Thursday, November 15, 2018

Talk to Me Thursday! Politics & Religion!

Joseph Brann
            For this “Talk to Me Thursday!” post, I know two things we’re “not supposed to talk about” are politics and religion, so that’s EXACTLY what I’m going to talk about, ha! Don’t worry though, I’m going to be talking about politics and religion in general, not backing or supporting anything specifically. But just so you know, my view on religion has changed greatly since my accident, but that’s another story. Politics and religion can be good but so often they’re a subject of contention, anger, violence, and even war and murder. I’ve seen posts from other people on Facebook that say something like, “If you don’t agree with what I’m saying about my political view please delete me as a friend because I don’t want to have anything to do with you or someone who thinks like you.” That’s not an actual quote, but it’s close enough to what I’ve seen. I don’t agree with everyone’s stance on politics or religion, but I do agree and respect that everyone has the right to feel whatever way they do about these two topics. They have the right to feel the way they do about anything else as well and I’m willing to be friends with anyone from any political or religious view as long as they’re not trying to insult or harm others, but that’s just me.
    So many wars have been fought over these two subjects. So many people have died fighting for their religious and/or political beliefs that it’s ridiculous in my opinion! So many murders and so much evil has come because of politics and religion. But why? Why do people get so angry over politics and religion that they’re willing to murder others who don’t believe as they do? I don’t know the answer. I thought religion is supposed to bring people closer together in their pursuit to live as they believe God, or whatever their religious source or creator is, would have them live. I thought politics are supposed to help people have order in their lives and community and to be able to live feeling safe because their political leaders are striving to make our lives better and safer. But once selfishness and/or greed enters the scene, all of the good behind politics and religion goes out the window! So I just ask that we all strive to be more tolerant of other’s beliefs and their right to have a different opinion than our own. I hope that politics and religion will soon be sources of peace, happiness, safety, and protection, but in order for that to happen I feel there’s ABSOLUTELY NO room for selfishness or greed in either subject! What do YOU think? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL! 

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