Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Living a Life I Don't Remember!

  Joseph Brann
      I am and for what will be 21 years this coming December 10th, living a life I don't remember! I’m blogging about this today because I want YOU to be and to remain determined to be safe and to not make your life any more difficult than it has to be! Though bits and pieces have come back, most all of my life’s memories before my wreck have been lost and now when I get to the end of a day, it’s EXTREMELY difficult for me to remember most ANYTHING that’s happened that day. But I find ways to cope with it. I keep upcoming events and such on my calendar so I get reminders of things I need to do and also put notes in my phone of things I want to remember. When I see the reminder, even though I might have to push myself to remember what exactly it is I want to do with said reminder, I’m still able to figure the things out I need to. Or, when I still have trouble remembering what I wanted to do with the reminder, I usually have someone else who can help me figure it out. I personally know there’s ALWAYS a way to deal with what we have to. In all truthfulness, I REALLY don’t like how difficult it is for me to remember things. I don’t know how to change the past so I don't waste my time trying to do so, but had I been cautious they day my life was destroyed, more than likely, I would still be able to remember things like I used to. 
                But I'm still determined to move forward and to NEVER give up! Something I do remember though, I know I’ve blogged about how I won’t allow myself to hate anything, but I’ve found that it actually is okay to hate some things, as long as I don’t allow myself to be so filled with hate that I make poor decisions which cause more problems. For instance, I hate that there are people who are still to this day slaves dealing with that hell, I hate that they’re treated the way they are, BUT I’ll use my hatred towards those things to try and help them, and hopefully one day soon I’ll have the kind of money I desire to be able to pay people who work to stop such slavery and such. Though I don’t remember much of my life, I’ll NEVER forget to always try to help people and use negativities, even hate, for positive things! But I don’t currently know how to fully put into words how much I dislike, and maybe even positively hate, not being able to remember so, so much of my life. And now I beg of YOU,  PLEASE be cautious and PLEASE do your best to make sure you will never be living a life YOU don't remember?!?! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

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