Thursday, October 18, 2018

Talk to Me Thursday! Today's Topic is Time...

Joseph Brann
    It’s hard to believe it’s time for another “Talk to Me Thursday” blog post already. It really seems to me like it was yesterday that I posted my first blog introducing this concept, but of course that was already a week ago. So for this edition I’m going to talk about time. Time is pretty crazy in my opinion. Sometimes time flies by so fast it’s difficult to keep up with everything and then sometimes it seems like time is going so unbelievably slow. Right after my accident my concept of time was REALLY messed up and everything took so, so, so, so long. And yes that was FOUR so’s! Ha! Back then, when everything was “out of control” in my brain, if someone told me we were going to do something in 20 minutes it felt more like I was waiting for 20 hours. 

But now, a lot of things with my brain have kind of come back to normal so time is not so distorted in my mind. I know A LOT of things take time, I’ve been working on stuff that I’ve wanted to come together for so many years and when I look back I can’t believe how many years I’ve been working on this stuff. Finally though things seem to be beginning to move forward and I’ll use my experiences with time, and my old frustrations with it, to help me be even more grateful for where I am now and where I get to. So no matter how long things take, if we just keep moving forward, eventually we’ll get where we’re trying to go, just DON’T QUIT! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL! 

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