Friday, October 12, 2018

The JOEtivator!

Joseph Brann
   A little while back one of my close friends, who I’ll refer to as Jim, called me and asked what I would tell someone who was in need of JOEtivation. I told him it would depend on the situation and the needs of the person desiring help so he told me why he was asking. Turns out a friend of his was having a tough time and facing multiple challenges. I then found out Jim’s friend was actually right next to him and could hear the whole conversation. So I began addressing the issues I was told about and was just really trying to help Jim’s friend find what he needed to keep facing what he was facing. So I just spoke honestly and shared some of my experiences dealing with similar issues. When I finished saying what I said I really hoped it was what this great guy needed to hear. Jim then told me something along the lines of he’d never heard me JOEtivate before, only having read my JOEtivation, but he said I really got “in the zone” and what I’d said was AWESOME!!! So I greatly appreciated this and appreciated having the chance to help Jim and his friend. 

   I believe this is why I live though, this is one of the reasons I came “back from the dead!” I love to help people and whenever I’m able to it actually helps me keep going and finding the additional value in myself. Even “The JOEtivator” ha, needs JOEtivation sometimes. We all face so many things in life that can beat us down and even destroy us, IF we let it. But YOU can face whatever you have to face, you don’t have to quit, and you can truly be happy, no matter what you face. How you deal with your challenges is a choice. I ask that you please keep yourself motivated and stay positive. And when you get or think negatively, pick yourself up from your low points, keep going, and I’ll be hear to try and help and provide JOEtivation along the way! I guess that’s why I’ve been called “The JOEtivator?" Ha! Anyway, YOU are rAdiculously AWESOME, NEVER forget this!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL! 

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