Monday, November 26, 2018

Baggage is Just a Part of Life!

Joseph Brann
    Before I get into today’s blog, there’s been another change in my plans I’d like to inform you of. I’ve decided to wait until after the holidays to contact speakers bureaus and work to really get going with my speaking. I figure it’d be a better choice to wait until then because I know this is a busy season in a lot of places and there's a lot already going on. However, I am already supposed to be speaking to a company in New Braunfels, Texas in January and I’m confident waiting until the new year is the right thing for me to do at this time. Now for today’s blog, the truth is, we’ve all got baggage of some sort and baggage is just a part of life. I’ve got a lot of baggage and most of it stems from my mental and physical disabilities. But we are all more than our baggage. We are more than our past mistakes and misfortunes. We can do more than we’ve done already and go further than we’ve already gone! Anyone who tells you otherwise, is WRONG!!! 

    I’ve been rejected by a lot of people, especially women, who didn’t want the baggage that comes with being Joe Brann. I’ve had women, or at least one woman, ask me how could I expect any woman to put up with what I have to put up with. She or they was or were essentially telling me I shouldn’t want to have a girlfriend or a wife because I shouldn’t want anyone else to have to put up with what I have to. The truth is, I don’t want any woman, or anyone, to have to put up with what I have to. However, I do believe I work hard enough to overcome my baggage and I’m good enough to have the romantic relationship I desire to have with a woman and hopefully THE woman I can spend the rest of my life with. I acknowledge my baggage but I work to overcome it! I work to do and be better each and everyday than I was the day before and so can YOU! And when I finally get where I’ve been trying to go, how great a story will that be?!?!?! I'm BEYOND excited for that day but I still love today and everyday! So, don’t let anyone or anything tell YOU you aren’t good enough for what you desire because of the baggage you carry or for any other reason! Work to overcome your baggage that should be overcome and NEVER stop believing in yourself, YOU are INCREDIBLE! Do YOU believe me? I hope you do because IT’S TRUE!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL! 

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