Friday, September 13, 2019

Last Time I'll Blog for a While!

  Joseph Brann

          This post will be the last time I'll blog for a while! I’m having mental issues and feeling very overwhelmed with everything going on at the moment so I think I need to take a brake from blogging. I’m not sure how long I’ll take a break for though. However, I’m NOT giving up and have over 270 past blog posts which you can view at any time and which I hope will help you stay JOEtivated! πŸ€ͺ Just to give you a quick example of how my life’s been overwhelming me lately, yesterday I was in SO MUCH pain I literally cried, I mean I cried actual tears! πŸ˜’ That’s just insane to me!!! I talk in great length about the pains I’m in just about nonstop in my memoir, which once again if you’ve not already gotten you can get it off Amazon with this link: 
                   My life hasn’t even almost made sense to me for the last just short of 21 years, December 10th this year will be 21 years since my wreck happened. Though this life I live doesn't make sense to me and my challenges are beyond difficult and exhausting to me, I'll still NEVER say my life's harder than anyone else's. Like I've said before, comparing is pointless, gets us nowhere, and I believe life's difficult for everyone. I don’t believe just because something’s difficult I should quit, and I’m not quitting blogging, just taking another break. I feel we need to try and make the best decisions for our situations and currently this seems to be what’s best for me. Just know, I still love you, want the best for you, and am NOT quitting, so PLEASE don’t quit either? Keep your head up and ALWAYS know YOU’re incredible!!!!! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜πŸ‘πŸΌ Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Talk to Me Thursday! 🏊‍♂️ Swimming...

  Joseph Brann

          Yesterday, for the first time in many years, I went swimming. 🏊‍♂️ I did so as a workout, but I only swam a little and spent the bulk of my time jogging in place. It got my heart rate up pretty quick and, from what I’ve researched, using water to workout in burns calories really well and is also a lot safer on your joints. I’m probably going to go swim, or more accurately stated, I’ll probably walk, or jog, in the pool some more today. After I was done in the pool, I sat in the hot tub for a while. That was really nice, and I intend to get in the hot tub again today. Anyway, I really like working out in a pool, even if just for a little bit! I suggest, if YOU want to get in a great workout and have access to a pool, that you'll use it. Hopefully you also have a hot tub to chill in afterwards, it’s AWESOME!!! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜ Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Strained, Pained, and Drained but Still Failing to Fail!

  Joseph Brann

          This’ll be a REALLY short post, but today I am strained, pained, and drained but still failing to fail! I’m not sure what’s going on but I’m just BEYOND exhausted even more than usual and it’s honestly driving me crazy! Yet, I’m not quitting and I will continue failing to fail, will YOU? πŸ€” Keep going, we can!!! πŸ’ͺπŸ˜„ Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Congratulations πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸΌ to YOU!!!

  Joseph Brann

          I don’t have much time today but wanted to say congratulations πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸΌ to YOU!!! You’ve made it this far in your life and that is HUGE! I know you’re an incredible person, but it’s up to YOU to be the incredible person you’ve been created to be! Maybe you hear this everyday, or maybe you’ve never ever heard it, but I want you to know that you REALLY do deserve to be told congratulations for all the good you've done and still do! If you don’t feel you’ve done any good, I’d be willing to bet you’re incorrect. But, either way and ESPECIALLY if you feel you’ve not done any good, I STRONGLY suggest you go do some good, or more good, in this world! NEVER forget YOU’ve been created to be AWESOMELY INCREDIBLE, now go be AWESOMELY INCREDIBLE!!! πŸ˜„ And again, CONGRATULATIONS!!! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸΌ Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Monday, September 9, 2019

FINALLY Moving Forward!

  Joseph Brann

             I feel I am FINALLY moving forward! For a long time I’ve been wanting to get going with my speaking and all that involves but haven’t really known how to do so but this weekend I talked with my nephew and one of my best friends Kyle and he helped me make a list of the things I wanted to get done today. I was having trouble with my allergies when I was first getting up today and I was thinking I wasn’t going to do everything I’d scheduled to. I texted him and told him I wouldn’t be doing everything we’d planned but I’d do what I could. Then just a little later, I just got moving. I scheduled a phone meeting with a speaker and I believe life-coach who I’d messaged with on Linkedin before and who invited me to a 30 minute phone meeting, we’ve been messaging for a while now but with all the craziness I’ve been dealing with lately, I’ve not scheduled the call for a while, but I did so today. 
          Then I emailed a person who works with the athletic program at a nearby University and just asked if they could direct me to someone I could get a phone call with about speaking to their athletic program. I sent the email not even an hour ago and hopefully I hear back soon and will be able to get something set up. Additionally, I also spoke with the owner of a business, and businesses, about speaking to their employees and we’re supposed to get something set up. I also did a workout which consisted of walking and a high intensity interval training or “HIIT” workout but I did it as a beginner because of the pain and all I am in. So I’m feeling great that I didn’t make excuses and got done what I wanted to today. It’s AWESOME feeling like I’m FINALLY moving forward! Will YOU move forward with me? πŸ€” I sure hope so! πŸ’ͺπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜„ Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

