Friday, April 12, 2019

Overcoming Life's Struggles!

  Joseph Brann
                Lately I’ve had a lot more to deal with which makes it difficult to work on my speaking, promoting myself, my blog, Twitter account, and my books, because I’m very busy and in the middle of packing to move. I won’t be moving far, probably still in the same town or just outside of it, but I’m definitely going to be moving real soon. In this and future posts, I intend to discuss a lot more about overcoming difficulties in life. Today’s post is about overcoming depression in life! How is that done? I believe YOU and I will overcome feeling depressed or even just negatively, by first deciding we don’t want our adversities to overtake and have power over us. In this and future posts, I intend to start talking more about adversities I face, things we might all face, and any other adversity I think I should discuss, and most definitely about overcoming it all. A big part of overcoming obsta…I mean opportunities, is first deciding we want to overcome them. I’ll reference a lot, if not all, I discuss about overcoming to what I face because that’s the adversity I overcome daily and know best.
        However, I’m doing so in hopes it helps YOU work to overcome your challenges and to know you can. So, to start talking about overcoming in a little more specifics, let’s touch on something I’ve touched on already in past blogs and discuss a little how I work to overcome my depression and such by making myself concentrate on the positive, taking my medicine which helps with such, ha, and I keep knowing happiness is a choice I make! Depression is a VERY strong task to work to overcome, I do so pretty much daily but I know I can overcome it each and everyday by once again taking the medicine which helps with it, choosing to work to overcome it, and NEVER giving up! YOU can do this too, will YOU? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

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