Saturday, January 5, 2019

What Tomorrow Might Bring!

Joseph Brann
      You NEVER know what tomorrow might bring! Yeah sure it could be a bad day, but YOU can choose to see it positively and have a fantastic day no matter what! There’ve been A LOT of days in my life that’ve been days I’d rather not have, but I still love them because they’ve helped me to decide to find the good through the bad and to truly be happy! I blog because I want to spread positivity and want to help everyone and especially YOU to be happy and LOVE your life! We truly never know what tomorrow might bring. Even the most perfect plans for tomorrow can be changed. They could be changed positively or negatively. Even if the change, heaven forbid, is negative, I’ll choose to find the positive in it anyway. YOU already know I’m not ALWAYS happy, but did you know I believe I have breaking points too?

      I have points I feel that if I reached I wouldn’t be able to go beyond. But, I stay hopeful I’ll never reach those points. I have before reached what I thought would be my breaking points, but apparently I was wrong because I’m still here and still pushing forward. I have no intentions of ever giving up. I have every intention of continuing on even when tomorrow doesn’t go as planned and/or brings bad things with it. However, I’m looking forward to every tomorrow because I’m determined to make the most of it. What about YOU? Will YOU see tomorrow in a positive light even if it’s darker than the darkest of dark? Will YOU make today, tomorrow, and every tomorrow to come the best it can be? No matter what today might give you, NEVER give up because YOU NEVER know what tomorrow might bring!!! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!


  1. Live, laugh, learn, and anything else that you can each day!! Smiles are contagious and help us enjoy the moment we are in! Love you brother man!

    1. I completely agree sir, thanks and love you too bro!
