Sunday, January 6, 2019

Sometimes Even The JOEtivator Needs Motivation!

Joseph Brann
      YOU may wonder, “What does ‘THE JOEtivator’ do when he’s in need of motivation?” Well, when I start to get frustrated, depressed, angry, or anything else like that, I seriously become my own motivational speaker. I talk to myself in my mind and figure out what I need to tell myself to be inspired, I’ll tell myself what I need to, and then I put that motivation to use and the negative emotions disappear. I’ll also go on YouTube and watch a motivational speech when I feel I need it. One of my favorite speakers to watch is Nick Vujicic. He’s a speaker born with no legs and arms but still he’s done some REALLY awesome things. Some of his speeches deal with spiritual stuff but I don’t think I’ve ever watched but maybe one of those. BUT WAIT, if I’m THE JOEtivator, why would I ever turn to any speaker other than myself? Well, I already know my story, what I’ve been through, what I’m going through, and the things I’ve been able to do that “should be” impossible, IF the impossible existed, it doesn’t just so YOU know!
      Yes, it’s true, I may turn to another speaker if I feel the need or desire to. However, I still ALWAYS turn to JOEtivation, and so should YOU by following and reading my blog as well as my memoir! In case you don’t know, the link to it on is Now, when I hear another speaker motivating me, then I figure out the best way to use their words and story to keep dealing with what I have to. Once I’ve done this, their motivation has just become JOEtivation! I honestly don’t remember how long it’s been since I’ve watched any other motivational speaker, in large part because of how YOU help me everyday, but it’s been a rather long time since I’ve needed to go outside of myself to find my motivation. 
          When I write my blog, I get inspiration. I REALLY do think of YOU when I’m not feeling as wonderfully as I should, and that makes it pretty easy for me to stay motivated, sorry, speech impediment, ha, I meant JOEtivated, ha! When YOU feel the need or desire, and even when you don’t, my JOEtivation will be here and in my memoir for you to read and apply to your life, it doesn’t do much good to read my posts and/or my memoir and not apply my words to your life. When YOU apply my words to your life, YOU’VE JUST BEEN JOEtivated!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!


  1. Keep bringing it brother! 2019 is going to awesome and fast paced! To quote my favorite movie which the character is quoting some other famous/smart person, “Life moves at you pretty fast... if you don’t stop and look around once in a while you could miss it!” *For Bonus points, who said it in what movie?* Well I don’t want to miss it so I plan to stay plugged into what’s going on around me.

    1. Matthew Broderick in "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" Thanks for your comment man, & the bonus points, ha!
