c.d. but if you do, I hope you’re able to get the treatment, medication if needed, and anything else to help you overcome it. Even though we may need medication to assist with it, making the decision to work to overcome o.c.d. will DEFINITELY help and I hope you will overcome it! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Busy Yet Positive Day!

Joseph Brann

      This post will be short. As often happens, things have gotten busier than I’d expected them to and I don’t have much time. But, no matter how busy we are or how much we have going on, we can ALWAYS be positive! I know sometimes we might not want to be positive, but life’s just better thorough positive eyes and a positive attitude! So, no matter what YOU’re going through, no matter how busy your life may be, ALWAYS remember YOU can be positive and, then, BE POSITIVE!!! Will YOU? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Monday, January 14, 2019

Staying Positive Through Difficult Times!

Joseph Brann
      Today’s another one of those days I’m not feeling too well. A few nights ago I, once again, had one of those nights I’ve talked about before where sleep was a real problem and sometimes it takes me a few days to "bounce back" from a night like that. So I’m still trying to get things back in place mentally. Even when nights are as difficult as the one I recently had and even on days, like today, that I’m not thinking real clearly, I know I still have to stay positive. Just the other day some crazy stuff happened with my vision. I think I’ve made mention of my being partially blind before but if not, I am partially blind and the peripheral vision I used to have in my right eye is completely gone and some of the peripheral vision I used to have in my left eye is gone too but in general I don’t see very well. So, the other day, my eyes somehow became a little "crossed" or something and things were very blurry. It was a little startling especially since I didn’t know for sure when, or if, my vision would return to how it usually is. 

      I think I closed my eyes and applied pressure to them with my fingers but eventually my vision, though still limited with the partial blindness, did return to how it normally is. But that was a bit scary. I remember how very soon after my wreck I was almost completely blind and my vision was much worse than it is now, and that was rather terrifying so when I start having problems seeing like I did the other day, I’m always just hoping and praying my eyesight isn’t getting worse, I REALLY don’t want my vision to be worse. So, even though there isn’t much I can do for my vision, I still always work to stay positive so that my “vision” and outlook on my life and future, stays strong and I NEVER return to the nightmare and trials of yesterdays. If we want to be happy, we’ve got to work to ALWAYS stay positive and ALWAYS love our lives, no matter how hard they my be. But, being positive and loving life, as always, is not only possible, but it’s also our choice, what do YOU choose? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

I Believe in Myself, Will YOU Believe in Yourself?

Joseph Brann
      Brain damaged, partially blind, SO many disabilities, almost countless rejections and all, I still believe in myself! No matter how difficult life is and has been for you, no matter the amount of disappointments and failures you may have had, YOU’re still alive and YOU are NOT a failure and can improve everyday! But YOU HAVE to believe in yourself! I feel this way too about the man writing this blog, Joseph “Joe” Brann, OH FLIP, that’s ME! Ha! I believe in myself, will YOU believe in yourself? Even if you don’t feel you’ve done very well today, there’s still tomorrow and you’ll get where you’re trying to go if you just keep going! We can fail at things in our lives, we can even fail daily, but we NEVER truly fail until we give up! Of course, pertaining to bad habits and the like, giving up on that stuff is actually a MAJOR win so if YOU’ve given up and broken bad habits and so forth, CONGRATULATIONS, YOU’re insanely AWESOME! If you’re still battling those things, CONGRATULATIONS, YOU’re insanely AWESOME! KEEP BATTLING!!!

        You might not feel you’re insanely AWESOME, but you can, should, and even NEED to know YOU are because I’m not lying when I say I know you are! So, am I just acting “braindead” because I believe in myself??? Absolutely…NOT! Are YOU just acting braindead if YOU don’t believe in yourself??? ABSOLUTELY…I’ll let YOU decide the correct way to conclude this answer but I’d have to consider that if YOU don’t believe in yourself and what I’m telling you, maybe my car accident was SO BAD it left you brain damaged? Ha? I DON’T believe you are brain damaged, I was just joking. However, you might not be thinking as clearly as you should so I'm here to help you with this. I know what that’s like! I know what it’s like to feel like such a braindead loser freak that I’ve hated myself and’ve REALLY not been thinking straight! But, I’ve bounced back and LOVE who I am, in spite of and because of what I’ve been through! Now that’s thinking correctly, PLEASE know you need to feel the same way about yourself!!! I believe in myself, will YOU believe in yourself? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Writer's Life!