How to Endure and Overcome!

  Joseph Brann

          Today I’ll be talking about how to endure and overcome! I’ve got FAR MORE experience than I’d EVER want to have with enduring, but being able to endure is something we ALL can do, even when we don’t want to. But to endure how difficult, cruel, and mean this life can be, you’ve got to make up your mind that you WON’T quit! Now there are times when I REALLY want to quit, but I don’t. As to how to endure, you’ve just got to make up your mind that you’ll face what you have to in your life and NEVER give up. Even after making this decision, there may be times you want to give up, BUT DON’T! 
                   By continuing to work to have the life you desire while facing whatever you have to, you will overcome whatever you’re facing! So, the short answer to how to endure and overcome is just to KEEP GOING! Even if physically you don’t have the strength to stand, as I’ve literally had this happen, you can still “stand” mentally by keeping yourself focused and not giving up, YOU CAN DO IT, now go do it!!! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ’ͺπŸ˜„ Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Surprising πŸ™€ New Details Recently Learned About My Wreck!

  Joseph Brann

          From what I’ve been told, my car accident was said to be caused by the weather, but for over 20 years I’ve believed if anyone was more to blame for it, it was me for not being more careful. I still believe I should’ve been being more careful but recently I was told that the person who clipped me and sent my Camaro Z28 SS hydroplaning across the median before I was hit by a Chevrolet Z71 pickup truck on the other side of the expressway, was actually being a jerk. I was told they sped up to try and keep me from changing lanes and that they were also in my blind spot. The reason I’m talking about this today is to ask YOU, and everyone who reads my blog, to PLEASE be cautious and kind, while driving or doing anything else? I know when I’d drive my car, there were people who’d do things to be rude, like trying to box me in in tight situations on the road and other similar things. 
                  I believe this was in part because of jealousy that a 17 year old had the car I did, but, what good does it do to try and cause problems for others, on the road or otherwise? I’ll answer that for you…NONE, it does NO GOOD at all to try and cause problems! I’m not mad, but I wonder, πŸ€” if the person who clipped my car had known that by trying to keep me from being able to change lanes, they’d also destroy my life and cause A WHOLE LOT more problems I didn’t even imagine possible then, would they still have done what they did? The answer doesn’t matter too much as I don’t know how to change the past. But in all things, and ESPECIALLY when you’re driving, PLEASE try to make the best choices you can that’ll give the best chances of keeping everyone safe and not creating more problems or possibly destroying lives? Better Choices, Better Chances! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜ Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Friday, September 6, 2019

You Can Win, Will YOU? πŸ€”

  Joseph Brann

          Today I want to quickly remind and ask, in this game of life, you CAN win, will YOU? πŸ€” Is this easier said than done? Absolutely, but it can be done! You can win every single day by doing your best, facing what you have to, and NEVER giving up! Even when it seems you’ve been defeated by life, you WILL NOT be defeated if you just keep pushing on! I’ve NOT achieved what I want to in my life…YET, but each day I get closer to achieving my goals by working on them, doing my best to stay positive, ALWAYS coming back to happy, and just not giving up! I win EVERYDAY by doing this, and so can you! So I just want to once again remind and ask, in this game of life, you CAN win, will YOU? πŸ€” Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Talk to Me Thursday! Better Vision!

