Saturday, January 12, 2019

Writer's Life!

Joseph Brann
      Today I’ll be talking about writer’s block…in life! If you’re not a writer, you may be thinking, “Joseph, WHY are you wasting my time talking to ME about writer’s block??? This information is going to be useless! Man, how fast was that truck going when it hit you in the head because you CLEARLY have brain damage?!?!” If YOU’re thinking this, STOP BEING SO RUDE! Man, I have brain damage for goodness sake!!! Hahaha, just joking! YOU, more than likely, weren’t thinking this and, even if you were, it’s okay, I’m a big boy and can handle it, ha! But seriously, today I’m talking about writer’s block IN LIFE! As an author, a few times I’ve had actual writer’s block where I couldn’t get my thinking straight and wasn’t sure what to write or how I was going to keep a story flowing so I wasn’t even able to keep writing. When this’s happened, I’ve had to “take a step back.”
      I’ve had to stop writing and let it go for a while as I cleared my mind until I was able to think as needed later on. Sometimes in life, we may start to wonder, “NOTHING’s making sense, why can’t I get ahead, and why won’t life go as I desire and deserve it to?!?!?! What the flip am I doing and what is going on?” If YOU experience this, DON’T worry, YOU’re officially human, ha! But, take a step back if you can and try not to think about what’s going on and all the things outside of your control until you’re better able to think clearly. Take a deep breath and realize everything will be okay because, everything will be okay! When I’ve still tried to get things done that weren’t 100% necessary while having “writer’s block in life” I’ve most always done something I’d later wish I’d done differently, or not at all. Once again, just keep telling yourself everything will be okay because, everything will be okay! Don’t push yourself further than you’re currently able to go, but KEEP GOING, YOU CAN DO IT!!! 

      If ever having “writer’s block in life,” stay positive, KEEP GOING, and know YOU’ll get where you’re trying to go when you’re supposed to! Now, YOU probably feel bad for insulting me with the thoughts I put in your head at the beginning of this blog, but please, don’t feel bad, YOU didn’t do anything wrong, ha! But seriously, YOU didn’t! I love YOU, though! Thanks for always helping me “come back to happy,” stay positive, and allowing me to be a part of your life! I hope my blogs help YOU! I hope they provide you with the knowledge necessary to know you can keep going and accomplish ANYTHING and EVERYTHING YOU desire! If today’s blog helps you to know this, CONGRATULATIONS, YOU’ve just been JOEtivated!!! Ha! Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!

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