Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Too Brain Damaged to be so Smart, Too Smart to be so Brain Damaged!

Joseph Brann

More often than not I try to focus on the blessings I’ve been given in life but I’m not perfect at doing so. My intelligence has been a blessing and a curse, though. You see, no credit be to me, but I’ve been blessed to be extremely intelligent. But at the same time, with my brain damage having been as severe as it was, I can’t understand how this can be the case except that miracles happen and God can do anything. I’ve said it in my memoir and to family and friends but I am too brain damaged to be so smart and too smart to be so brain damaged! This is the conundrum that is Joe Brann! And no I didn’t use the word conundrum to try and impress you with big words brain damaged people probably shouldn’t know how to use, ha! So because of my intelligence I've frequently had fantastic ideas but bringing them to pass was something I’ve not been able to do. My brain has also “beat me up” so to speak in the way that it will just run and run and run like the Energizer Bunny except faster and I’ve had to use my intelligence to figure out how to get it to stop doing such. 

But finally I’ve been blessed that I do extremely well in this department and it isn’t such a problem now. But the years and years and years of trying to deal with my brain spinning almost nonstop were beyond exhausting, on top of everything else being even more beyond exhausting. But I didn’t give up and now I’ve got it under control. What about YOU? I know YOU are intelligent, especially if you’re smart enough to read and follow my blog, ha! But do you ever have problems getting your mind to slow down? Do you ever feel exhausted from what you face? What is the conundrum that is YOU and how can you deal with it without giving up and using it to actually make yourself stronger? Please ask yourself these questions and use the answers to motivate, I mean JOEtivate, ha, yourself to keep going and proving everyday YOU are as incredible as I know YOU are! YOU CAN DO IT!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

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