Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Have YOU Ever Been Depressed?

Joseph Brann

Have you ever been depressed? I’m posting this today because I know a lot of people face depression, I’m actually one of those people. This blog is about YOU but I must first talk a little about the depression I’ve faced and still face, but I fight it. I was told the part of my brain that controls depression was damaged in my wreck so I “technically” should be depressed. On top of that, I lost my entire world in a split second and face more “opportunities” in one second than I ever would’ve imagined even possible in a million lifetimes before my wreck. I’ve literally had a woman I was dating admit she didn’t want to kiss me because she knew if she kissed me she’d fall in love with me. She didn’t want to fall in 1love with me because I have brain damage and her parents would tell her she could do better. WHAT??? SERIOUSLY??? Yes, SERIOUSLY!!!
Since I don’t drive due to my partial blindness, I’ve been stood up for dates, yes, plural. I’ve been called a retard. I’ve hated my life, myself, and especially God! There was a time I was trying to load a gun to kill myself but my dad came in the room before I was successful. I’m so grateful he did! However, I’ve overcome ALL of that and’ve decided to love it! Sure all of my challenges are still the same, actually, as I get older, the brain and body disabilities become even harder to face. But I can face my challenges and so I will! 
I will overcome them and continue to overcome them by facing them and not allowing myself to be overcome by them! YOU can do the same! The most important reason I’m writing this post today is YOU need to know your value and worth is SO incredibly great that you’ll probably never know how magnificent YOU really are! Depression, shortcomings, losses, and all other negativities can be overcome by you each and everyday! If you need a friend, I’m here! If you get depressed and or discouraged, I’m here! If you need a reminder of how magnificent, beautiful, talented, and amazing you really are, once again I’m here. But it’s not about me, it’s about YOU!!! 
Everything I write on this blog and in my memoir is for YOU! I talk a lot about all of this stuff in my memoir. YOU are the reason I wrote it! I don’t care about the money I make from a sale NEARLY as much as I care about YOU! I know I’ve posted the link before but if you’d like, you can get my memoir off amazon.com. PLEASE get it, read it, find the JOEtivation you need or desire, and realize your incredible worth and potential with the link I’ll provide again. It’s bit.ly/tcsom. Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

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