Friday, November 16, 2018

Why I Don't Quit, Why YOU Shouldn't Quit!

Joseph Brann
   At least one other person has told me if they had to deal with what I have to they couldn’t do it. I say at least one because I believe there’ve been more than that who’ve said it to me but I know for sure at least one person has told me this. I’m not positive but I think they said they’d commit suicide. I’ve been VERY close to attempting to do just that, the details aren’t too important but I’ll just say had my dad not entered the room before I could load the gun I’m sure I wouldn’t be here now. But that was a long time ago and I’m BEYOND glad I didn’t go through with it the multiple times I was on the verge of trying to kill myself. But now I’m doing wonderfully and I love my life. There were many years I had no idea why I was waking up each day just to suffer. I wanted nothing more than to just give up. But I didn’t! I didn’t give up because even when I felt worthless, there was still this little voice in the back of my mind telling me I had reasons to keep going. Even though I wasn’t sure what my value was then, I still believed I had it. So I kept going even when I didn’t want to because I still believed in myself and my abilities.

   YOU too need to believe in yourself and be committed to NEVER giving up! You’ve got SO MUCH value and potential it’s ridiculous, in the most extraordinarily positive way imaginable! Even when you feel everything and everyone’s telling you you’ve no value and should give up, YOU need to know that isn’t true! I haven’t quit because I believe in myself and you need to never quit because YOU’re amazing and NEED to know this is true! When you feel like hating yourself, and trust me I’ve been there, find reasons to LOVE yourself! When you feel like giving up, one reason you shouldn’t is because YOU are incredible and can make it through whatever you’re facing and can accomplish more than you’ve probably ever imagined you can. I hope you know what I’m saying is true and if you don’t know it, I hope you will soon realize it because dang it I’m telling YOU, it’s true!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL! 

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