Tuesday, January 8, 2019

If You Wake Tomorrow and EVERYTHING's Changed!

Joseph Brann
      What would YOU do if you wake tomorrow and EVERYTHING's changed?!?! What would YOU do if you’d NO memory of who you are, who you’ve been, or anything that’s happened in your life? I ask because this is exactly what happened to me! If it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone, even YOU! For a very long time after my accident I was kind of just “going through the motions” and had NO idea who I was or what was even going on. This is why the catch phrase to my speeches is something I’m VERY passionate about which once again is “Better Choices Better Chances!” It appears that all because of the one seemingly unimportant decision I made to get on the expressway when I’d usually stay on the access road that fateful day so long ago, when I woke up the next time I did so, EVERYTHING had changed! 
      I’d NO idea who I was or ANY memory of anything. Bits and pieces of memories of my life have come back to me and some of those memories aren't so accurate, but i literally had NO IDEA who I was or any such thing. This gives me chills still and I’m on the verge of crying now. Don’t take your life for granted. I finally LOVE my life again but the journey to get where I am now has been so long and exhausting I’d never wish it on anyone. Yet I feel positively others face harder things than I do. I honestly don’t even want to comprehend that, it’s beyond terrifying, especially when I don’t know of anything I can do to help them, other than to try and stay positive and show that we can be happy no matter what. Most days when I wake up I can’t remember ANYTHING that’s happened the day before, unless something incredible has occurred, and even that’s no guarantee I’ll remember. 
      This is one of the reasons I want YOU to get, read, and apply my memoir to your life. As always you can get it off Amazon.com either in paperback form or as an ebook with this link bit.ly/tcsom Like I’ve said, I’m so passionate about my message! I’m so passionate about trying to make sure YOU are able to have the incredibly wonderful life YOU desire and that you don’t make your life any harder than necessary. This is why I wrote my memoir, this is why I blog, and this is why I’ve not given up on the life I used to hate and was terrified to live! So PLEASE, if you’re able to, get, read an apply my memoir to your life and make life remarkable! If you’re unable or just don’t want to get my memoir, I’ll still continue to blog, endure, and overcome so I can hopefully help YOU! BETTER CHOICES, BETTER CHANCES!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!


  1. Do you know what I’d do? I’d call Joe Brann (assuming I remember to)! If there is anyone in my life that always had and answer... that would be Bazooka Joe. It may not be the right answer but there would be an answer for sure! Love you brother and thank you for helping us with a peak into your world!

  2. I love you too Jon & thanks for your comments, YOU are AWESOME!!!
