Thursday, September 27, 2018

Definition of Success!

Joseph Brann

What’s your definition of success? Have you accomplished the success you desire yet or are you still in the pursuit of such, like me? I feel success is different for everyone but you can succeed everyday by continuing to try to move forward, doing the best you can, and NEVER giving up! I’ve been told by multiple people that regardless of what else happens in my life and what I achieve or not I am a success because of what I’ve been through and what I continue to go through and I appreciate this VERY much! But if you know me at all you probably know this isn’t good enough for me. I want to sell well over a million copies of my books, the two I’ve already published and the more than 20 I’ve not published yet, deliver a whole bunch of speeches, help an INSANE amount of people, and get at least my memoir turned into a movie and make millions upon millions of dollars. If or when I accomplish this, will I be a success? Well, that answer depends on your definition of success. 

For me if or when I accomplish these things I will have succeeded financially and, more importantly to me, if I’m able to help A WHOLE lot more people I will have succeeded in my desires to JOEtivate everyone I possibly can. However, will I then consider myself a success? Would YOU then consider me a success? Well, personally I will feel successful financially and JOEtivationally…rad word right? Ha! But will I then consider myself a success? The answer is no! At that point I will have succeeded in the ways I’ve mentioned and will LOVE IT, but I feel I won’t be a complete success until I die when it’s “my time to go” and I leave the world a better place because I was in it. But just so you know, I LOVE where my life is NOW and I don’t have to wait until I’ve accomplished the things I want to accomplish to love it. Does this make sense to YOU? Do I just sound like a braindead lunatic? If you think I do sound as such, don’t feel bad, I’m laughing at myself as I write, ha! Anyway, in my view if YOU keep pushing forward everyday until it’s your time to leave this world, YOU will be a success! But YOU can succeed everyday! I hope you agree! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

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