Monday, January 7, 2019

Endure, Endure, Endure, Endure, EXCEL!!!!!

Joseph Brann
      In life, we may have to endure, endure, endure, endure, before we’re able to EXCEL!!!!! For over 20 years I’ve been enduring stuff I NEVER would’ve thought I’d EVER have to. Now, I’m ready to EXCEL!!!!! I’ve actually felt I was ready to excel in my career and financial situation a long, long time ago. But, every time things start to look like they’re going to come together, something happens and they don’t, but I still continue to endure! I’ve not been able to find the success I’ve been looking for…YET! However, I’ve had other successes along the way which I’m very pleased with. Last week I spoke with another motivational speaker and author who gave me some great advice. Today, unless something completely unforeseen occurs, I’ll be calling a speakers bureau and will see what I can find out about them and potentially we may be able to work with one another, then we can EXCEL together!!!
      Unfortunately, life DOES NOT work on my schedule, my guess is it probably doesn’t work on YOUR schedule either. If we’re working towards something and we endure, endure, endure, endure, and then exit, i.e. quit, we won’t, in the ways we desire, accomplish what it feels like to EXCEL!!!!! I personally, want to excel. I personally, am determined to excel. I personally, will NOT give up until I EXCEL!!!!! And yes, I know I repeated personally three times, it wasn’t because my damaged brain forgot, ha! Find out A WHOLE lot more about what I’ve endured, still endure, and am still determined to excel at and with by getting and reading my memoir off Amazon with this link, But NO MATTER what YOU are enduring, KEEP GOING!!! Endure, endure, endure, endure and one day, in all the ways YOU want to, YOU can EXCEL!!!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!