Saturday, January 19, 2019

The JOEtivator Has Returned!!!!!

Joseph Brann
      Today I have VERY little time but just wanted YOU to know I’m back, "The JOEtivator" has returned!!!!! Yesterday I was frustrated, sick, and unhappy but today I’m happy once again!!!!! I’m still a little sick but I’m not going to let that keep me down. The things I was waiting on and which I was frustrated about which I made mention of my being unhappy with in my last blog post, I’m still waiting on and even though that’s not ideal, I refuse to let my circumstances decide my happiness! Yesterday was a fail for happiness, which I’m not too pleased with, but today I’m making the right decision and am happy again. NOTHING really changed concerning the things I was frustrated with yesterday EXCEPT I changed my mind and decided being happy is what I want to be, so I am! I hope this shows YOU happiness REALLY is a choice and, even though we don’t have to ALWAYS be happy, we can and should ALWAYS come back to happy!!! Much love, YOU’re AWESOME!!!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

How to follow my blog…

      if using a computer, once you’re on my blog page where my list of blog posts is, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two places to click “follow.” Click the “follow” on the top of your screen. You’ need to enter your email address. Once you’ve done so, you’ll be following my blog . If you’re using a handheld device, it’s different. 
         Once at my blog, click on one of my blog post titles and go to it. Then, after scrolling to the bottom of that post, it says “Home” and below that it says “View web version” and you need to CLICK VIEW WEB VERSION. After going to the web version, in the top right corner of your screen there’re two “boxes.” The first and top “box” says “Followers” and has the list of the followers of my blog. At the bottom of those followers still in that same “box,” there’s the word “Follow.” If you click that “Follow” you can follow my blog but you’ll need to enter an email address.


  1. Great news broseph!! We all know that I was the superior baller back in the day but you were always good for some rebounds! Catch it off the glass and get the ball moving down court! YES Happiness is a choice!! So chose happiness over anger every chance you get! Thanks for the words of encouragement bud! Always looking forward to more Joetivation!

    1. Thanks J.J., even if your memory of being the "superior baller" is NOWHERE NEAR accurate, haha, I appreciate your comments & I appreciate YOU sir!!!