Joseph Brann
      Today I’ll be talking about writer’s block…in life! If you’re not a writer, you may be thinking, “Joseph, WHY are you wasting my time talking to ME about writer’s block??? This information is going to be useless! Man, how fast was that truck going when it hit you in the head because you CLEARLY have brain damage?!?!” If YOU’re thinking this, STOP BEING SO RUDE! Man, I have brain damage for goodness sake!!! Hahaha, just joking! YOU, more than likely, weren’t thinking this and, even if you were, it’s okay, I’m a big boy and can handle it, ha! But seriously, today I’m talking about writer’s block IN LIFE! As an author, a few times I’ve had actual writer’s block where I couldn’t get my thinking straight and wasn’t sure what to write or how I was going to keep a story flowing so I wasn’t even able to keep writing. When this’s happened, I’ve had to “take a step back.”
      I’ve had to stop writing and let it go for a while as I cleared my mind until I was able to think as needed later on. Sometimes in life, we may start to wonder, “NOTHING’s making sense, why can’t I get ahead, and why won’t life go as I desire and deserve it to?!?!?! What the flip am I doing and what is going on?” If YOU experience this, DON’T worry, YOU’re officially human, ha! But, take a step back if you can and try not to think about what’s going on and all the things outside of your control until you’re better able to think clearly. Take a deep breath and realize everything will be okay because, everything will be okay! When I’ve still tried to get things done that weren’t 100% necessary while having “writer’s block in life” I’ve most always done something I’d later wish I’d done differently, or not at all. Once again, just keep telling yourself everything will be okay because, everything will be okay! Don’t push yourself further than you’re currently able to go, but KEEP GOING, YOU CAN DO IT!!! 

      If ever having “writer’s block in life,” stay positive, KEEP GOING, and know YOU’ll get where you’re trying to go when you’re supposed to! Now, YOU probably feel bad for insulting me with the thoughts I put in your head at the beginning of this blog, but please, don’t feel bad, YOU didn’t do anything wrong, ha! But seriously, YOU didn’t! I love YOU, though! Thanks for always helping me “come back to happy,” stay positive, and allowing me to be a part of your life! I hope my blogs help YOU! I hope they provide you with the knowledge necessary to know you can keep going and accomplish ANYTHING and EVERYTHING YOU desire! If today’s blog helps you to know this, CONGRATULATIONS, YOU’ve just been JOEtivated!!! Ha! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Friday, January 11, 2019

Protect Yourself, Believe in Yourself, Succeed With Yourself!

Joseph Brann
      Especially if factoring in my mental situation, I’ve been blessed with my intelligence. YOU too have been blessed with your intelligence, YOU are intelligent!!! I take NO credit for the intelligence I have, my creator gave me that. Today, I got a message from someone I’d just become “friends” with online. They asked something along the lines of have I heard about what’s going on? I became VERY intrigued, NOT really, ha! I was then informed random people were being selected to win money. The very person I was NOW communicating with had JUST WON $150,000 and when they received their money, guess who’s name they saw on the list??? That’s right, they saw MY name!!! WOW! This is INCREDIBLE!!!!! What are the odds I would get so lucky, right?!?! 
      The odds of me getting randomly selected to win a large amount of money are just a little better than the odds of me believing what this person I’d NEVER interacted with before was telling me. It’s not impossible, NOTHING’s impossible, but I’ve seen enough stuff in the news to know there are A LOT of scams out there and I’m intelligent enough to protect myself. After they told me they’d seen my name on this list when they received their $150,000 I responded and said, “I don't think you did…” Up to this point, their responses to my responses were really quick, but this time, not so much! I then blocked them! But we all need to protect ourselves. Don’t be paranoid, but look at your situations, figure out the best way to deal with and respond to them, and then respond accordingly. Protect yourself because there are A LOT of scams out there and just as many people who aren't reaching their potential to be the extraordinarily wonderful person I know they were created to be, looking to get something for nothing.

        So, protect yourself, but know YOU can believe in yourself to make the right decisions. For me, in this situation pertaining to the “list” I was supposedly on, even if by some EXTREMELY slim chance this random person I’d NEVER met before had been telling the truth, they weren’t, ha, but even if they had been being honest, I’m not willing to take that chance, BETTER CHOICES, BETTER CHANCES! Now, I believe I made the right decision by responding the way I did. I believe in myself enough to do what I feel is best for me and my situation. By not allowing myself to, more than likely, get scammed by some random person I know nothing about who tells me that only one day after connecting with me, they just so happened to see my name on some list to receive a lot of money, I’m increasing my chances of succeeding with myself and how I desire! I’ll protect, believe in, and succeed with Myself! YOU can do the same, will YOU? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!