Friday, January 11, 2019

Protect Yourself, Believe in Yourself, Succeed With Yourself!

Joseph Brann
      Especially if factoring in my mental situation, I’ve been blessed with my intelligence. YOU too have been blessed with your intelligence, YOU are intelligent!!! I take NO credit for the intelligence I have, my creator gave me that. Today, I got a message from someone I’d just become “friends” with online. They asked something along the lines of have I heard about what’s going on? I became VERY intrigued, NOT really, ha! I was then informed random people were being selected to win money. The very person I was NOW communicating with had JUST WON $150,000 and when they received their money, guess who’s name they saw on the list??? That’s right, they saw MY name!!! WOW! This is INCREDIBLE!!!!! What are the odds I would get so lucky, right?!?! 
      The odds of me getting randomly selected to win a large amount of money are just a little better than the odds of me believing what this person I’d NEVER interacted with before was telling me. It’s not impossible, NOTHING’s impossible, but I’ve seen enough stuff in the news to know there are A LOT of scams out there and I’m intelligent enough to protect myself. After they told me they’d seen my name on this list when they received their $150,000 I responded and said, “I don't think you did…” Up to this point, their responses to my responses were really quick, but this time, not so much! I then blocked them! But we all need to protect ourselves. Don’t be paranoid, but look at your situations, figure out the best way to deal with and respond to them, and then respond accordingly. Protect yourself because there are A LOT of scams out there and just as many people who aren't reaching their potential to be the extraordinarily wonderful person I know they were created to be, looking to get something for nothing.

        So, protect yourself, but know YOU can believe in yourself to make the right decisions. For me, in this situation pertaining to the “list” I was supposedly on, even if by some EXTREMELY slim chance this random person I’d NEVER met before had been telling the truth, they weren’t, ha, but even if they had been being honest, I’m not willing to take that chance, BETTER CHOICES, BETTER CHANCES! Now, I believe I made the right decision by responding the way I did. I believe in myself enough to do what I feel is best for me and my situation. By not allowing myself to, more than likely, get scammed by some random person I know nothing about who tells me that only one day after connecting with me, they just so happened to see my name on some list to receive a lot of money, I’m increasing my chances of succeeding with myself and how I desire! I’ll protect, believe in, and succeed with Myself! YOU can do the same, will YOU? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!


  1. Thank you Joe for posting this. There are so many scams at there, and you do not know which ones are legit and which or not. I tend to lean with caution. I know that the only free thing in this life is Jesus Christ. He will never leave me nor forsake me. I know he will definitely not fail me. Have a blessed evening.

    1. Thanks for your comment Dwayne & I totally agree with it! I hope you have a wonderful day today & everyday!!!
