Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Frustrated Lately!

  Joseph Brann
               I’ll be completely honest with YOU, I’m going to tell you some things which’ve been more apparent in my life recently which I’ve allowed to leave me frustrated lately! I’m SO tired of people not keeping their word, not being trustworthy, and not following through. It seems more people recently have decided to tell me they’ll call or do something on a specific day, at a specific time, but don’t. I’ve had a good friend of mine who’s like second in charge where he works talk to their boss about having me speak for them, his boss said he was excited and would call me, but never did. I’ve also called another similar business to the one my friend’s at and the boss told his secretary they already know who I am and were very excited to talk to me and would be calling me on a specific day and time. Neither of these bosses called. I’ve still not heard back from multiple other people I’ve not met before but contacted about speaking.
      I realize a lot, or most, people aren’t going to tell you they’re not interested and’ll say stuff to string you along because they don’t want to tell you what they believe you don’t want to hear, I still consider this a cowardly way of doing things. And it’s not like I’ve been friends with the people I’m contacting but we’ve either NEVER interacted before, or I’ve not spoken with them for over 20 years, more or less. I’ve still had some people not business related who tell me they’ll call me and don’t and/or stuff like that, which is annoying! But, pertaining to my speaking and all, this is BUSINESS so stop lying, stop leading me on, and stop wasting my time. 
      Just because I’m mentally and physically disabled doesn’t mean my time’s not valuable, so treat me as a human being, not a brain damaged charity case, I DON’T WANT charity!!! It REALLY bugs me when people feel sorry for me, think they know what I want to hear when all I want to hear is the truth, and act like I’m not smart or valuable enough for them to treat me like everyone should be treated. I know I’m venting here some but if anyone thinks lying to me, deceiving me, leading me on, or any other such thing is going to ease the disappointment of them rejecting me, they’re MORE THAN a great bit WRONG!!! Anyway, this is part of who I am and I know I’ll overcome these disappointments, but sometimes I just need to feel what I feel, allow myself to be human, and express what I need to in hopes of helping others in their lives, and myself in mine, and let people know what their lies and deceit can do and why they shouldn’t do either! Keep your head up, there’re are great things coming!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

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