Sunday, January 20, 2019

Each New Day's Another Chance...

Joseph Brann
      Each new day's another chance or opportunity to move forward, stay where you are, or go backwards. I work to use each day to move forward with and pertaining to the things I want to accomplish in my life. We can view each new day either as an obstacle or as an opportunity. I spent MANY years viewing my life and everything I face and deal with as obstacles and I hated my life. Everyday was a day I didn’t want to see and was quite literally a torturous hell, but, you should know by now how I overcame that. YOU can overcome obstacles in your life the same way I chose to overcome the nightmare of my life, choose to see your obstacles as opportunities and continue to endure them. Even if the “opportunities” YOU’re facing don’t go away, overcome them each day by not allowing them to overtake and defeat you.
      I want to move forward with my life and career but with how everything’s not coming together, I wonder if what I’m pursuing is what I should be pursuing or not. It might just be that I need to keep working to move forward with my career, i.e. speaking and getting my books to as many people as I can, and I might just need to wait until I finally catch that break I’ve been hoping for for so long. Or I might eventually find this stuff is no longer what I feel I should pursue, I guess time will tell. So right now, though I’ve been trying to move forward A LOT faster, I might just need to wait while still continuing to work on moving forward just at this slower pace. Regardless, I still love life and want to help as many people as I can. Whatever YOU’re pursuing, even if you have to go A LOT slower than you desire, and even though you may end up feeling like you need to pursue something else, KEEP GOING and NEVER give up!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

How to follow my blog…

        if using a computer, once you’re on my blog homepage where my list of blog posts is, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two places to click “follow.” Click the “follow” on the top of your screen. You’ll need to enter your email address. Once you’ve done so, you’ll be following my blog. If you’re using a handheld device, it’s different. Once at my blog homepage, click on one of my blog post titles and go to it. 

        Then, after scrolling to the bottom of that post, it says “Home” and below that it says “View web version” and you need to CLICK VIEW WEB VERSION. After going to the web version, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two “boxes.” The first and top “box” says “Followers” and has the list of the followers of my blog. At the bottom of those followers still in that same “box” there’s the word “Follow.” If you click that “Follow” you can follow my blog but you’ll need to enter an email address.

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