Monday, November 12, 2018

Buy My Memoir From Amazon & Win the Lottery???

Joseph Brann
            Right now I’m making a special offer to YOU…if you buy my memoir off Amazon today with this link,, either as a paperback copy or as an ebook and also buy a lottery ticket, you just might win millions of dollars!!! Of course buying my memoir is in no way related to whether or not you win the lottery and you can win the lottery without buying my memoir, but if you buy my book and a lottery ticket you COULD still win the lottery, ha! But as I think about my life, knowing what I know now and having lived this brain damaged situation for nearly 20 years, if someone had “magic powers” and gave me the option to win billions of dollars today OR go back in time, purchase my memoir before it was my story, read it, and use it to make the better choice I talk about in it that I didn’t make, NO question I’d go back in time and read my memoir before it was my story. No amount of money is worth what I’ve had to deal with since my wreck! Please remember I’m not saying my life’s harder than your’s or anyone’s, but for me it’s more difficult than I ever would’ve imagined it could and would be. However, I believe in the power of my memoir to help YOU and everyone else. 

    I know it can save you from unimaginable challenges and inspire you to accomplish everything you can in life! If you get it and read it, I am beyond positive you’ll learn a lot of things you wouldn’t otherwise learn and it WILL help you. It costs more than a lottery ticket, a paperback copy is $14.95 and the ebook version is $8.95 but I believe it’s worth more than billions and billions and billions of dollars if it helps even only one person not end up in a situation like mine. Not trying to get spiritual on you but I know I made the choice to come back to life. I was told how difficult it was going to be and that I couldn’t then comprehend how challenging it would be for me. It didn’t matter to me though because I knew I’d be able to help others and I REALLY hope I’m helping YOU! PLEASE remember to be safe and strive to make better choices everyday for better chances at accomplishing everything you can and especially to make better choices so you don’t make your life any harder than it has to be! I promise you it’ll be beyond worth it to try to make better choices everyday. "Better Choices, Better Chances!" Once again, my memoir expounds upon what I’m blogging about now and can help you in so many ways. Please get it, read it, apply it, and make life spectacular for YOU! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL! 

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