  Joseph Brann

          For today’s Thursday post, I’ll be talking about something REALLY exciting to me and that is the fact that I now have better vision! Months ago I got my first pair of prescription glasses and, even though they don’t help where I’m partially blind from the stroke I had, they still help me A LOT! Where I can see, I have 20/20 vision when wearing my glasses. I didn’t realize how bad my vision was until getting my new glasses, and I’m reminded how bad my vision is every time I take them off. My 20 year high school reunion, yeah I know I’m old, ha, was this past June and it was great to see friends I’d not seen in many years. The really cool thing was, after I’d talked to some of the people there and we’d separate from one another, I was still able to recognize many of their faces repeatedly when I saw them next!!! Now there were a few times I thought I recognized someone but then found out I was wrong, but multiple times I was able to recognize faces of people I’d just seen, which, for me, is a SUPER exciting feeling! 
                    In the parts of my eyes which I can see out of, for many years my vision was pretty horrible but I thought it was just because of the stroke and I attributed said bad vision to my brain damage. But I’m beyond excited to be able to see MUCH better when I wear my glasses. The class reunion was the most fun I can remember having in a very, very long time. I was, and am, beyond grateful I’ve been able to recognize more faces since getting my glasses and to just see things much more clearly in general. I’d LOVE to have my full vision back, maybe one day that’ll happen, but until then I’m just so happy my glasses provide SO MUCH improvement to my vision. At the class reunion, everyone was really understanding and kind when I did have issues from my vision and brain situation altogether, which I REALLY appreciate!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

YOU Matter!!!

  Joseph Brann

          It’s BEYOND important that you always know YOU Matter!!! You have value, abilities, meaning, purpose, tremendous worth, and a WHOLE lot more amazingness you give to the world everyday! I know this world can be cruel and won’t give you the thanks you deserve for how much your existence blesses all things in creation. So today I want to take a moment and thank you for everything you give to all things in creation and to me! I want to let you know you REALLY do matter and are worth more than I currently know how to verbalize! Thank YOU so much, keep going, this world, and I, really DO need you and all you bless us with!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

This Pain Called Life!

  Joseph Brann

          It can be VERY easy to not want to continue to face this pain called life! All I REALLY know and remember is pain, rejection, being beyond exhausted, suffering, and other similar feelings. Yet I am in NO WAY feeling sorry for myself nor do I want anyone to feel sorry for me. I’m still hopeful for a better and brighter future! I’m still determined to make my future better and brighter, and I hope YOU’ll be there with me enjoying the best future we can create. Life will cheat you and me, but if we allow life to keep us down, we are the problem, NOT life! Do the best you can, smile, love life…even when it’s hell, love life…and, when it’s all said and done, YOU will stand victorious over this pain called life! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Monday, September 2, 2019

When Down, Pick Yourself Up!

  Joseph Brann

          If YOU want to be happy, you’ll have to learn that when you’re down, it’s up to YOU to pick yourself up! BUT, I’m here to help. I get down sometimes, actually daily I have to fight to keep myself going positively and that’s just fine. YOU really do help me to look for the good, stay, or get, positive, and to come back to happy so I can hopefully help you to do the same. Occasionally I look to other motivational speakers on YouTube and that can be a real help. But we can watch a million different speakers all day long, yet, if we don’t make the decision to be happy and to get positive, no speech is going to matter a whole lot. 
                 There’ve been many times when I feel myself starting to get depressed, or down, and I have to decide to pick myself up and not allow myself to stay frustrated or negative. We don’t have to do it alone though, we can work together to be positive, like we should be. We can fight our battles alone, but it’s MUCH better to fight them as a team, which is A BIG reason I blog! Once again I hope to help you but thanks SO MUCH for all YOU do for me! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Life's Tough, But YOU Can Handle it!!!

  Joseph Brann

          I know that at the very least, sometimes life's tough, but YOU can handle it!!! The fact is, more than likely, life is tough for all of us. I can almost guarantee even the people others think have the perfect life, no problems, and everything is blissful, even those people face challenges. Several years ago I was speaking with a man a good bit older than I was and we were talking about the pain I am in pretty much NONSTOP. He told me he had’d NO idea what the pain I was, and am, πŸ˜œ  feeling, felt like. He said he is rarely in pain. Even hearing this from that good man, I still knew and know he faces other challenges in his life.
            Multiple people have, in a complimentary manner, told me they couldn’t handle what I have to handle. Even though I appreciate their kind words, I don’t necessarily believe that is true. If they HAD TO face what I HAVE TO face, I’m pretty sure they’d find a way to do so. But my challenges aren’t your’s and your challenges aren’t mine and comparing is a waste of time, yet I still hope I can help you. I’m sure we all face tough times, even you, but when life’s at it’s toughest, just know, you CAN handle it! Keep going, YOU’re INCREDIBLE!!! πŸ‘πŸΌ Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!