Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The Value of What Might Have Been!

Joseph Brann
      Have YOU ever wondered what MIGHT have been if things had gone differently in your life? Wondering this, if you think about it, doesn’t have much value, if any! Unless you’re using what might have been to write some sort of novel or fictional movie in hopes of making money or, more importantly, to somehow help someone else or even yourself, what might have been isn’t worth much. Before my accident it was my goal to go to the NFL and after my wreck it took roughly two years before I realized I have the disabilities I have and wasn’t going to be playing football. When I first recognized this, I was sad and a little angry yet, being in as much pain as I was and still am, I was honestly a little relieved. But, I still wondered about what might have been.
      When Jamaar Taylor, my receiver from high school who I’ve been told we were hoping to play college ball together, was drafted to the New York Giants, I was happy for him but it was a little bittersweet. I was glad he was going to be able to play in the NFL but I felt a little “robbed” by life and honestly by God at that time. I felt this because I was supposed to be getting drafted to the NFL with Jamaar, I was supposed to be getting paid to play professional football, and I was supposed to be helping others by showing them they could achieve their goals and accomplish whatever they wanted like I had done. Well, “like I had done” if what might have been was reality. However, what might have been isn’t reality. What might have been added to my depression. What might have been was one of the reasons I was trying to load a gun to end the hell I was in when, luckily, my dad entered the room and kept me from killing myself.
      Since wondering about what might have been was a major contributing factor to what pushed me so far I nearly committed suicide, I know FOR SURE wasting your time thinking about what might have been is most always a waste of time and can be extremely detrimental. So, instead of wondering about what might have been, I choose to focus on what IS and what I’m going to do with it! I choose to focus on moving forward in my life and getting where I want to go, but getting there isn’t going to happen if I’m wasting my life wondering about what might have been! So, what about YOU? Will you waste the amazing opportunity in your life to get ahead by wondering about what might have been, or will YOU focus on what IS and what YOU’re going to make of your life by not feeling sorry for yourself and wasting time wondering what might have been? Until reading my next blog and even after, remember keep FAILING TO FAIL!